God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2151: The easiest and most suitable!


Guanyin only felt absurd for a while.

When have you heard that the Buddhist family will do business with people?

Of course, having not heard of it does not mean that you have never done it. Which temple in the world is not doing business?

But no one said this to the face!

Even Taibaijinxing was stunned.

Jiang Fan's smile remained unchanged:

"Yes, business!"

Guanyin glanced at Taibaijinxing, then suddenly said:

"Mr. Jiang is afraid that I don't know the precepts of my Buddhism, but I am dedicated to pursuing cultivation in Buddhism, and I never run merchants..."

Taibai Jinxing rolled his eyes.

Jiang Fan interrupted Guanyin with a smile:

"Tuas, what about Qingxiu?"

"Naturally, it is to be more in line with heaven and truly detached."

"Then what if I say, I have something that can be done in one step?"

Guanyin was startled:

"complete in one step?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, flipped his wrist, and revealed three more porridge!

Originally, this stuff was prepared for Tang Seng. The last time Jiang Fan saw that he could eat so much, he brought a few more portions, but now, it has more other uses.

Upon seeing this porridge, Guanyin's pupils suddenly shrank, and even his breathing became heavy!

And Taibaijinxing stopped crying, his eyes fixed on the three porridge!

Jiang Fan casually threw a box of Guanyin:

"When we first meet, this box will be given to Tuas. You should make a friend."

Guanyin caught the porridge and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously.

How proud!

Actually take this kind of food that contains the rules of heaven as a gift!

Neither Tathagata nor Laojun have such a hand!


To be precise, this kind of baby, even they will be jealous!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Tuas, my friend, can you still make it?"

Guanyin took a deep breath:

"Mr. Jiang, the poor monk made a friend!"


Jiang Fan laughed and put away the remaining two boxes of porridge:

"There are two more boxes here, but let's put them down for now, let's talk about going west first."

The two of them were startled again. They were talking about business just now, so why did they jump to the topic of going west again?

However, the so-called short-mouthed cannibalism, both of them got Jiang Fan's advantage. They looked at each other and all looked at Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan smiled:

"I have a few questions, I'm not sure yet, I hope you two can help me out."

The two nodded:

"Mr. Jiang, please speak."

Jiang Fan speaks:

"What is the behavior of the West, we all know in our hearts that regardless of the strength of the Tripitaka, as long as the scriptures are retrieved, it is a great merit, right?"

Taibaijinxing explained:

"Mr. Jiang, what you said is right. The merits gained in the end are constant, but the merits along the way are not!"

"If there is a calamity, then there will be an extra calamity!"

"It's okay to talk about the front one, but the back one, as I said before, is the two negotiated!"


Guanyin suddenly coughed twice:

"Taobaijinxing, what are you talking about?"

However, Taibaijinxing waved his hand directly:

"Okay, what time is it, what else can I hide?"

He looked at Jiang Fan, and then explained:

"Mr. Jiang, let me tell you clearly, these monsters blocking the way, apart from a few monsters who really want to eat Tang Seng, there are also some great powers who want to share a piece of the pie. The rest are our Buddhas. People from the Taoist Family!"

"For example, the Green Bull Spirit, or the Dapeng King, who is behind them, do you understand?"

"In short, these monsters are responsible for causing disasters, and some people are responsible for solving disasters."

"Every time the two parties come back, they are all credited with merit!"

"Of course, these things were discussed behind the powerful people. Except for the high-levels of both parties, Tang Sanzang didn't know, and the apprentices who accompany him in the future won't know, even the monsters in the situation now. Not sure."

"But now Tang Sanzang's strength is skyrocketing. I am afraid that this trend will become stronger and stronger. Those monsters blocking the way are not fools. Who dares to rob him in the future?"

"If you don't rob him, there will be no calamity, and if you don't rob him, there will be no merit!"

"Mr. Jiang, are you clear now? You really offended..."

Taibai Jinxing pointed his finger to it:

"It's them!"

During this conversation, Taibai Jinxing had already set up the formation, and Guanyin also strengthened it along the way. Except for the Buddha and Daozu, I am afraid that no one will hear it.

Even Tang Seng didn't know what several people said.

Guanyin also spoke:

"Mr. Jiang, you have made friends with the poor monk, but this trip to the west actually involves two interest groups, the poor monk alone is really not the master, don't blame it."

The two sighed together.

Jiang Fan nodded:

"So the problem now is that Tang Sanzang's strength is too strong, which will prevent the monsters behind from daring to attack, which will affect the acquisition of the merits of the calamity, right?"

"indeed so."

Both of them nodded.

"Then can his cultivation be banned?"


Guanyin shook his head:

"Tang Sanzang complied with God's will. No one from the Buddhist and Daoist families can deal with him. His cultivation level can't be banned!"

Jiang Fan asked again:

"Then can you not let his powerful things go out?"

Taibai Jinxing smiled bitterly:

"It's easy to say, but as long as Lu is in disaster, Tang Sanzang will make a single shot, and there will be a rumbling, and the world will know that in the end it will be spread. When the time comes..."

"What does that matter? It's not difficult to erase the memory."

Guanyin shook his head:

"Mr. Jiang, if an ordinary person sees it, the memory can be erased with only a small amount of magic, but those monsters who block the way are born for catastrophe, this memory can't be erased at all. Besides, they all have a big background. Once the task is completed, they will all Is it going to return to Lingshan or Heavenly Court, who can stop them from spreading the news?"

The two were frowning, but Jiang Fan seemed to finally breathe a sigh of relief:

"This is easier."

Sure enough, as I thought, if this matter is really solved so easily, it won't make the two of them so embarrassed!

And this is exactly what I want to see most!


The two's expressions moved:

"Mr. Jiang has a way?"

Jiang Fan nodded, smiling lightly:

"Just kill all! If you encounter one, kill one, encounter two, kill two, as long as you kill cleanly, the people behind naturally don't know what happened!"

They can’t delete their memories or stop them from spreading the news. The best way, of course, is to kill!

The two gasped for a breath!

All looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

Killing is indeed the easiest and most suitable method!

Kill them, naturally you don't have to worry about the news leaking, the monsters behind are ignorant and will only continue to do it, and as long as you do it, the merit will naturally be preserved!

But, but...

Taibai Jinxing swallowed and spit:

"Mr. Jiang, Tuashi said just now, those guys all have background..."

"so what!"

Jiang Fan still had a smile on his face, but the cold and murderous eyes in his eyes made the hairs on their skin stand up!

"They are only strong in the background, not in themselves. To put it bluntly, they are just pawns! As long as the benefits are sufficient, let the people behind them give up a few pawns, what counts!"

Guanyin took a deep breath:

"Mr. Jiang's interest?"

Jiang Fan flipped his wrist, and the remaining two boxes of porridge appeared again:

"Naturally this is it!"

He shook it casually, and the two boxes of porridge had fallen into the hands of Guanyin and Taibai Jinxing.

"Mr. Jiang, is this?"

The two were startled.

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"This is what I said before, business!"

Jiang Fan looked at the two of them like hungry wolves:

"I want the power behind you to sell all the life of those chess pieces that are doomed to death, in my hands!"

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