God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2158: To the yin to the soft!


As the fingers exploded, a blood-colored barrier engraved with weird runes suddenly stood in between Jiang Fan and Qingyang Ancestor!

At the same time, Old Ancestor Qingyang even hooked his finger, a strange blade that was no more than half an inch wide, but half black and half white, had suddenly popped out of his fingers!

It's a pity that this sword's edge just popped one centimeter, the ancestor Qingyang trembled all over!

Jiang Fan's fist had actually pierced the blood barrier, and lightly touched his chest like a lover's soothing.

To outsiders, this punch is really weak and gentle to the extreme, let alone the ancestor of Qingyang, I am afraid that even an ant may not be able to smash it to death!

However, only the ancestor Qingyang knew how terrifying this punch was!

Different from Jiang Fan's blow to smash the small four elephant array, this punch, from the feminine to the soft, was also blasted by the subtle technique, and its power, even if compared to the seven times the charged detonation, was no more than letting go!

The ancestor Qingyang opened his mouth, took three steps abruptly, and immediately afterwards, all the flesh and blood all over his body turned into blood and blood!

In the same place, there was only a pair of miserable bones left!

Everyone looked at this scene in horror!


The ancestor Qingyang, who almost divided the entire mountain and sea into sects, was so easily killed by Jiang Fan!

"Then, that old monster is dead?"

"Haha, great!"

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang! You are the great benefactor of our Shanhai Branch!"

"Mr. Jiang's great kindness, the division of mountains and seas will never forget!"

"We are going to set up a longevity tablet for Mr. Jiang and enshrine it every day!"

A group of mountains and seas are overjoyed.

Only Zhenjun Dinghai and Sect Master Shanhai looked bitter.

But at this moment, in the **** water, a blood-colored bead suddenly rose into the sky!

Surprisingly, the ancestor Qingyang gave up this body and was about to flee with the blood soul bead!

"This old monster is not dead yet!"

"How can this be!"

Everyone exclaimed!

In the blood soul orb, the voice of Qingyang ancestor was extremely resentful:

"Jiang Fan! The old man swears, see you next time, I will wait for you--"

"Do you think you still have a chance?"

Jiang Fan sneered, and twelve dazzling silver shuttles appeared in an instant!

Weaver Girl Flying Shuttle!

The twelve shuttles danced quickly, and the blood soul orb was completely covered in an instant!

"not good!"

The ancestor Qingyang exclaimed, that blood soul bead turned into two, two into four, four into eight in an instant, and the sky changed in the blink of an eye!

This hand is exactly the incarnation technique he used to escape from Jiang Fan at the beginning!

It's a pity that before the ancestor Qingyang escaped, the twelve shuttles shook together!


The whole world trembled suddenly, and then countless incarnations all exploded into pieces, leaving only the body in the distance!

The twelve shuttles were as fast as a stream of light, and instantly locked this true blood soul orb!

The ancestor Qingyang panicked!

"Jiang Fan! Don't be impulsive! Everything is negotiable!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's lips evoked a sneer:

"It's only half a catty to discuss, now you, how qualified!"

As soon as the voice fell, the twelve shuttles once again shook together with their meticulous strength!


The ancestor Qingyang let out a miserable cry, and the soul has been completely wiped out!

This time, his soul and soul were destroyed, and he would never be able to resurrect again!


Jiang Fan raised his hand, and the Blood Soul Orb had fallen into his hand abruptly!

After quietly looking at this bead for a while, Jiang Fan finally threw it into his backpack!

This baby will talk about it later, now, there are other things to do!

Seeing Jiang Fan glanced at him, Zhenjun Dinghai and Sect Master Shanhai suddenly laughed bitterly together.

The two slowly fell to the ground.

