God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2235: The exclusive world opens!

[Energy Absorption]: By learning this ability, the host will be able to absorb any energy!

Ability Grade: Legendary Grade!

Ability description: The absorbed energy can be in any form, including but not limited to kinetic energy, electrical energy, radiation energy, shock waves, abilities, magic, infuriating energy, etc., which can be used to strengthen oneself or re-release it.

Enhanced Attributes: The host can use the absorbed energy to enhance strength, speed, stamina, metabolism, as well as heal wounds, reverse age, and more!

Remarks: Energy absorption has a limit, and when the limit is exceeded, a powerful backlash will occur, and even death will occur.

Seeing this ability, Jiang Fan suddenly burst out laughing!

With this ability, it is almost equivalent to immortality!

The most important thing is its practicality!

Simply put, this ability can absorb any energy!

Knives and axes, fists and bullets, or magic infuriating energy, all of them can be absorbed!

In other words, in this world, unless it is a character with absolute strength, there is almost nothing that can hurt oneself!

It's just that the ability is not a skill after all, and the description has always been vague. Although Sebastian is used as a reference, how powerful this ability is, you have to try it to know!

But now, Jiang Fan finally understood why he upgraded so quickly.

I destroyed two fleets by myself. According to the normal routine, I will definitely give karma points or other rewards. There is no other prompt yet. Obviously, the system has converted them into experience points!

After understanding this, Jiang Fan finally looked at his attributes, and then, the joy on his face instantly turned into a pain in the flesh!

Because the realm has added three more!

Metal field, space field, energy field!

Jiang Fan put the domain aside first and started to improve the rest of the attributes.

With the drop of 1.6 million karma points, the four attributes of supernatural power, magic power, spiritual power, and light and divine power, under the guidance of the potential of Bengyu, suddenly skyrocketed!

Jiang Fan only felt that his body was about to burst, but the power that followed made him addicted.

As for infuriating qi, since all of his cultivation techniques have evolved into Yin-Yang Xuantian Techniques, just to deduce this technique to the second level would require an incomparably terrifying one million!

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and smashed the causal point, and what followed was an unprecedented tsunami of infuriating energy!

Jiang Fan's infuriating energy has all liquefied at this moment, and the infuriating energy that was originally invisible and colorless turned into black and white two colors on the left and the right, all the way to the dantian, which formed the two yin and yang fish, and then rotated again and again. .

And as they kept spinning, Jiang Fan's dantian was faintly exuding a luster like jade.

Jiang Fan slowly let out a breath of turbid air, and he squeezed his fist lightly.

Looking at the remaining causal points, Jiang Fan simply upgraded Davy Jones, Fu Fang, and Shao to the 21st level.

Both Fufang and Coral were level 18 before, and it cost a total of 2.8 million to upgrade to level 2, plus Davy Jones's 600,000, and the 3.4 million disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, money is a good thing if you don't spend it. Once you spend it, you can't control it.

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and simply controlled remotely, raising Li Shishi, Lu Bu, Zhenzi, Yingzi, and Xiang Yu to the twenty-first level.

Because Li Shishi was only level 18 before, so after upgrading these guys, 3.8 million was burned directly!

Taking into account the previous expenses, Jiang Fan has already spent a total of 9.8 million karma points with such a big effort!

Jiang Fan had accumulated more than 20 million causal points before, but now there are only 12.5 million left!

This amount of money seems a lot, but Jiang Fan now has a full seven fields in addition to wind energy!

Counting the five million exclusive worlds, there is only half a million left in the special balance!

The point is, this is not counting the money to buy tickets for the trial grounds for a group of experts from the Jiang family!

In addition to the free entry for the first time, every subsequent entry is a ticket of 100,000!

Jiang Fan stared blankly at the balance, suddenly feeling that he didn't want to live anymore.

damn it!

Who would have thought that it was not God who defeated him, but money!

Jiang Fan kept rubbing his cheeks—toothache, he seemed to get angry.

Taking two breaths, Jiang Fan temporarily put aside these thoughts and turned to the exclusive world to activate the function.

[Exclusive world function]: Take a world as your home, you can carry out any behaviors such as development, transformation, etc., and you can enter and leave at will, and have the permission to bring out the world's output!

Opening instructions: 5 million karma points are required for the first opening! And only in the experienced world!

Number of currently openables: 1

Currently open permission: Black Iron

Description: The permission corresponds to the level of the product that can be brought out.

Tip: Escalation of privileges costs a variable number of causal points.

And as Jiang Fan opened this interface, a lot of world phantoms he had experienced appeared one after another!

Among them, there is also the X-Men world just experienced!

Jiang Fan silently thought about it, but in the end he gave up making it an exclusive world.

As long as the Illuminati still exists, I can continuously obtain a lot of willpower. Once the willpower is enough, I can enter there even if there is no order!

"System! Open the exclusive world!"

"Ding! It costs 5 million karma points to open the world for the first time! Would you like to continue?"


"Ding! The opening is successful! Please choose a world as the home! The current number of choices - 1! Please choose the host carefully!"

"resident Evil!"

"Ding! The selection is successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 'Resident Evil' as an exclusive world!"

"From now on, the host can enter and leave the world at will, and perform limited operations. The details have been released to the exclusive interface, and the host can check it at any time!"

Jiang Fan couldn't wait to look at the explanation immediately.

[Exclusive World]: Resident Evil

World Class: Gold Class

World Attribute: Biochemical Technology

Current Permission: Black Iron

Permission function:

1 Free access to the world!

2 can control the flow rate of the world time, the current maximum limit is 1:10!

3 Bring out any product that does not exceed the black iron level in this world!

4 Get a chance to avoid death in this world!

The next level of authority: Bronze level!

Privilege Escalation: 1,000,000 causal points!

Note: The higher the authority, the stronger the control over the world.

"The black iron level corresponds to the black iron level products. Obviously, upgrading the authority can bring out higher-level things, and the time flow rate should also be accelerated, so no matter what you do, the most important thing is to improve the authority, but the problem is..."

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and looked at the remaining causal points—

The problem is, the money is not enough!

If you want to escalate permissions, there is no way to upgrade the realm!

After thinking about it for a long time, Jiang Fan finally gave up his plan to upgrade his authority.

Now that there is no such guy, it is of little significance to upgrade the authority. On the contrary, the group of guys from Tianwen is too scary. Improving their strength and saving their lives is the first priority!

Looking at the remaining Seventh Layer Domain, Jiang Fan finally gritted his teeth!

"System! Complete the field!"

"Ding! The fields that the host can currently complete are: the field of light, the field of elements, the field of spirit, the field of water, the field of metal, the field of space, and the field of energy! Please select the field to be completed!"

"I also choose a fart! All!"

"Ding! It will cost seven million to complete these seven fields. Is the host sure?"

"Get the money and go!"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host! The seven fields have been completed!"

With the sound of the prompt, Jiang Fan only felt that an inexplicable energy rose out of thin air, and then he was suddenly stunned!

At the moment when the domain was completed, he vaguely seemed to suddenly see the outside of the system space!

It seems to be a **** desert outside, and just opposite him, across the vague wall of the system, a skeleton is lying on the wall, looking at himself curiously!

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