God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2200: Crazy proton bullet!

The burst speed of the proton bomb is as fast as a glimpse of light!

At the moment Jiang Fan started, a light blue light that was dazzling to the limit had completely enveloped the ten kilometers range!

Almost as soon as the light burst, Jiang Fan's indestructible body turned into flying ashes!

The sea water within this range was directly decomposed and gasified, and then decomposed into atoms, which continued to explode even more terrifying light and heat!

However, in such a terrifying light of destruction, a roar full of violent and fierce suddenly sounded!




Shura unexpectedly burst into a distorted wave of air, and he stubbornly withstood the power of the proton bomb!

With one's own strength, against this mighty power like a natural disaster, Shura's strength is beyond imagination!

However, as the proton bomb exploded to its extreme, reverse compression actually began!

The destructive light with a diameter of ten kilometers, continuously rotating and collapsing inward, the internal gravity almost instantly reached a hundred times, more than a thousand times!

And as the light continues to shrink, the internal gravity continues to rise exponentially!

In the center of Shura, the waves of air all over his body have almost been compressed into a thin film!

His clothes turned into fly ash, and even the mask on his face was twisted and cracked!

Even the bones all over his body groaned harshly!

But Shura was so fierce, he clenched his fists on his waist, bent his knees slightly, and suddenly made an action of accumulating energy!



Shura suddenly broke out, roaring like clouds and cracks!

And just in this roar, he actually stood up to the sky under the infinite weight!

At this moment, Shura is like a big roc flying high, its power is amazing, as if it is going to penetrate the entire sky!

However, the more he soars up into the sky, the stronger the pressure on it, and at the center of the explosion, the infinite gravity is even more amazing!

Shura's speed was getting slower and slower, and when he was in contact with the critical point between the light of the explosion and the outside world, his body finally gave a violent and helpless meal!

And this meal not only made him lose the strength to continue upward, but also cut off his last trace of vitality!

next moment!


Shura's clothes were completely shattered, and the mask on his face exploded into dense smoke!

At the same time, as the internal and external pressure resisted, the skin on his entire body was cracked, the blood sprayed and decomposed into a large red mist, which was forcibly compressed into crystal-like fine sand!

"Jiang Fan!!! Bastard!!!"

Shura suddenly let out a deafening roar, and then finally helplessly, was completely annihilated by the collapsing light!


With the disappearance of the light, countless seas poured into this vacuum zone in an instant. In the surging waves, no one would know the thrilling things that happened here.


Until the waves subsided, a azure blue bead with jet black light shining inside, suddenly pierced out of the sea, and then fell directly onto a little scarlet floating in the sea.


"Puff puff puff!"

That little scarlet suddenly wrapped the beads, and then began to split and multiply!

Just a breath, the embryonic form of a man has suddenly appeared!

As the man took shape, he suddenly opened his mouth and took a deep breath of refreshing sea breeze!


The man exhaled his foul breath, slowly opened his eyes, and then suddenly smiled softly:

"It's powerful enough! It's decided! At home world, it's up to you!"

Jiang Fan!

This man is Jiang Fan who was resurrected through Bengyu!

Jade collapse ability 2-super fast regeneration!

Overspeed regeneration: As long as there is one cell alive, Bengyu can make the host regenerate overspeed!

Tip: This ability can only be used once per level!

Jiang Fan knew from the beginning that he could never be Shura's opponent.

With his current strength, in a desperate state, he can barely compete with the strong who has just entered the twenty-fourth level at best!

But it's just a trick!

What's more, the opponent is Shura, level 24 beyond the normal range!

From beginning to end, Jiang Fan had only one plan, deadly Shura!

Before, the blue light flashed in his heart, which activated Bengyu's ability 2!

And that mouthful of blood mist spit out a large piece of his own cells!

These cells seem to disperse with the wind, but in fact they flee quickly, and then gather and latent again.

Afterwards, Jiang Fan broke out to fight Shura with all his strength, just to let Shura know that he had tried his best, but he was not yet his opponent!

The purpose of doing this is to create the illusion of a dead end!

The first is for the convenience of Yin Shura, and the second is to take the opportunity to ask the identity of Tianzun!

It's a pity that Shura didn't even know.

Since I don't know, of course I should kill it as soon as possible!

He took out a set of clothes from his backpack and changed it on, Jiang Fan wanted to leave here, but at this moment, he trembled and turned around suddenly!

Not far behind him, the sea boiled for no apparent reason!



Amidst the transpiration of the air waves, an unusually hideous figure has slowly surfaced!

The man was dripping with blood, and the right half of his body was twisted and deformed, especially the right arm, which seemed to have been thrown into the meat grinder alive. Not to mention the bones, only a few strands of meridians barely connected to the shoulders.

The ribs on the right half of his chest were turned out, and the viscera squirming inside could almost be seen!

And his face, it can hardly be called a face, his right eye has turned into coke, and half of his gums are exposed, extremely hideous!

Even with such a terrible injury, this person is still alive!

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and he gritted his teeth and uttered two words:


After abruptly suffered such a terrifying proton bullet, this guy is so alive!

This is Tianding Shiji?

The existence of this series really refreshed Jiang Fan's cognition once again!


Shura coughed twice, spit out a lipstick of blackened blood, and finally stared at Jiang Fan with that still intact left eye.

"Jiang Fan!!!"

Shura's voice was hoarse and gloomy, like a resurrected zombie in the grave panting.

However, the killing intent and hatred in it, even Jiang Fan, heard the hair straight up!


Shura breathed out a suffocating breath, and slowly squeezed his left fist:

"I want you to die!"


Without any warning, Shura had already appeared in front of Jiang Fan, and then blasted his chest with a punch!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and before he could react, there was a sudden pain in his right chest!

next moment!


The half of Jiang Fan's right body has been directly exploded into minced meat!

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