Charles stared blankly at Jiang Fan.

After a long time, he suddenly roared:


After only one word was uttered, Charles suddenly stopped, and then he just sighed:

"What do you want me to help you with?"

Jiang Fan smiled.

Unlike other characters who are overflowing with the heart of the Virgin but with false double standards, Charles has his own set of theories, and one of these theories is that he always believes in human nature.

So even if he knew that he was playing with language art, Charles would never put the mistake on himself in the end.

Because the matter of blowing up the fleet may have been intentional, or he may have misunderstood what he meant.

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"I need you to build a cue system in my brain so that once a trigger word appears, no matter what state I'm in, I can instantly return to normal."

Charles frowned:

"I have the ability to control mentally, so I know very well that your mental power is stronger than mine. You should be able to do this by yourself."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Normally speaking, I should be able to do it, but unfortunately, I only have mental power, but I don't have the corresponding skills. In short, I have it, but I can't use it."

Jiang Fan's skills come from the system, and his spiritual power is the same as magic power, and he has not obtained skills until now.

Of course, in addition to the system, he could also choose to explore on his own, but Jiang Fan simply didn't have that much free time.

So now, although he has a standard far beyond the normal 20th level, he can only make the most brutal mental shock.

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Charles suddenly looked curious.

After all, mutants first awaken their abilities before they can improve.

He thought about it:

"Yes, but I need you to completely open your mind to me. Your ability is much stronger than mine. Once you are wary, I can't enter your spiritual world at all."

"That's fine, but Professor, you must remember that you must not spy on anything about me, absolutely not!"

Charles looked solemn:

"Don't worry, I have the principle of doing things. Now, open your heart."

Jiang Fan took a deep breath, his body completely relaxed, and his mental power opened a door.

Charles also closed his eyes tightly.

"I'm in..."

However, after a while, Charles suddenly exclaimed:

"My God! Jiang Fan, your spiritual world is too exaggerated!"

"It's as vast as the stars!"

"Unimaginable! The spiritual world of human beings can reach such a scale!"

Jiang Fan said in a low voice:

"Professor, do business!"

"Oh, yes yes yes!"

Charles still kept his eyes closed, but he kept chattering:

"Let me see how to build this suggestion system..."

"Your spiritual world is too big, so the implied structure should be well hidden..."

"Just here... Jiang Fan, what's the trigger word?"

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and slowly spit out two words.

When he heard these two words, Charles was stunned:

"you sure?!"

"Sure! It's these two words!"

"Ok, um... OK! Build done!"

Charles' voice was full of lightness, this kind of thing was easy for him as a spiritual master, but at this moment!

"Huh? What is that?"

Charles' voice was suddenly full of curiosity.

Jiang Fan frowned:

"Professor, as I said, never pry into everything about me!"

"I know, but it doesn't seem to be your memory... It's so weird, it's like a fake... God! No!!"

Charles screamed suddenly, as if he had been stimulated by something unusually violent, and even his voice was full of indescribable horror:

"Oh my God! What the **** is this! How can there be such a world! You! You are not Jiang Fan! Who are you?!!"

Everyone was stunned.

Jiang Fan's expression changed greatly!

next moment!

Charles suddenly opened his eyes!

Jiang Fan suddenly rushed in front of him:

"What did you see?"


Charles looked blank:

"No, I said I have a bottom line."

Jiang Fan frowned:

"You just said you saw something horrible, don't you remember?"

Charles blinked:

"Is there? I'll come out after I've constructed a spiritual suggestion for you."

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, and his heart felt chills for no reason.

Charles can't remember?


Obviously his memory just now was erased!

what happened?

Is there something else in your body?

"System! Is there something else in me?"

"Ding! Did I say you are sick? Are you talking nonsense? Besides you and me!"

Jiang Fan's expression froze:

"Is this what you saw just now?"

"Ding! Nonsense! What are you doing in your head by letting this thing run off your head? Scare me!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly:

"Can you still be seen by others?"

"Ding! Everything has an accident!"

Jiang Fan's eyes changed, and he always felt that there was something wrong with the system's words.

Can this guy be seen so easily by others?

In fact, this is not the first time Jiang Fan has doubted the system.

However, he had never thought about the system that would harm him, it was very simple, the gain outweighed the loss!

Strange, what secrets does this dog system hold?

Jiang Fan was still thinking, but at this moment!

"Jiang Fan! You murderer!"

A scream suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a woman pointed a pistol at Jiang Fan and started to pull the trigger desperately!

This woman, who was Charles's dream lover, followed them to this small island, the only ordinary person, Maura Marktag who belonged to the CIA!

Jiang Fan destroyed two fleets with nuclear bombs just now, she was stunned, and didn't react until just now.

Seeing that a fleet of her own country was destroyed by Jiang Fan, she was so angry that she just wanted to kill Jiang Fan for revenge!

However, when the bullet hit Jiang Fan, it all exploded into iron powder!

Jiang Fan's face turned cold, and his fingers were already pointed at Moura!

"do not want!"

Charles suddenly exclaimed:

"Jiang Fan! Don't kill her!"

Of course Jiang Fan wouldn't kill her, but he had to let Charles remember this favor!

"Okay, Charles sees that you are my friend, so I don't care about her."


Charles glanced at Jiang Fan gratefully, and immediately hugged Mora tightly.

Jiang Fan turned to look at Eric:

"Eric, you have finished your revenge, have you decided what to do next?"

Eric looked confused:

"I, I don't know... do you have any suggestions?"

"In the next few years, there will be a mad scientist named Bolivar Trisk, this person will continue to hunt mutants, to find your weaknesses, try to target him."

Eric was shocked:

"How do you know..."

He didn't finish his sentence, but suddenly showed a relieved look.

Jiang Fan's strength is so powerful, even if he has the ability to foresee the future, it is not surprising.

Eric nodded solemnly:

"I see, Brother Jiang Fan, are you leaving?"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"Order my takeout if you're in trouble."

"Well! I remember!"

"Goodbye then!"


Along with a white light, Jiang Fan disappeared without a trace.

And not long after he left this world.

On the other side of the distant ocean, in a certain building, in a spacious hall, a woman with silver-white eyes suddenly screamed:

"High Priest! I feel it! It's the breath of the true God!"

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