God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2211: It's called layout!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the scarecrow and successfully extracting the poisonous gas of fear!"

It actually exploded the scarecrow's fear gas!

Jiang Fan immediately looked at this thing.

The fear gas is contained in a small bottle, glowing a strange dark red.

[Fear Gas]: Become a slave to fear!

Remarks: Using this prop, the opponent will be surrounded by fear and see the most feared picture!

Tip: The duration of this item varies from person to person, but the minimum maintenance time will not be less than three seconds!

nice one!

Jiang Fan rubbed his hands excitedly and looked at Bruce's reward again.

[Batmobile]: Such a cool shape, how awesome!

Attribute: Skin!

Remarks: This prop is a special skin prop, which can be covered on the vehicle to make it look like a Batmobile!

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he directly took out the lucky bicycle!

And along with Jiang Fan's use of props, the bicycle was bright and prosperous!

When the light disappeared, an extremely windy Batmobile appeared suddenly!

The chariot is dark in color and does not reflect light. The overall shape is like a low-flying bat, with smooth lines and high-tech texture.

The key is that after using the skin, the bike actually has another version attribute.

[Fortune-defying Lucky Bike]: Batmobile version!

Speed: 600 km/h!

Weapon configuration: Vulcan cannon, small missiles, smoke bombs, ground nails, high-intensity lights, etc.!

Other configurations: anti-radar scanning coating, gravitational adsorption equipment, intelligent anti-theft system, etc.!

Remarks: Leading fashion and luxury, showing your noble you!

Tip: The various modes of the lucky bicycle can be freely switched at any time!

Jiang Fan looked happy.

So handsome!

If it's a battle, this thing is worthless to Jiang Fan, but who wants it to fight!

Just pull the wind!

Jiang Fan got into the driver's seat and looked left and right, his face full of excitement.

And with the touch of a button on the steering wheel, the Batmobile instantly returned to the appearance of a bicycle!

Jiang Fan giggled for a long time, and was finally satisfied.

Putting away the reward, Jiang Fan finally left the system space.

After walking out of the hotel, Jiang Fan immediately picked up the phone and dialed Lin Bugui.

Among the ten poles of Tianding, the person he trusts most at present is Lin Buhui!

One of the most important reasons for this is because Lin does not regret dragging his family with him!

If he wants to join Tianwen, then the Lin family must be inseparable. If things fail, the entire Lin family will suffer!

Combining with the first battle in the capital, Lin Buhui had to compromise even if he gave up half of the Lin family's wealth. It can be seen that although this person looks unruly, he is most interested in friendship.

In addition, this person was born in the rough, and he was accustomed to the rivers and lakes. On the surface, he was condescending, but in fact he was arrogant and arrogant. It was only after he beheaded the disciple of the Tianding Shiji that he dared to be tough with the Tianding Shiji. , I know that he will definitely not do things to hide his identity!

And the last one is that he is out of tune with Tianding Shiji. If he is Tianzun, I am afraid that he is not a character like Yasha, but a special group of rogues!

Even Tianzun would be too lazy to bring in rat **** like him!

Jiang Fan's phone number was picked up not long after he made the call.

Immediately after, Lin Bugui's rogue-like voice suddenly sounded:

"Hi! Big brother, what's up?"

Jiang Fan is also polite:

"Where are you?"


"It's only afternoon!"

"Damn it! Do you still need time to drink? Drink to make the country stronger, and smoking makes the country stronger! This is a **** pattern!"


Jiang Fan took a deep breath:

"Go to Jinghu Courtyard to meet, I have something important to ask you."

"Young man, figure it out, I'm your uncle! Not your subordinate! No, my grandfather's age is all about turning a corner!"

"Okay, if you're not afraid that I will delay you in picking up your sister, I'll come to you now and call you grandpa."

"Shit! Can you give me half an hour?"

"I'll add you the time to put on pants, five minutes!"

"What are you-"


Jiang Fan hung up the phone.

Lin Bugui was different from the rest of the Tianding Shiji. Talking to him, he really didn't need to be polite. Instead, he was happier just casually.

Five minutes later, Jiang Fan had just teleported all the way and returned to the Jinghu Courtyard. The next moment, a light and shadow flashed, and Lin Bugui suddenly appeared with the smell of alcohol.

As soon as we met, Lin Bugui scolded and kicked Jiang Fan's butt:

"Your uncle's! You only have five minutes! Your whole family has five minutes!"

Jiang Fan dodged with a weird smile, and then raised his hand directly:

"Don't get excited, have you seen this person?"

What he was holding in his hand was a sketch, and the person on it was Shura!

As soon as he saw Shura's appearance, Lin Bugui was taken aback:

"Xiao Jingchuan?"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up:

"who is he?"

Before Lin Bugui could answer, Uncle Xuan, who was on the side, said in a deep voice:

"He's the loser!"

"The loser?"

"Yes, just like me."

Uncle Xuan spoke slowly:

"This person is one of the most talented people in the past 30 years. Before I challenged Jiufang Domination, although he has not yet reached the realm of heaven and man, he has already become famous."

"Twenty years ago, he also challenged Tianding Shiji, but unfortunately, he lost in the end."

"After that, his whereabouts are unknown. Where did you see him?"

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows suddenly!

If Uncle Xuan is right, then the person who defeated Shura is most likely the person from Tianwen!

"Who is he challenging?"

Uncle Xuan didn't speak, and looked directly at Lin Bugui.

Jiang Fan was startled:

"Is he challenging you?"

Lin Bugui was stunned:

"Ah, yes."

Jiang Fan's expression changed completely!

Lin Buhui blinked his eyes, and finally reacted:

"Damn! Don't get me wrong, I'm not someone who asks God! Let me make it clear first that he really challenged me back then, but I was busy picking up girls and drove him away."

Jiang Fan frowned and suddenly looked at Uncle Xuan:

"Isn't Lao Lin the one who defeated Shura?"

Lin Buhui said angrily:

"Your uncle, you are old!"

Uncle Xuan thought for a while:

"According to the rumors at the time, I only knew that he was going to challenge Lin Buhui, and then the rumors of his defeat came out, but in fact, in whose hands he was defeated, it seems that there is really no definite news... I always thought that It was Lin Buhui who defeated him."

Jiang Fan looked at Lin Bugui:

"It's not you, who is that?"

"I do not know!"

Lin Bugui shook his head vigorously, with a face full of blame:

"I understand that whoever defeats Xiao Jingchuan has the highest possibility of who is the goddess, but you can't deduct this **** from me!"

Jiang Fan glanced at Lin Bugui with a look of disgust:

"Master, just put a hundred hearts. With your IQ, Tianwen will never look down on you."

Lin Bugui nodded again and again:

"Yes yes yes... Hey! How do you talk, boy?"

Jiang Fan ignored the furious Lin Bugui, and instead asked a question suddenly and thoughtlessly:

"The losers... what if they win?"

Lin Bugui and Uncle Xuan were all taken aback.

But before the two could ask questions, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

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