God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 221: Apology depends on qualifications

A beautiful girl with a graceful figure and a pale green skirt looked at Jiang Fan with surprise!

Surprisingly, Xue Ningyu!

By her side, Wu Sicheng with a gloomy expression!


Why did you meet this little girl again?

"I'm coming to class!"

As soon as this remark came out, Xue Ningyu frowned!

But Wu Sicheng was mocking!

"Class? Jiang Fan, stop teasing! What do you think the University of Los Angeles is? Just do you want to come to class?"

"Don't dream! It's not your turn to take the class! I think you are here to deliver the meal, right? Hehehe!"

Xue Ningyu sneered!

"Jiang Fan, you have to say that you are here for class, and you have to say that you are here for class. Do you think that you can change your identity by talking about class or what?"

"I thought the last time you said about me was just an accident. Now, it seems that you are just talking nonsense! Lies!"


Wu Sicheng was joking!

"Jiang Fan, hurry up and deliver the meal! Otherwise, if the time is exceeded, I will give you a bad review, and you will be done for nothing this week! Hahahaha!"

At this time, many students saw the situation here and surrounded them!

Point to Jiang Fan!

Seeing a group of people watching, Wu Sicheng was even more proud!

"Come here and see! A takeaway, who obviously came to deliver the food, actually put gold on his face, saying that he was here for class!"

"Everyone should study hard! Don't act like this pretending to be a criminal! Reduce to the point of delivering food!"

"Luo Da, we can't afford to lose this person!"

Hearing Wu Sicheng's words, a group of students suddenly showed a look of mockery!

They are the pride of Luo Da!

How is it possible to do such a humble job?

"Otherwise, in this society, there are everyone!"

"No! Meal delivery means delivery! You have to come to class!"

"Fortunately, this kind of person is not our Luo University, otherwise, if you say it, you will not be ashamed?"

"Boy! It's not ashamed to deliver meals, but it's ashamed to lie! Especially when the lie is exposed!"

"That's right! Let's be steady in the future!"

Seeing that the surrounding discussion became louder and louder, Wu Sicheng was even more proud!

But Xue Ningyu showed a trace of intolerance!

The contradiction between her and Jiang Fan is actually because Jiang Fan spread the rumors that she sent underwear!

However, ridiculing Jiang Fan in front of so many people, would it be too much?

At this moment!

A low voice suddenly sounded!

"What are you doing all around here?"

"Huh? It's Professor Cai!"

"Hello Professor Cai!"

"Didn't Professor Cai have an open class this afternoon? How come out?"

"I don't know, it is said that the famous calligrapher Ge Chuanzhi is here too!"

As a group of students withdrew, Cai Xiaojing, who looked majestic, finally saw Jiang Fan!

Cai Xiaojing was stunned, and suddenly ran to Jiang Fan's side quickly, holding Jiang Fan's hand!

"Teacher! I was scared to death! I thought you weren't coming anymore! Without you supporting me, I am guilty!"

"By the way, what are you doing? Why don't you go to the classroom?"

Jiang Fan pointed at Wu Sicheng smoothly!

"This idiot has to stop me!"

Cai Xiaojing's face suddenly sank! Staring at Wu Sicheng fiercely!

"Wu Sicheng! Are you coming out for free? Don't you even dare to stop Master Jiang? If it weren't for Master Jiang's face, you can see this kind of character with your kind of stuff?"

"You have a few bad money in your family, and the master dare to be so arrogant! Believe it or not, I won't let you graduate!"


Wu Sicheng was dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan, really came to class? And, it seems, not just for class!

Although the Wu family is powerful, Cai Xiaojing and the literati don't care who he is!

You know, those who make friends with them are all high-ranking officials!

If you dare to offend these people and write posts eloquently, as long as you spread it in the circle, the stock of the martial arts family will have to fall the next day!

And a group of onlookers were also dumbfounded!

"Big, master?"

"What's the matter? Didn't he mean that he delivered the food?"

"Wu Sicheng said it!"

"How can Professor Cai be so enthusiastic, how could it be food delivery?!"

"Not only that, I didn't hear Professor Cai, call him a teacher?"

"Wu Sicheng, this idiot, must have been pretending to be slapped in the face, holding a grudge, and deliberately retaliating against this master!"

Even Xue Ningyu looked incredible!

They had actually misunderstood Jiang Fan's words before!

People, not literally attending classes, but coming over to teach!

Jiang Fan, teaching?

"And you!"

Cai Xiaojing pointed at Xue Ningyu!

"You child, who usually looks very elegant and elegant, how come you are with Wu Sicheng who is inconsistent?"

"Professor, I, I..."

"Don't talk nonsense! Go to the classroom!"

"Yes! I will go now!"

Xue Ningyu couldn't take care of the others anymore and hurriedly ran into the classroom!

"As for you!"

Cai Xiaojing stared at Wu Sicheng with cold eyes!

"Hurry up and apologize to Master Jiang!"

"What? Let me apologize to him?"

Wu Sicheng, simply furious!

"Don't apologize? Okay! Then you go!"

Cai Xiaojing waved at will! Then, he looked at Jiang Fan with a flattering look!

"Teacher! Don't worry, this is not over! I will ask them to report tax evasion from their company when I look back. These big families are not clean, so I must check them out! It just so happens that I have many friends in the media, don't worry! Tomorrow! Wu's stock must have plummeted!

"I, I apologize!"

Wu Sicheng almost didn't freak out!


Jiang Fan suddenly looked at him mockingly!

"Apologize? Who am I Jiang Fan? Apologize to me, are you worthy?"

Everyone was stunned!

Too domineering!

"You, what did you say?"

Wu Sicheng suspected that there was something wrong with his ears!

"One dragon, will you accept an apology from a pig? Don't be silly boy!"

"For me, Jiang Fan, you are not even qualified to apologize to me! Get out of here!"

The most ruthless way to fight the enemy is never to do it, but to despise mercilessly!

Jiang Fan looked contemptuous, turned around, and entered the building!

Cai Xiaojing looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

So handsome!

Too overbearing!

The teacher is the teacher!

This face is slapped, it's so cruel than a headshot!

In the mocking eyes of a group of students, Wu Sicheng's face turned red and purple!

"Jiang Fan! You! I can't spare you! You wait for me!"

Wu Sicheng, looking at Jiang Fan's back, squeezed out these words from his teeth!

At this moment, the huge Xiumu Hall is full of people!

In the front row, there are also a few men who look full of momentum!

One of them, wearing a pair of glasses, looked arrogant, it was Ge Chuanzhi!

Jiang Fan and Cai Xiaojing came here, Jiang Fan found a place to sit at will, and Cai Xiaojing, already, stepped onto the podium!

After saying a few scenes, Cai Xiaojing didn't delay, and went straight to the topic!

"... Cai Jing's calligraphy art has the characteristics of beauty, boldness, vigor and calmness, and can reflect the aesthetic appeal of "Shangyi" calligraphy in the Song Dynasty. Therefore, it has already enjoyed a high reputation at the time.

"... Yuan Tao Jiayi's "Shu Shi Hui Yao" once quoted the critics at the time as saying: its words are strict and unconstrained, and easy and not outside the rules. He Yi, the brilliance shines! The big word crowns dominate today, and there are few matches..."

This class is mainly a theory class. Cai Jing has studied calligraphy the most. In order to prevent his opponent Ge Chuanzhi from looking for trouble, I deliberately choose what I am best at!


Before he finished speaking, Ge Chuanzhi suddenly laughed and stood up directly!

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