Merlin's eyes jumped!

Indeed, Jiang Fan's current status is another layer of identity, but a saint of the Bright Council!

Backing against a big tree is good for enjoying the shade, not to mention a towering giant tree with lush branches like the Bright Council!

Whether or not to go to Avalon, for Jiang Fan, it is just to earn more and earn less—

Since this guy dares to give himself the map, he will definitely not let the map money go to waste!

But the Arthur family is different, it is inevitable to enter Avalon!

This time, if we can't lure out those betrayers, I don't know how much trouble they will make!

In case you miss entering Avalon because of this...

The Arthur family can't afford to gamble!

The smile on Merlin's face did not change:

"Mr. Jiang, we are allies. If you have any needs, please tell me directly."

Jiang Fan laughed:

"Needs? What can I need?"

Merlin smiles:

"Then what do you think? We don't want any compensation for breach of contract in the previous contract. We will add 20% to the previous employment fee! Of course, the most important thing is that these two mercenaries are still It's up to you to lead, but in the event of an attack, they have to take action."

Jiang Fan turned to look at the four:

"What do you think?"

The three-eyed fox reacts the fastest:

"Mr. Jiang, the benefit you just promised us is that you will pay for the defaulted money. In addition, on the basis of the Arthur family, you will give us an additional 20%. Now, there is not much change!"

Jiang Fan looked at Merlin helplessly:

"Look, I'll say they are rebellious, Master Merlin, what are your conditions..."

"Jiang Fan! Why don't you—"

Lancelot had already had enough of Jiang Fan, and suddenly shouted angrily!

However, just as he spoke, Merlin suddenly hooked his finger!

next moment!


A giant hand of ice suddenly appeared and grabbed Lancelot!


Lancelot groaned, the bones of his body clucked by the giant hand clucked, his face flushed, and he couldn't utter a single word!

Merlin didn't even look at Lancelot, he just smiled and looked at Jiang Fan:

"Twice! On the original basis, add twice as much! In addition, since Mr. Jiang is the commander of the two teams, it is also hard work, we are willing to pay another billion as your hard work!"

Alyssa's eyes suddenly lit up!

This time, the commission for each of their mercenary groups is 500 million, and double that, that is 1.5 billion!

Such a sky-high price is enough to make people take risks!

However, Jiang Fan shook his head:

"not enough!"

"Jiang Fan! Enough is enough!"

Arthur looked gloomy!

Even Merlin frowned slightly:

"Mr. Jiang, this price is very sincere."

Jiang Fan glanced at Merlin lightly:

"I need a conditional."

Merlin was startled:

"Mr. Jiang, please speak."

"Two mercenary groups, for each person who dies, an extra 100 million!"

After Jiang Fan said these words, Alyssa and the others only felt a warm current in their hearts.

Merlin's need for their two mercenary groups has undoubtedly proved Jiang Fan's previous speculation!

As a bait, as long as it can draw out the opponent's master, the Arthur family will not feel distressed at all!

But now, if there is an extra 100 million to die, the Arthur family will definitely feel distressed even if it is the bait!

Jiang Fan is not asking for money, he is asking for a guarantee for the mercenaries of the two mercenary groups!

If the Arthur family is not forced, they will never sacrifice the lives of these mercenaries in vain!

The faces of Arthur and the others were ugly, and Merlin also gave Jiang Fan a deep look. After a while, he finally nodded:

"Yes! I'll have Percival give you the advance payment in a moment."

"Then don't bother anymore, goodbye everyone!"

Jiang Fan smiled, put away his bank card on the table, waved his hand, and walked away with Eliza and the others.

Seeing Jiang Fan leave, Merlin finally waved his hand.


Holding Lancelot's giant ice hand, it exploded into ice crystals all over the sky.

At this moment, Merlin's face was ashen, and there was no trace of kindness on his old face!

Arthur's eyes were not so gloomy at this time, and he frowned:

"Teacher, did Jiang Fan see through our plan?"

Merlin nodded, then shook his head again:

"If he sees all of them, he should know very well that our current strength is definitely not something they can resist. He should not see all of them, but only feels that the two mercenary groups are being used as bait, so he will run over to take advantage."

At this time, Percival smiled slightly and looked confident:

"My king, Master Merlin, in my opinion, you are all overthinking it. Jiang Fan may just feel that he is alone, and that's why he wants to win over those two mercenary groups!"

"After all, on our side, the power on the bright side, Master Merlin is enough to check and balance him!"

"Not to mention the two nineteenth-level limits of my king and Lancelot, and my nineteenth-level peak."

"Jiang Fan's subduing those two teams is just right to compete with us! I think this is his main purpose!"

"And he came here, in addition to taking advantage, it should also be to show his strength!"

Merlin was stunned for a while, but found that what Percival said actually made sense!

Yes, is it too complicated to think about?

In fact, how could Jiang Fan have so much thought?

To be able to see through this whole plan with just these two attacks is too much to think of that kid!

"Well, what Percival said makes sense..."

Merlin stroked his beard and nodded.

Percival was encouraged, and immediately became more proud:

"What's more, if Jiang Fan really sees through our plan, then he should understand that our strength will never be so simple, how can he dare to come and negotiate with us?"

As she spoke, she had already looked at Merlin's staff.

"You know, the strength of those few..."

"To shut up!"

Merlin's face changed suddenly, and he suddenly let out a low voice!

At the same time, quickly put away the staff!

Percival's expression changed, and he completely put away his proud face, and hurriedly lowered his head:

"I'm sorry, Master, I was talking too much."

Arthur frowned slightly. Percival was loyal after all. If Merlin taught Percival, his face would not look good.

He changed the subject:

"Teacher, this time we came out, although we didn't hide it too much, but the departure time and the route to the starting place are secrets. The previous pirates arrived not long after we set out. With the speed of their fishing boats, this This is absolutely impossible, it seems as you guessed, there are people at home who really caught up with those betrayers."

Merlin's face also became solemn:

"Who do you suspect?"

Arthur pondered for a while, then slowly spoke:

"Tristan! Only he can sympathize with those betrayers!"

Merlin let out a long sigh:

"Tristan is too kind, and after all, he has the blood of those traitors... When he comes out of Avalon, replace him."

Both Percival and Lancelot's eyes changed.

The replacement that Merlin said was not just depriving Tristan of the name of the Knight of the Round Table, but making him disappear forever!

At the same time, just in the direction of the cruise, on the farther sea, a huge swordfish slowly floated...

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