God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 230: There is no order in life's test questions

"Dad! What did Tao Yuan say, "Holy light ruling, is it reliable? How many days have it been, why, there is no movement at all?""

Yang Qi looked at Yang Zhen anxiously!

Tao Yuan had returned to the capital a long time ago, but before he left, the killer organization that helped the Yang family contact, unexpectedly, there was no slightest movement!

Yang Zhen's complexion is also not pretty!

It’s been almost a week since Tao Yuan said contact.

Even if the organizer came by train, now, he should have arrived!

"For such a large organization, you must be prepared to make a move! For the time being, wait for it!"

"Damn it! In order to reduce Jiang Fan's defenses, I haven't even dared to show up recently!"

"Be patient, rest assured! Everything Jiang Fan has done to you, I will definitely return it to him ten times a hundred times!"

The two were talking, knocking on the door, suddenly sounded!

Yang Zhen frowned!

The door has been opened!

Outside the door, there was a stern person standing there, covered in black cloaks all over his body!

Basically, you can't see men and women!

"who are you?"

Yang Qi suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at this person!

Since he was sober, he has always been, the gun never leaves his body!


In the cloak, suddenly, there was a voice that could not distinguish between men and women, but was full of mockery!

The next moment, a flying knife suddenly popped out of the cloak!

Actually, he chopped the pistol in Yang Qi's hand into two pieces in one fell swoop!

Yang Qi almost freaked out!

too fast!

That flying knife, if it pierced myself, wouldn’t it be--

"I'm from the'Holy Light Judgment', you can call me Viper!"

Viper, slowly walked into the living room!


"It turns out that it was the person who ruled by the Holy Light!"

Father and son Yang Zhen were overjoyed immediately!

"Haha, I finally look forward to you!"

Yang Qi looked excited!

"Quickly, go and kill Jiang Fan!"


The viper suddenly sneered!

"I am a killer, not a thug!"

"Ah! Yes, yes! I'm so sorry!"

Yang Zhen said hurriedly!

The snake snorted coldly!

"This time, I just returned from a mission in Africa. Therefore, before I have time to read the target person's information, please bring the information!"


Yang Qi agreed and hurriedly took out a pile of materials and handed it to the poisonous snake!

The poisonous snake looked around at random and sneered immediately!

"It looks like it won't exceed level 3 at most! The boss is really overkill. Actually, let me, who is close to level 5, deal with this kind of stuff!"

Although Yang Zhen and Yang Qi didn't understand the power system, they immediately increased their confidence when they heard the words of the Viper!

"Okay! I have taken the information. Within three days, I will cut off his hamstrings and hamstrings according to your requirements and send them to you!"

As the viper said, he strode out of the living room without waiting for a reply!

"Hey, Jiang Fan, this time, you are absolutely dead!"

Yang Qi trembled all over with excitement!

the next day!

Blue Eagle!

In the third class, the atmosphere is extremely solemn!

All the students were nervous, looking at Jiang Fan!

"The first subject, let you relax first, let's come to English!"

The students in Class 3 are dumbfounded!

"You, the order of the exam you issued yesterday, the first subject, shouldn't it be Chinese?"

"Yeah! Why, has it become English again?"

"What are you doing? You don't make a joke like that!"

"I was still reciting the text just now!"

A group of students protested!

"Really? Oh, it's really Chinese!"

Jiang Fan took out his mobile phone to take a look, and finally nodded!

"Good! Continue to test English!"

"Damn! Don't go too far!"

"There must be a limit to shamelessness!"

"What kind of teacher are you turning back?"

The third class is almost, the lungs are going to explode!

Jiang Fan looked at a group of students with a smile!

"You guys, are you dissatisfied that I reversed the order of the exam?"


"Does this need to be said?"

"If it weren't for going to the Qiyunshan crew, I would have chopped you down!"

"Yes! Tick you to death!"


Looking at the clamoring students, Jiang Fan's face gradually became serious!

"This may be a very inconspicuous one of your countless exams! However, the teacher wants to tell you that this is not just an exam! More importantly, a lesson the teacher gave you!"

"I hope you can remember that in the exam room in the classroom, you will be asked to take the exam in order, but!"

"The big examination room in society will neither give you a chance to review, nor will it follow the order!"

"In the future, if you want to gain a foothold in society, you need to experience life test questions anytime, anywhere, regardless of order!"

"Classmates, this is what I arranged for your exam, the real purpose!"

Three shifts, silent!

"Ms. Jiang..."

"It turns out that this is the purpose of Teacher Jiang!"

"As expected of Teacher Jiang, he actually used this method to tell us the truth of life!"

"Why, my nose is so sore?"

"Really, so touched!"

The students in Class 3, with a look of admiration, looked at Jiang Fan!

"Okay! The next exam begins!"

"Although it is mainly for you to understand the truth, but if the results are not good enough, I will not take you to Qiyun Mountain!"

"Damn! This bastard!"

"Jiang Fan, an idiot! Can't you let us be moved for a while?"

"Hate him! Wait, bastard! We will definitely pass the exam!"

"Yes! Forty cents counts as wool!"

"Come on! Who is afraid of whom!"

Soon, the test paper was released, and there was only the rustle of writing in the class!

Since scoring time has to be counted, Jiang Fan has reduced the examination time one step further!

The third class is full of complaints, but they are still struggling to write!

Time, it will soon come to five o'clock in the afternoon!

The day's exam is finally over!

Moreover, the results of several courses have already come out!

"Dear students! This exam was a complete success! Next, please go back and wait for the notice!"

A group of students, exhausted and exhausted, heard Jiang Fan's words, they didn't even have the energy to scold him, and they rushed home listlessly!

And Jiang Fan, with the final test paper, returned to the office!

At this moment, almost all the teachers who teach the third class are here!

Jiang Fan just came in, and a group of teachers immediately applauded vigorously!

"Ms. Jiang! You are amazing!"

"Yeah! Although the test paper is not difficult, I really didn't expect that Class 3 would actually get such a result!"

"A miracle! You are Blue Eagle, miracle teacher!"

"Mr. Jiang! We adore you so much!"

Jiang Fan has been proctoring the exams, at this time, I don't know how he scored!

"Mr. Jiang, the average score in mathematics, unexpectedly, reached 32 points!"

"English is 39 points!"

"The highest language, 42 points!"

"Arts Comprehensive……"

A group of teachers, while talking, looked at Jiang Fan excitedly!

The average score this time is definitely more than 36 points!

Comparing the average score of less than 10% before the third class, it is simply a miracle!

Jiang Fan also smiled!

Hehe, these little guys, so hard, they still haven't reached 40 points!

It seems that the foundation is really bad!

"Teachers, I hope everyone keeps the results this time confidential! If anyone asks, it must be more than forty points!"

"We understand!"

"Teacher Jiang, don't worry!"

"Although the test paper is very simple, it is a great improvement to be able to get such results!"

"Thanks to you! The students in Class 3 will definitely be even better in the future!"

Jiang Fan thanked a group of teachers, and finally took out his mobile phone!

"Classmates, congratulations, the average score is 41 points, tomorrow morning at 8 o'clock, the school will gather!"

"Teacher, take you there, Qi Yunshan!"

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