Seeing that Xicheng Xiushu was about to die under the heavy punch of the giant elephant, everyone exclaimed in unison!

But no matter who it is, it is impossible to rescue anyone!

But right now!


A figure suddenly stood in front of Xicheng Xiushu, raised his right hand, and directly pressed the giant elephant's fist!


A muffled sound suddenly sounded from the place where the two were fighting!

The giant elephant is nearly three meters tall, its arms are thicker than the waist of a normal person, and that fist is the size of a water tank!

The man standing in front of him, although he was also tall, was like the difference between a child and an adult compared to this giant elephant!

However, as the fists and palms of the two sides collided, everyone's eyes widened!

I saw the man standing still, but the giant elephant was retreating again and again!

Everyone opened their mouths wide, watching this scene in disbelief!

Who is coming?

How can it be so tyrannical?

But it's not over yet!

Seeing that the giant elephant kept retreating, it has been withdrawn for a full tens of meters before it stabilized.

Everyone thought that the giant elephant would regroup and continue to attack, but unexpectedly, it trembled and suddenly froze in place!

The crowd didn't know why, but at the moment when the giant elephant froze, the iron armor on its body made a series of "crack" sounds!

Next up!


A blast!

The ferocious giant elephant with its iron armor was actually blown into pieces all over the sky!

It turned out that with just one blow, the incoming person not only blocked the giant elephant, but also killed this fierce monster alive with an extremely terrifying cultivation base!

Not to mention the crowd this time, even Tie Xin and Fierce Yan Wang were stunned.

The Flame God hiding in the crowd changed his face even more!

Who is this guy?

In such an understatement, he killed a vicious monster!

Could it be that the Lord of Heaven and Earth has come?

The other three ferocious monsters also seemed to sense the man's terror, and they all threw away their opponents and gathered in one place.

The scene was silent for a while.

Xicheng Xiushu was still in shock, and it took a long time to look at the man:

"Thank you, thank you. Dare to ask your name?"

The man turned around and smiled slightly:

"Jiang Fan."

Everyone at the scene was stunned.

With such a high level of strength, he must be a powerful person who moves the world, but everyone has never heard of this name!

Among them, only the Jade Dharma King is the most calm one.

Grace never cared about false names, these people naturally wouldn't know!

However, worthy of being the benefactor, he has not seen him for many years, and his strength has become more and more terrifying.

At this moment, the benefactor is afraid that he has reached the realm of the world leader!

The Cowherd beside him looked at Jiang Fan with bright eyes.

Too tyrannical!

Such a character is the only one I have seen in my life!

If you can let him guide one or two, you will definitely benefit from it!

And just at the moment when the crowd was stunned, Jiang Fan actually brushed his sleeves and strode towards Xuan Bing, which sealed the tiger's soul!

With his move, the three fierce monsters gathered together suddenly let out a low roar.

The crowd all trembled, and suddenly looked at the three fierce monsters!

These monsters are too tyrannical and have left a shadow on everyone's heart.

However, Jiang Fan didn't even look at these three fierce monsters, and still walked towards Xuan Bing on his own!


Seeing that Jiang Fan was getting closer and closer to Xuan Bing, the three fierce demons finally roared and rushed towards Jiang Fan at the same time!

Jiang Fan turned his back to them at the moment. The speed of these three fierce monsters was as fast as lightning, and they were behind Jiang Fan almost instantly!

"not good!"

"Hurry up!"

"Humph! Arrogant! With this Jiang Fan, it looks good!"

"Hey hey, it's best for him to die, one less competitor, and a greater hope for capturing the tiger's soul!"

The crowd is different, with the exception of the Jade King and the Cowherd, 99% of the rest are actually smiling!

Seeing that the claws of the three fierce monsters were about to hit Jiang Fan, but at this moment!


An incomparably terrifying wave of infuriating energy suddenly emerged from behind Jiang Fan, and suddenly bombarded the three ferocious monsters!



The three ferocious monsters let out an incomparably harsh howl at the same time, and then, they were actually destroyed by this infuriating energy and turned into smoke and dust in the sky! !

Everyone opened their mouths wide, looking at the scene in disbelief!

Just using the infuriating impact to kill these three fierce monsters!

The strength of this Jiang Fan is simply bottomless!

The Cowherd's eyes are brighter and brighter!


Such a character must find a way to worship him as a teacher!

In an understatement to obliterate the three ferocious monsters, Jiang Fan has already floated into the air and came before Xuan Bing.

Immediately after that, he reached out and pressed on Xuan Bing:



A blast!

In the original book, the Xuan Bing, which was barely cracked by three celestial soldiers, was directly blown into pieces in the sky!

And at the moment when Xuan Bing shattered!


The crystal war tiger in the mysterious ice suddenly burst out with a deafening roar!

In an instant, a fierce and unparalleled tyrannical aura filled the entire palace almost instantly, and even rose into the sky, soaring into the sky!

All those who felt this fierceness changed their faces!

so horrible!

Such a ferocious aura was unheard of!

Even Jiang Fan couldn't help but be startled when he felt this aura.

But right away, he was overjoyed!

The fiercer the fighting tiger's spirit, the stronger the tiger's spirit!

But before Jiang Fan could make any move, Zhanhu Fierce Soul opened his **** mouth, and his two saber-toothed fangs abruptly bit towards Jiang Fan's neck!

As soon as the seal is broken, it will be addicted to human life, and the ferocity of the tiger soul is evident!

However, Jiang Fan sneered, and it was a headbutt that slammed into the head of Zhanhu Fierce Soul!


A crisp sound!

Zhanhu's crystal has broken open countless cracks from beginning to end!

Next up!


The Zhanhu crystal shattered, and the Tiger Soul Divine Sword in it suddenly burst out!

The Tiger Soul Sword was finally born!

And with the tiger's soul seeing the sun again, a ferocious aura that was even more terrifying than before suddenly rose into the sky!

This ferocious aura was so terrifying to the extreme that layers of white mist appeared in the entire palace that was stirred up!

Some characters with poor strength, just shrouded in white fog, suddenly screamed and exploded into blood!

Everyone was shocked, looking at the tiger soul floating in the sky!

What a peerless murderous knife!

Just the fierce aura that burst out has condensed into substance and began to slaughter lives!

Such a fierce thing, people with insufficient cultivation, not to mention the knife, I am afraid that they are not even qualified to pick it up!

But immediately, there is only greed in everyone's eyes!

The Sword of No Master is already so terrifying, if you can control this fierce sword, wouldn't it be invincible in the world!

Everyone can no longer control it, and they will rush to the tiger's soul when they lift their feet!

However, before their footsteps could fall, they were all cold, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

The Divine Sword is indeed unparalleled in the world, but you have to have your life to get it!

In the face of Jiang Fan, an unbelievably strong person, who is qualified to take the sword?

At this moment, let alone Tie Xin and the others, it was the Flame God, and there was a wry smile in his heart.

Tiger Soul is destined to belong to Jiang Fan!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan smiled slightly, then retreated abruptly until he reached Wentian's side, and then smiled slightly:

"Everyone, I am a foreigner, and the tiger soul has no relationship with me. I came here only to choose the tiger soul master, and I was ordered to pass on a treasure to the tiger soul master. If you want the tiger soul, you can grab it now!"

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