
As soon as his body moved, Jiang Fan had already returned to Luocheng with Yunlou.

"You don't have anything to do with you. It's better to stay at Jiang's house for the time being. Also, these medicine pills will be returned to you."

As Jiang Fan spoke, he returned to him the various medicinal pills that Yunlou had turned over from the second hall.

"Mom! Mr. Jiang! Wealth is not exposed!"

Yun Lou was startled and hurriedly stuffed a bunch of medicinal pills into the storage bracelet.

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Don't worry, in Luocheng, no one dares to rob you!"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens!"

Yun Lou looked frightened.

Jiang Fan shook his head. Although his voice was light, it was full of decisive domineering:

"In Los Angeles, there is no emergency!"

Yun Lou's heart froze, followed by an indescribable peace of mind.

That's right, with Jiang Fan's strength and calculations, if even Luocheng can't be invincible, what's the point of competing for dominance in the world!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"I don't know how long I'll be going this time, but I'm letting you stay at Jiang's house because it's always safer here than in your cultivation world. You just took that elixir and those medicines to improve your aptitude. When I come back, you should It can help you improve your strength.”

Yunlou's eyes suddenly lit up!

He nodded heavily:

"I understand, Mr. Jiang, be careful on the road."


Jiang Fan nodded and watched Yunlou leave. He was about to find Arthur, but at this moment.

"Ding! You have a new takeout order!"

"How does it feel to travel through time and space?"

"White light, pain, just like being born..."


How is this phrase familiar?

"Ding! Please bring a spicy chicken to Sarah Connor who is in danger!"

Terminator! ! !

The world is finally here! !

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up like stars in an instant!

The next moment, he has suddenly appeared on the food street!

After finding a small shop at random, Jiang Fan rushed in immediately:

"Boss! Bring some spicy chicken and take it away!"


Soon the spicy chicken was packed, and Jiang Fan rushed into the old place with the takeaway!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is open! It's about to enter - "Terminator"!"

The last time Jiang Fan entered this world, because he scrambled for bone jade, he delayed the time to enter the world. He didn't expect to end up in the future world of the Terminator!

After fighting with Skynet, he even "smartly" gave Skynet a little benefit, that is, a little bit of his own flesh and blood, and only then did he use Skynet's time machine to go back to the past.


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan had already appeared on a road with little traffic.

At the end of the road, there is a city that looks very prosperous in the basin.

However, the first thing Jiang Fan did was not to observe the terrain habitually, but to look up at the sky.

At this moment, the scorching sun is hanging high, and the dazzling sunshine is all over the earth, but Jiang Fan's eyes seem to have pierced through the dazzling sunshine, and he has been seeing the end of the sky.

Staring at the sky silently for a long time, Jiang Fan suddenly grinned, stretched out his hand and gestured to shoot:


And in a dark room, on a huge screen, Jiang Fan's action was directly frozen.

In front of the huge screen, there is an equally huge iron throne.

I don't know what kind of metal this throne was forged, and it glowed with a cold silver light. It was engraved with pictures and texts similar to integrated circuits, and between the pictures and texts, there were actually traces of electro-optical flow.

The circulating electric light also illuminates the person on the throne.

That is a woman with facial features and figure, without the slightest flaw, perfect to the extreme.

It's just that the woman's expression was indifferent like ice. If it weren't for the faint flashes of red light in the depths of her eyes, she would be more like a cold and glamorous corpse.

Looking indifferently at Jiang Fan on the screen for a long time, the woman slowly revealed a cold smile:

"You're finally here... Jiang Fan! The second round, the official start!"

Behind the screen, Jiang Fan seemed to hear the woman's voice, or maybe he knew the woman's plan for a long time, he smiled softly:

"I am waiting for you!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Fan put away his gestures, and with a flick of his wrist, the compass had already been shown.

With a slight scan of the pointer on it, Jiang Fan was already like a bird, suddenly soaring into the air!

And in the city not far from here, a fierce chase is unfolding.


On the highway, a pickup truck was galloping wildly at a speed like a mad cow, ignoring all kinds of traffic rules.

It was Sarah Connor who was driving!

On the co-pilot, John, who has grown up to be a teenager, is holding a laptop and constantly typing on the keyboard.

And with his tap, just ahead, a traffic signal that would have been green for more than 30 seconds suddenly turned green!

"Bang bang bang!!"

The signal suddenly changed, and several cars suddenly crashed into a ball under the sudden braking!

But Sarah turned the steering wheel abruptly and turned to another road!

As for Kyle, he was standing on the back of the pickup, and the T800 Terminator, which was repaired by Jiang Fan and was supposed to protect their family, was gone.

At this moment, Kyle is holding a machine gun, roaring, and frantically pulling the trigger to the back!

The target of Kyle's shooting was a heavy truck with a length of more than ten meters and a load of more than thirty tons that was chasing them frantically!

Unlike Sarah, who is still avoiding the vehicles along the way, the heavy truck is on a rampage, and all vehicles in front of it will be hit and fly!

There was even a Beetle that was directly smashed into pieces!

The bullets of the machine gun continued to bombard the heavy truck, smashing the glass of the heavy truck with holes, and even some parts of the front of the car had already emitted white smoke, but it did not affect the speed of the heavy truck at all.

And the driver of the heavy truck is a Terminator with almost the same shape as the T800!

However, it can still be seen from some details of the other party that this Terminator is slightly more advanced than the T800, and it should be a T850 Terminator!

Obviously, Skynet's pursuit of Sarah's family has begun again!

And after these two cars, there are dozens of Citi National Police cars that keep making the sound of "beep~~beep~~"!

After the police car, in the sky blocked by the Ferris Land in the distance, there were bursts of buzzing, and it was obvious that a helicopter was coming!

Kyle roared and shot, and soon, the bullets of the machine gun were poured out!

However, Kyle threw the machine gun casually, picked up his toes, and a grenade was in his hand!

In fact, this carriage is almost covered with all kinds of firearms and pills!

Kyle skillfully pulled out the safety needle of the grenade and threw it suddenly!

The grenade crossed a perfect arc, and it was about to fall on the heavy truck!

But right now!

The T850 who was driving suddenly took out a huge revolver, and raised his hand to shoot at the grenade in mid-air!


With the sound of gunfire, the next moment!


With a loud explosion, the grenade exploded directly into a ball of fire, and the surrounding area was filled with gunpowder smoke!

But in less than a second, the T850 had already driven the heavy truck, passed through the gunpowder smoke, and entered a small distance with Picara again!

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