Sect Master Shanhai raised his head and looked into the sky. Jiang Fan, who was like a demon god, finally took a deep breath and slowly knelt down on one knee:

"Mr. Jiang, great kindness, Shanhai Fenzong is unforgettable! Starting today, Shanhai Fenzong is willing to follow his husband to the death. As a result of the order of the husband, it will be the sword and the sea, and he will die!"

As soon as his voice fell, everyone's complexion changed.

The disciples of Shanhai Branch, who knew that Jiang Fan had a holiday, sighed silently, and all knelt down.

The Shanhai Branch originally wanted to kill Jiang Fan, but it was a pity that good luck tricked people. Jiang Fan, who was going to retaliate against them, became their savior.

Those who didn't know, but admired Yu Jiang Fan's strength, thanked him for saving Shanhai Fenzong, and fell to the ground one after another.

Curtis leaned to Jiang Fan's side:

"Master, they are also smart."

Sect Master Shanhai knew better than anyone that Jiang Fan had come here to take revenge on Shanhai Branch Sect.

And let alone the division of the mountain and the sea at this moment, it was in the previous peak state, and when meeting Jiang Fan, there would never be a good end.

The best ending is nothing more than living a life and serving as a slave.

It's the same on the left and right, why don't you know each other and take the initiative to take refuge?

Jiang Fan looked at Sect Master Shanhai coldly.

Until he was sweating all over, Jiang Fan smiled and said:

"The Sect Master is serious, get up. Curtis, you go look around and help save people."


Curtis and others scattered around, constantly turning over the ruined walls, or resorting to various means to help save people, and soon reaped a lot of gratitude.

And Jiang Fan came to the front of the two masters of Shanhai.

Seeing Jiang Fan coming over, some of their confidantes suddenly became nervous.

But Sect Master Shanhai waved his hand:

"Hurry up and save people. Mr. Jiang and I have something to say."

Several people looked at each other and left quickly.

Jiang Fan looked at the two of them, and suddenly walked up to Zhenjun Dinghai, and pressed him on top of his head with one hand!

Sect Master Shanhai's expression changed, but he didn't do anything.

Zhenjun Ding Hai did not resist at all, but closed his eyes and spoke softly:

"Mr. Jiang, please be merciful and divide the mountains and seas and leave a trace of the seedlings."

Jiang Fan sneered:

"I'm just testing your injury, not trying to kill you. You should know in your heart that you don't need to dress pitifully!"

Zhenjun Ding Hai trembled slightly, and finally slowly opened his eyes.

Jiang Fan moved his hand away:

"It's nothing serious, it's just that the cultivation base is damaged and disabled, but if there is no opportunity, it is impossible to return to the 24th level in this life."

He looked at Sovereign Shanhai again:

"If I didn't agree just now, what would you do?"

Sect Master Shanhai hesitated and bowed:

"Mr. Jiang’s grievances with us, most of the disciples are not aware of. There are many of these people with good qualifications. They can be used as supporters in the future. If Mr. Jiang does not agree, I will let them swear their heart and blood to pledge allegiance to you, and then With those disciples who knew the situation, they chose to commit suicide on the excuse of the disadvantage of guarding the mountain gate. When the threat is eliminated, Mr. Jiang should let them go."

Jiang Fan showed a hint of surprise:

"Dock tail to survive, in order to keep the mountains and seas divided, you can afford to pay the price."

Sect Master Shanhai gave a wry smile:

"That depends on whether Mr. Jiang gives a chance, in fact, we have no choice."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Know the current affairs, find an opportunity to kill all those disciples who know our contradictions, don't keep this kind of unstable factor, so that they won't encourage others in the future."

The corner of Shanhai's eyes trembled:

"Yes...then, the rest..."

"As for the rest, tell them, you and I are friends, this time I am here specifically to save you."

Sect Master Shanhai finally breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile of joy on his face:

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

"Don't rush to thank you. Although I have let the mountain and the sea divide the sect, you should know that this matter can never be ended so easily, Sect Master, next, let me see your sincerity!"

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