God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2213: Everyone is a legend!

Yu Xuzi was startled.

He looked left and right, and then said in a low voice:

"Mr. Jiang, try not to mention this matter, especially in front of Ling Yunzong."

"What's the matter? Can't let people talk?"

"Oh! You don't know! Back when Ling Yunzong expelled Baili Changfeng from his division, it was because..."

Yu Xuzi looked around again and lowered his voice:

"Back then, Baili Changfeng was one of the first of the seven peaks of Lingyun Sect. The first disciple of Qianshou Peak was not only powerful, but also made great contributions to the sect."

"And the Qianshou Peak at that time, there was another one called... ahem, not to mention the name, anyway, it's the little junior sister."

"This little junior sister and Baili Changfeng were a concubine, but that era was not as open as it is now, and neither of them was broken."

"However, according to the normal development, it will be a matter of time before the two of them form a Taoist partner. However, if it is bad, it will be bad for the first seat of the Qianshou Peak. Be careful!"

"Seeing that Baili Changfeng is getting stronger and stronger, and his prestige is rising day by day, his heart is unbalanced."

"The key is that he still has a son, and his son also likes that little junior sister!"

"The father and son, one is afraid of Baili Changfeng, and the other wants to steal the younger sister, so they conspired to set up a game."

"The son of the first seat used Baili Changfeng to improve his strength to discuss with Baili Changfeng, and then deliberately pretended to be seriously injured by Baili Changfeng."

"The first one used the power of thunder to subdue Baili Changfeng, and then used the pretext of injuring his fellow sect to abolish Baili Changfeng's cultivation!"

"You also know that the cultivation world is the most ruthless. When Baili Changfeng was still strong, the entire Lingyun Sect regarded him as one of the first of the seven peaks in the future, but with his cultivation base being abolished, no one wanted to offend Qian Qian. The first seat of Hand Peak, and some people even spread rumors and slander in order to please the first seat of Qianshou Peak, and finally directly expelled Baili Changfeng from the division!"

Jiang Fan was stunned:

"Where do I think I've heard of this plot? Zhuxian? Ascension to the Dragon? Emperor Xianwu?"

Yu Xuzi waved his hand:

"Fictions are originally from life, don't interrupt."

"OK! OK! You go on, what happened next?"


Yu Xuzi sighed:

"Baili Changfeng was expelled from the division, and the son of the first seat married the younger sister, and the two later gave birth to a son..."


Jiang Fan suddenly exclaimed:

"What about counterattack? What about counterattack? This Nima is unscientific!"

Jiang Fan was annoyed, but when he saw Yu Xuzi's unhappy eyes when his gossip was interrupted, he immediately smiled:

"Keep going."

Yu Xuzi sighed:

"Reality and novels are still different. How can there be so many beautiful moons? Mr. Jiang, in fact, the world of self-cultivation is far more cruel than the world!"

He shook his head with a hint of reminiscence on his face, and then continued:

"Although Baili Changfeng's cultivation base has been abolished, his previous insights are still there. He relied on an unyielding energy and a little adventure, and it took him three years to develop a way that could make him In a short period of time, the magic medicine to restore strength!"

"Afterwards, he returned to Lingyun Sect and wanted to take away the younger sister, but it was a pity that at that time, the younger sister even had children and refused Baili Changfeng."

"Baili Changfeng was heartbroken, and when he left Lingyun Sect, he wanted to die, but at that time, he met his master, Tianding Shiji of the previous generation, Huai Xuan Dao!"

"The next thing is no secret. Huai Xuandao took action to repair Baili Changfeng's Qi Hai Dantian, and remodeled the meridians for him. Baili Changfeng is more because of this incident, and his strength has grown tremendously. I took over the mantle of Huai Xuan Dao."

"But what's the crux of the matter, you know?"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Where do I know where to go? Hurry up and talk."

"Hey hey hey..."

Yu Xuzi smiled, his face filled with a mocking smile:

"Baili Changfeng did not learn the cultivation method of Huai Xuan Dao from beginning to end. He achieved the top ten of the Heavenly Cauldron, and all he used were the methods he learned from Lingyun Sect! Born out of Lingyunzong's cultivation method!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

What the hell!

A crippled person who was expelled from the school by Lingyunzong actually used Lingyunzong's exercises to achieve the top ten poles of the Heavenly Cauldron all the way!

Slap in the face!

This face hit is like pumping with the sole of the shoe!

No wonder Ling Yunzong didn't let anyone mention Baili Changfeng. Once this was mentioned, Ling Yunzong was slapped in the face once!


When I heard Lin Buhui's story before, I thought it was a legend. Now, when I listen to Baili Changfeng's story, it is also a legend!

This day, if you just pick one of the ten poles out of the sky, you can almost write a story!

Yu Xuzi said in a low voice:

"Now you know? Don't mention it."


Jiang Fan nodded again and again, and then looked curious again:

"What happened to that little junior sister? And the people at the top of Qianshou Peak, are they still alive?"

Yu Xuzi was about to speak, but at this moment, Yu Qingzi came over:

"Mr. Jiang, Sect Master, the auction is about to start."

Jiang Fan's expression lifted, compared to listening to gossip, this is the real business!

This auction seems to be just a temporary intention, but Yu Xuzi has been planning for a long time. Since he made a fortune in business with Jiang Fan, the entire Pure Spirit Sect has an inexplicable trust in Jiang Fan.

So as early as when Jiang Fan said that he was going to bring the Demon God's body back, he had already made the preliminary preparations.

Including contacting various factions to see if the other party has any treasures that need to be auctioned and sold, of course, the Pure Spirit Sect will naturally take a cut!

So this time, not only the corpse of Geracia Labos was used for the finale, but there were also many good things that other sects wanted to shoot.

Jiang Fan looked at Yu Xuzi:

"There are medicinal herbs and medicinal herbs that can improve strength. When the time comes, you can help me keep it in the name of the Pure Spirit Sect. As for the cost, it will be deducted from the corpse of Gracia Labos."

Yu Xuzi shook his head with a serious look:

"Mr. Jiang, without you, there would be no Jinglingzong today. I can still afford a few medicinal herbs and elixir, so you can just watch the show."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Alright, then I'm welcome."

He still has a few master-level golden pills in his hand. Since Yu Xuzi is so knowledgeable, he certainly won't let him suffer.

The auction in the comprehension world is different from ordinary people, just see Yu Xuzi suddenly raise his hand and shoot a dazzling golden light!

And it exploded with golden light.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The bells in the Pure Spirit Sect are ringing!

The gate is completely closed!

Next up!


From the four directions of the south, east, and northwest, a mist-like curtain has completely enveloped the entire Pure Spirit Sect!

This is the opening of the mountain protection formation, which can neither enter nor exit.

After a lot of money upgrades, the mountain protection formation of Jinglingzong has changed. Even an eighteenth-level grandmaster needs half a column of incense time to break through this mountain protection formation!

And with the opening of the mountain protection formation, before the jade high platform, another jade high platform suddenly rose at the foot of Yu Xuzi!

Yu Xuzi stood proudly on it, laughed and said:

"Fellow Daoists, the auction begins!"

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