God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2243: My name is Yang Chou!

Li Zhen felt cold all over at this moment.

I only have tenth level, but the other party's breath is as deep as the abyss under the sea, at least the least, and definitely a master!

How could he be targeted by such a monster?

Yes, I was too careless, and actually dared to run the nine yin and nine yang exercises on the street!

Ordinary people may not be able to find it, but if the breath leaks out, it is absolutely impossible to hide from the master!

Li Zhen took a deep breath, looked into the rear-view mirror, and sneered at the same time:

"What do you call senior? Did you misunderstand something?"

Although the surrounding light was dim, Li Zhen could still clearly see that in the back seat was a man with long hair covering half of his face.

One of the man's exposed eyes was full of gloom and violence.

Hearing Li Zhen's question, the corner of the man's mouth slowly evoked a strange smile:

"My name is Yang Chou."

This person actually had a **** feud with Jiang Fan, the last person in the Yang family in Luocheng, the former Yang Qi, and the current Yang Chou!

"Yang Chou?"

Li Zhen was startled.

Over the years, Tianwen has been deliberate, hiding deep beneath the surface of the sea, and has almost known about masters from all over the world.

Especially the masters and above, they pay the most attention, but Li Zhen has never heard the name Yang Chou.

Yang Chou chuckled lightly:

"Never heard of it? It doesn't matter. In the future, this name will definitely be as loud as Tianding Shiji! But now, answer me, what is your identity in the Jiang family?"

Li Zhen thought about it, and smiled:

"Mr. Yang made a mistake, I'm not from the Jiang family..."

Before he finished speaking, a terrifying gravitational force suddenly erupted from Yang Chou!

At the same time, Li Zhen was horrified to discover that his flesh and blood, his internal strength, and even his spirit, seemed to have opened the gate, and Yang Chou had sucked them all in!

In a short period of time, his skin was as dry as an old tree, and the essence of flesh and blood disappeared by 20%!

A thought suddenly flashed in Li Zhen's mind, and then he exclaimed in disbelief:

"Abstract from everything?!"

Yang Chou let out a "huh" and glanced at Li Zhen in surprise:

"Yes, it is the absorption of all things from the Ten Disasters! Since you know it, you should understand the fate of not telling the truth!"

Li Zhen's face changed, and then he finally said timidly:

"I, I am from the Jiang family, please forgive me, senior!"

Yang Qiu gave a gloomy smile:

"Forgive me or not, let me tell you another story. Let me ask you, where is Jiang Fan now?"

Li Zhen looked flustered:

"Predecessor, senior, I'm just a little bastard, how could I know the whereabouts of a big man like Jiang Fan?"

Yang Chou frowned slightly:

"Then I'll ask you again, what means did the Jiang family use, and why did their strength increase so quickly?"

"Well, I don't even know about this! Senior, I'm just an errand! Seeing that the Jiang family is powerful, that's why I want to go over and hug my thighs!"

"Humph! Shameless!"

"Yes, yes, what the senior said is yes!"

Li Zhen looked flattered:

"But the senior asked me this, obviously because he has a grudge against the Jiang family! It's better for the senior to keep me alive. If I stay in the Jiang family, I can help the senior send a letter in the future. What do you think of the senior?"

Yang Chou was silent for a moment, and finally spoke slowly:

"That's it..."

Li Zhen breathed a sigh of relief:

"Thank you senior!"

There is actually a strong man with the ten disasters ability, and he is the owner of all things that absorb this abnormal ability. He is eyeing the master. Once he stabilizes this guy, he has to report to the master as soon as possible!

Otherwise, the Jiang family will be in trouble!

Li Zhen was thinking about it, but at this moment!

"You'd be wrong."

Yang Chou suddenly smiled grimly:

"I didn't agree to your request, everyone in the Jiang family should be damned!"

Li Zhen's face changed greatly!

But the next moment!

Yang Chou's big hand has suddenly been buckled on Li Zhen's head!

At this moment, Li Zhen didn't even make a sound, and then!


The essence of his entire body had been swallowed up by Yang Chou, and it was directly blown into a handful of fine sand!

After the strange object auction, Yang Chou secretly swallowed up many masters.

Originally, he wanted to return to Luocheng with the momentum of thunder and take revenge for killing the Jiang family, but he didn't expect Jiang Fan to arrive in the capital one step earlier.

Yang Chou was furious and rushed to the capital again, but only after he arrived did he find that the matter of the Jiang family had reached a new height!

He had no choice but to continue dormant and improve his strength. Fortunately, the Zhou family had an accident, and many masters died. Although these people died, they still had energy left in their bodies. Others couldn't absorb the residual energy, but he could!

Although the people in the crematorium found that a large number of corpses disappeared, of course, this kind of thing will not be publicized.

It's just that although Yang Chou has absorbed a lot, he is still unable to grasp it. He wanted to kill and increase his strength, but he was afraid of Tianding Shiji. After all, in the battle of the capital, five of those monsters showed up!

He had no choice but to go into the wilderness, intending to devour some beasts to supplement.

It was also his luck that just two days ago, he discovered an ancient tomb, where a large amount of death aura was stored, and there was a large amount of blood roots. Yang Chou continued to swallow it, and finally reached the nineteenth level.

Originally thinking of the perverted Ten Disasters ability, coupled with the strength of the nineteenth level, he is enough to achieve his long-cherished wish!

However, he didn't expect that just as he approached the Jinghu Courtyard today, he felt a few terrifying auras!

Almost instantly, he knew that it was the realm of heaven and man!

At that moment, Yang Chou was simply hated!


Why did the Jiang family always walk in front of him!

Yang Chou, who was almost in a state of collapse, simply came to the most crowded temple fair, and he was about to kill!

But he didn't expect that, just before he started, he discovered Jiang Fan's unique, infuriating aura!

How can someone who is as genuine as Jiang Fan be just a trifle?

Just knowing that the identity of the other party might be important, why did Yang Chou kill him?

The answer lies in the terrifying absorption of all things by Yang Chou!

After swallowing Li Zhen, a flash of brilliance suddenly flashed in Yang Chou's eyes!

Then, he suddenly burst out laughing!

"Hey hey, the essence of nine yin and nine yang? Jiang Fan, I will laugh at your practice!"

Ten disasters ability, all things learn!

If it just devours life, how can this ability be called the ten disaster ability?

Compared with the normal ability, the ten disaster ability is terrifying because the later stage, the more terrifying the ability!

At the beginning of the absorption of all things, it is only to absorb the essence of life and use it to grow oneself, and at the later stage, what can be absorbed is not only vitality, but also everything else!

For example, memory!

Yang Chou is still weak in the development of abilities, and the memory that he can absorb is limited, but once he uses this ability in the later stage, he will absorb everything from the other party!

Not only memory, but also ability, and even the experience and wisdom of the other party!

The ten disaster ability, a little careless, will evolve into a real natural disaster!

This is the origin of the name of the Ten Disasters!

After laughing, Yang Chou suddenly looked at the place where Li Zhen had disappeared. In addition to a small handful of fine sand, there was also an injection with a **** luster.

"What is this?"

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