God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2147: Inferior demon pill?

Seeing that a human appeared at the entrance of the cave, a group of monsters were startled at first, and then they were overjoyed!

"Haha! Actually, a living person came here!"

"This man is full of vitality and blood, so he is strong and strong!"

"It must be very chewy!"

"Hey hey! Little ones! Grab it quickly!"

"Come on! Knock him apart!"

"Let's keep the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys for ourselves, and all the good muscles and muscles will be sent to the three great kings!"

A group of ferocious monsters laughed wildly, and they all rushed towards Jiang Fan!

Tang Seng's face changed drastically, and he suddenly yelled at Jiang Fan:

"Go! Go!"

Although Jiang Fan had saved himself as a baby, he was only a mortal after all, and the monsters here were all monsters!

It is enough to be able to see the benefactor before he died, but how can he also be eaten by the monster!

However, Jiang Fan's smile remained unchanged:

"No problem, close your eyes."

Tang Seng was startled, but subconsciously closed his eyes.

On the one hand, he listened to Jiang Fan's words, and on the other hand, he couldn't bear to see Jiang Fan's tragic situation.

And the moment he closed his eyes, the screams suddenly sounded like thunder!

Tang Seng's heart trembled!

It's over...

Sorry, it was I who made you tired.

I wanted to drink another bowl of porridge before I died, but I didn’t expect it to kill you!

Blame me, really shouldn't...Huh? Why doesn't this sound sound right?

Tang Seng couldn't help but open his eyes. The next moment, he was shocked!

The scene in front of him is exactly the same as the scene that the group of monsters killed Li Shimin and gave him a guard!

But the identity has been reversed!

It used to be monsters torturing and killing humans, but now, it is Jiang Fan who is torturing and killing these monsters!

The moment he opened his eyes, he happened to see Jiang Fan grabbing the arms of a bobcat spirit!

Just watch Jiang Fan tear his hands!


The bobcat spirit was torn in half by him, and his internal organs were scattered all over the place!

Immediately after Jiang Fan backhanded with a hand knife, a squirrel spirit was cut in two directly!

A wild boar spirit carried a long knife and roared towards Jiang Fan. However, Jiang Fan blasted out with a fist and heard a scream. The wild boar spirit's long sword was completely broken, and the broken blade instantly scraped its body and directly It turned into a skeleton!

In just an instant, more than a dozen monsters had already died tragically on the spot!

That scream is about to pierce people's eardrums!

The remaining monsters no longer dared to approach Jiang Fan, all screaming and rushing into the cave!

"How can this fellow be so fierce!"

"How can there be such a strong mortal!"

"Help!! Help!!"

"Great King!!! Great King!!!"

Seeing a group of little monsters retreat into the cave, Jiang Fan didn't chase after him, but stared at the system prompt blankly!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the pheasant! Successfully obtained 1200 causality points! Successfully obtained a low-quality demon pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the lynx! Successfully obtained 1500 Karma Points! Successfully obtained a low-quality Demon Pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the wild boar spirit! Successfully obtained 1800 Karma Points! Successfully obtained a low-quality Demon Pill!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for beheading..."

These monsters are so valuable!

The point is, there is still a demon pill?

What is this thing for?

But now is not the time to study this thing, Jiang Fan strode towards Tang Seng and pulled off the rope that bound him:

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Tang Seng looked at Jiang Fan blankly:

"Yun Gong, is it really you?"

"It's me, but how do you remember me? You were just a baby when I saved you."

"After drinking that rice porridge, I remember, my dear, after so many years, you are still the same as before."

Tang Seng looked excited.

Jiang Fan nodded:

"It's you, you are so big..."

As he was talking, he always felt something was wrong. How could this conversation resemble the chatter between the two of you?

Forget it, it doesn't matter!

"By the way, speaking of rice porridge, I brought you another one..."

As Jiang Fan said, he was about to take out the rice porridge.

However, Tang Seng grabbed his hand:

"My dear, let's go out and relive the old times. Run now! These are just little monsters, and there are three big monsters in there! It's very fierce! The guard given to me by the Tang king didn't even have a chance to shoot, so I was caught by that big monster. give……"

Before he finished speaking, the whole cave trembled suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, a rough and cruel voice suddenly sounded!

"Hey! Where are the people who dare to come to my General Cave to make trouble!"

Accompanied by the sound, a strong man with a height of nearly three meters, wide-faced fangs, and an unusually fierce man, has strode out of a cave in the back hall!

This brawny man wore a suit of iron armor, his beard was like steel needles, and there was a huge tiger pattern on his forehead.

And behind the strong man, there were actually two men following.

One of them was actually taller than a strong man, with two thick horns on his head.

The other is a fat black man, his hands are big and wide, just like ordinary people's pot lids!

A group of little monsters followed behind the three strong men and kept making noises.

"The King! It's him!"

"This guy is fierce, and has killed more than a dozen of our brothers!"

"The young ones are really not opponents, this has alarmed the king!"

"My lord, you must have torn these two-legged sheep to avenge the younger ones!"

The leading burly man looked at Jiang Fan, his eyes lit up, and even the tiger pattern on his forehead seemed to come alive!

"Haha! What a strong mortal! It will be a big tonic if you eat it!"

The strong man with double horns beside him spoke:

"General Yin is right, we just ate all of the food to accompany the wine. With this, we can drink two more jars!"

Another fat black man stretched out his barbed tongue, licked his nose vigorously, and smirked twice:

"It's not bad, the chief officer makes sense!"

The three of them all looked at Jiang Fan greedily.

Tang Seng shivered with fright, but Jiang Fan's expression moved:

"The three of you, but General Yin, Special Agent, Mr. Xiong Shan?"

"Huh? You guy actually knows I'm waiting for a big name?"

The three strong men looked surprised.

Jiang Fan completely relaxed.

Tang Seng traveled west to learn the scriptures. After passing Gongzhou City, he was eager to hurry. He set off on the road early in the morning.

And it was a tiger spirit who caught him, General Yin!

At this time, the special sergeant of the wild bull and the black bear spirit Xiong Shanjun arrived, and General Yin hosted a banquet, and the few people first ate the two guards that Li Shimin had allocated to Tang Seng.

Later, Taibaijinxing descended to earth and secretly let Tang Seng away.

Of course, this is not the point, but the point is that none of these three goods are very capable!

The Westward Journey World is too high in dimensions, even the current Jiang Fan dare not make random times. After all, many monsters have the ability to hide their strengths, and sometimes even monkeys will overlook their changes.

But now that the details of these guys have been figured out, and they are sure they can't overcome any storms, then they can reap the fruits!

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