God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2297: Hurry up and run away!

The first part of "Death Comes" mainly tells the story of high school student Alex and his classmates boarding a plane to Paris. Before taking off, he suddenly had a premonition of a terrifying scene: the plane would explode in the air.

Alex was very terrified and shouted that the plane was about to crash and everyone had to get off the plane immediately. As a result, he and the other six passengers were driven out by the crew in the chaos.

However, according to Alex's unfortunate remarks, the plane exploded in mid-air, killing all the people.

All the people who got off the plane were glad they didn't die, but they didn't know if Death was still unwilling to let them go.

Then everyone died bizarrely one by one, but Alex was unwilling to be played by the **** of death, and wanted to defeat the **** of death...


Jiang Fan appeared again, and he had arrived at a huge airport.

However, as soon as he appeared, before he had time to look around, Jiang Fan felt a chill all over his body!

It is as if there is a huge eye in the dark, staring at him coldly in a dark and difficult place!

And that eye definitely does not belong to human beings, let alone any known creature!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly. He used to think that this order was very easy. After all, as long as Alex was rescued and the takeaway was delivered, it would be over. However, now, he vaguely felt that there might be a big problem with this order, and it was best to complete it as soon as possible. , so as to avoid extra branches.

He looked around.

This should be a waiting hall. People come and go in the hall. Through the huge glass windows, you can see a passenger plane parked in front of the corridor.

The side of the passenger plane is also painted with a huge "180" number.

As soon as he saw this number, Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

The protagonist Alex and others are on this plane!

Jiang Fan constructed the next action in an instant in his mind.

Board the plane, deliver food, wait for Alex to finish eating, and run away!

As for what happens next, love it!

As soon as Jiang Fan moved, he was about to walk towards the corridor leading to the plane, but at this moment, the sound of the system suddenly sounded!

"Ding! The host is currently listed as the world's most wanted criminal!"

"Ding! Your whereabouts have been captured by the FBI!"

"Ding! You have been locked by the FBI! A large number of FBI are coming! Kill the other party and you will get rich rewards!"

Ah! These **** really dare to come!

Jiang Fan sneered and strode toward the corridor.

However, as soon as they reached the boarding gate, a few Citi National police officers came out with a few teenagers on their backs!

The teenagers struggled desperately and roared!

"let me go!"


"Alix! You stinking idiot, watch Lao Tzu hammer your dog's head!"

"Fake Squid Carter! Fake Squid!"

"You all stop arguing!"

This group of teenagers is the protagonist Alex and the others!

In the original work, there are seven survivors of flight 180, in addition to Alex, they are Claire, the irascible boy Carter and his girlfriend Teri, Todd, Mr. Liu Dun, and Billy who is always bullied.

And the most quarreling at the moment is Alex and Carter.

As for the rest of the survivors, all of them either voluntarily or were taken out of the plane.

But when he saw a few people, Jiang Fan was slightly startled.

He has the secret method of Maoshan Tianshi. This ability has no effect on the strong, but for ordinary people, life and death can be predicted.

Now these people seem to be in good condition, but their luck has declined, their brows are dead, and Yintang is black and red. Even if you don't know this movie, you can tell just by looking at their faces. These people are absolutely doomed!

What's even more bizarre is that Jiang Fan actually found a few faint black mist around them!

According to the secret method of Maoshan Tianshi, this is the transformation of bad luck, and it is caused by the decline of air luck to the limit!

The corners of Jiang Fan's eyes twitched, good guy, bad luck is so violent, don't tell me, it's the first time I've heard of it!

Maoshan Tianshi's secret numerology chapter said that the ups and downs of life are all related to luck. Even if a person is desperate, there must be a trace of luck in the body. , the fate of life is unknown.

But people like Alex and others, who have no luck and doom, are advised to stay away from the numerology chapter!

Rescue such a person without authorization, no matter how high the cultivation base is, maybe you will have to take yourself in!

Even if it is Tianding Shiji, it does not have the courage to contaminate this thing!

Originally, Jiang Fan was still thinking of getting some benefits in this world, but now he can pull JB down!

After all, luck has always been elusive and unpredictable. Jiang Fan will have big moves in the real world next. If he gets on this thing, there is no place to cry!

Hurry up and run away!

Jiang Fan made up his mind and dashed over in a single step!

"Alix is ​​that? Your takeaway!"

Jiang Fan stopped a few meters away from the crowd, and while talking, he directly took out the sesame crispy candy!

When they saw Jiang Fan coming, a few Citi police officers were about to block it, but with the appearance of sesame halva, a strong candy fragrance filled the entire waiting hall!

The group all took a deep breath, and then their faces were intoxicated!

"It's so delicious!"

"what is this?"

"Never seen!"

"I want to eat it!"

The crowd drooled.

Alex's eyes widened, almost uncontrollably, he was about to rush towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan was startled and threw all the plates over!

As soon as Alex caught it, he picked up a piece of sesame halva and put it in his mouth!


Along with chewing, a stronger fragrance filled his mouth in an instant!

"It's so fragrant! It's so fragrant!"

"The sesame seeds are crispy and the caramel is crisp and sweet. It's hard to stop!"

"I just feel like I'm roaming in the river of honey and sugar. Those sesame seeds are just swimming fish!"

"Ah! This is thriving life!"

"I think, I went through it again! There is an unpleasant feeling in my throat!"

"This, this feeling, this is itchy!"

"Come on! Be merry! There's a lot of time anyway!"

"Come on! Pretend! Anyway, there is a lot of scenery!"

Alex's brows were ecstatic, and at the moment when the sesame meringue entered the mouth, the black mist around him dissipated, and the dead aura between his eyebrows was slowly dissipating!

By the time Alex finished eating this halva, he was already refreshed!

He looked at Jiang Fan in surprise:

"Thank you, thank you! What is this? It's delicious!"

As Alex said, he couldn't help walking towards Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan raised his hand:

"Stop! Don't come here! This is sesame halva!"

Although this product is fine, but who knows if it will change again?

Alex doesn't care:

"Sesame crispy candy, it turns out to be a Chinese food! It's really amazing!"

Excited, he looked at Jiang Fan again:

"Thank you, thank you so much! I don't know your name yet?"

"My name is Jiang Fan!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"The order has been delivered, I should go too, we will have nothing in the future..."

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed!

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