At this moment, it is less than half an hour before the cruise departs, and at best it has only traveled about 20 kilometers.

Torrey Island is only ten kilometers away from the mainland of Northern Ireland. Strictly speaking, it is clearly still in the offshore waters of Northern Ireland, and may encounter patrolling coast guards at any time.

Moreover, this place is not part of the normal route, and there are usually few ships.

In addition, there are endless seas all around. Except for the ports on the land of Northern Ireland, there is no berthing place at all. Where do pirates usually supply supplies?

Also, even if they can rob, where is the stolen goods?

Here, it simply does not meet the living environment of pirates!

The most important thing is that these pirates are crazy, just relying on these two small fishing boats, they want to rob such a huge ship?

In Jiang Fan's mind, these thoughts flashed by!

On the sea below, a group of mercenaries were already laughing wildly, smashing the two fishing boats into scrap metal.

As for the dozen or so pirates on the ship, they were all thrown into the sea by them, and they were struggling on the sea in panic.

Although these mercenaries didn't kill this group of idiots, they were surrounded by vast seas, and these unlucky **** were probably hopeless.

The three-eyed fox shook his head:

"I didn't expect to encounter such an idiot just after sailing. Is the Arthur family hiring us just to make us babysitters?"

He stretched out his hand to Jiang Fan and said with a smile:

"Mr. Jiang, the first time we met, I am the deputy head of the Desert Fox, the three-eyed fox."


Jiang Fan reached out and shook his hand, and then suddenly his expression changed:

"What did you say?"

"Oh, I said the Arthurs took us as babysitters."

The three-eyed fox pointed to the pirates who were still struggling in the sea below:

"If all we need to deal with is this kind of thing, it's a bit of a shame to earn this money."

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and suddenly said:

"You'd better pray, it's all such idiots."


The three-eyed fox was stunned.

Even Alyssa was stunned:

"Mr. Jiang, what do you mean?"

Jiang Fan looked at the two fishing boats that gradually became silent, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Within an hour, if there is a second attack, I will explain it to you."

"the second time?"

Alisha and the three-eyed fox were even more at a loss.

He didn't even know what Jiang Fan meant.

However, at this time, a group of mercenaries had already returned noisily. Seeing that Jiang Fan didn't want to explain, the two of them didn't ask any more questions.

This group of mercenaries had just finished their activities, and they were in a hurry, and seeing that Jiang Fan was not as terrible as the rumors, they gradually let go, and they all exchanged cups.

Half an hour later, even Alyssa and the three-eyed fox forgot what happened before and mingled with a group of subordinates.

Seeing that everyone is drinking, but at this moment!




Seven or eight shrill screams suddenly pierced everyone's eardrums!

Alyssa reacted almost instantly:

"rocket missile?!"

And the three-eyed fox beside her reacted faster, grabbed a few guns that the mercenaries had just intercepted from the pirates, and swept the backhand sideways out of the window!

"Bang bang bang!"

Three loud bangs suddenly sounded!

Then, just a few hundred meters away from the side of the ship, three huge fireworks were lit directly!

In front of the window on the other side, Eliza suddenly threw out four empty wine bottles!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Four more bangs!

The four empty wine bottles directly shattered the remaining four rockets!

If it was on land, they wouldn't bother to move even if this thing exploded right under their noses.

Ordinary hot weapons are basically decorations for master-level masters, especially great masters like them!

But now it's different. It's a vast sea here, and it's really good to blow up the boat. Although everyone won't die, don't drink the wine, let's all drink the northwest wind!

At the same time, the rest of the mercenaries also threw down their wine bottles and rushed towards the deck of the ship!

No one expected that there would be two attacks in a row just off the coast!

Originally, I was thinking of drinking some wine first, to pass the time, and then go to guard later, but now I still drink a fart!

But don't smash the sign!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly blocked the mouth of his wine bottle with his hand.

Alisha and the three-eyed fox were all stunned, the next moment!


A deafening bang suddenly resounded through the sky!

The ship shook suddenly!

Countless dust all floated down from the ceiling.

At the same time, the entire sky darkened.

These seven rockets are just bait, the real attack, comes from the sky!

The three-eyed fox suddenly raised its head and seemed to see through the ceiling, all the way to the sky above the ship!

"It's Citi's Snark SM-62 missile!"

"Fuck! Which **** did it!"

Alyssa scolded directly!

Although this type of missile is not small, it is also no threat to their level!

So I didn't find anything wrong just now!

It was a real shame to be hit by a missile at the door of the house!

"The Firefox has already been chased, and the answer should be known in a while. If he hadn't come out just now, the deck would have suffered..."

The three-eyed fox said, suddenly his face froze, and he looked at Jiang Fan blankly.

Alisha also reacted and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief.

Jiang Fan covered the wine bottle just now, obviously to guard against the dust falling on it, and at that time, the missile obviously hadn't exploded!

In other words, Jiang Fan not only knew that the missile was coming, but also that someone had already intercepted it!

The most important thing is that Jiang Fan just said personally that within an hour, there is likely to be a second attack!

How did this guy know?

Did he arrange it?

How is this possible!

The two looked at Jiang Fan in shock.

"Mr. Jiang, what's going on here..."

Jiang Fan did not answer his question, but said:

"Let the person who went to investigate come back quickly, or he will die if he is late!"


The three-eyed fox was stunned, but immediately took out the walkie-talkie:

"Who's going to track down the rockets? Come back right away!"

"Head, it's me!"

"Parder? Come back now!"

"Ah? But head, I've seen the boat over there... Zizi..."

The walkie-talkie beeped and the connection was completely cut off!

The face of the three-eyed fox suddenly changed!

What happened to Jiang Fan?

How is it like a prophet?

Did he do all this?

"not me."

Jiang Fan took a sip of wine with dark eyes, and suddenly looked at the door:

"Black Viper, and that one, Firefox, right? Enter if you want, or get out if you don't!"

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, there was a pit viper tattooed on his face, and the black pit viper with a smirk walked in gloomily.

And the one who came in with her was a sturdy middle-aged man with red hair.

This person is the second character of the Desert Fox, Firefox!

"Mr. Jiang..."

As soon as the two saw Jiang Fan, they all put away all their personalities and greeted them with all their faces.

Jiang Fan pointed to the seat beside him:

"Sit down. If you don't understand anything, you can ask."

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