The moment the woman opened her eyes, she had five fingers on her right hand, and suddenly swayed a khaki vindictiveness on the cruise ship!


The moment the grudge covered the cruise ship, the entire cruise ship turned a khaki color!

Immediately after, the attack from the Druid has come with a bang!


A loud bang!

The huge wave from the energy bombardment was almost blown up by hundreds of meters!

Almost the entire ocean has been subverted!

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, the cruise ship was still parked there!

All the attacks that landed on the cruise ship were all blocked by the khaki-colored grudge!

Bai Tan looked at the scene in disbelief, but the next moment, she seemed to remember something and suddenly screamed:

"Dodge them all! This is the fighting spirit of the earth!!"

It's just that she just finished speaking!


The khaki vindictiveness has been oppressed to the limit by those attacks!

However, after the limit, it did not shatter. Instead, it was like a spring that was compressed to the extreme, suddenly rebounding all the attacks!

The five elements of fighting qi, the earth element is the thickest and most stable, and the earth fighting qi is a variant of the earth element fighting qi. It is not only powerful, but also has the attribute of rebounding attacks!


A loud bang!

The first to be unlucky is the sea giant with the largest size but the slowest reaction!

Accompanied by the rebound of the khaki-colored fighting qi, his huge fist like a small building actually burst out with a crisp "click"!

It was visible to the naked eye, the flesh on the fist was torn apart almost instantly, and the bones shattered!

And with the strength of the rebound continues to strengthen!


The huge fist actually exploded into a sky-high blood plasma!

And the power of the rebound is far more than that, it is actually straight up, the bones of the sea giant's entire arm are broken, and the blood is blurred!


The sea giant suddenly let out a deafening cry of pain!

And in the sea, it became even more red in an instant, and countless schools of fish didn't even have time to react, and they were all fried into minced meat!

Even those Druids who were much smaller and reacted extremely quickly all vomited blood and flew back!

The woman has not yet officially shot, just relying on the unique rebound power of the earth's fighting spirit, it has completely destroyed all the Druid's attacks!

At this moment, Galahad has also regrouped, and suddenly slashed at Baitan!


Bai Tan's heart froze!

But the next moment!


A figure suddenly stood in front of Bai Tan!

Mu He!

Seeing Galahad's epee slashing down, Mu He's face was stern, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the epee!

When her right hand was just lifted upwards, it was still as delicate as suet white jade, but on the way up, on the delicate skin, lacquer black scales began to appear continuously, and the five fingers were constantly changing. Must be slender and sharp!

The moment she grabbed the epee, her right arm had turned into a scaly, hideous and domineering beast claw!

And with the intersection of the heavy sword and the beast claws!


A muffled sound!

A silver-white air wave suddenly erupted, blowing everyone out for hundreds of meters!

For the first time, Galahad looked surprised.

The skinny little female Druid on the opposite side actually possesses such terrifying power?

However, Galahad's reaction was extremely fast. His other hand had suddenly been raised, aiming at Mu He's chest and abdomen, and he was about to blast out a grudge!

However, just as he raised his wrist, Mu He suddenly kicked out!


This kick came first, and it kicked Galahad directly out!

But at the moment Galahad flew upside down, Mu He's upper body was suddenly thrown back!

next moment!


A slender and straight long leg covered by tight armor, with a harsh wind sound, suddenly passed from the tip of her nose!

It is amazing that the previous female warriors rushed over at some point!

If it wasn't for Mu He's quick reaction, the female warrior's side kick would definitely hit Mu He fiercely!

As soon as the shot was missed, the female fighter seemed to have expected it long ago. The long legs suddenly stopped, and then they pressed down like a mountain!

However, Mu He's reaction was even more astonishing. As early as when he was leaning back, his other hand grabbed the female warrior's ankle!

And at the moment when the female warrior's legs froze, Mu He had already clasped her ankle tightly, and then turned 360 degrees on the spot, and suddenly threw the female warrior away!


The female warrior was still in mid-air and had already adjusted her figure, and finally landed gently beside Galahad.

Then, she smiled softly:

"The high priest of the Druid is really powerful. Not only is his mana amazing, but his physical skills are so outstanding!"

Mu He gave her a cold look:

"Next to you is Galahad, so who are you?"

The female warrior bowed slightly with a gentlemanly manner, and then spoke proudly:


Actually, like Galahad, it is the name of another knight of the Twelve Round Table!


Behind Jiang Fan, the three-eyed fox widened his eyes again, with a look of disbelief!

Jiang Fan finally looked away from Merlin's staff, frowning at the three-eyed fox:

"What are you mumbling about? What's impossible?"

Before the three-eyed fox could explain, the last warrior summoned by Merlin, the twenty-two man, finally opened his eyes!

Galahad glanced at the man, then said aloud:

"Gaharis, the rest of the druids are handed over to you. As for the high priest of this druid, it's up to me and Bedivere to deal with!"


The soldier who had just opened his eyes immediately agreed!

However, Jiang Fan was stunned when he heard Gaharis agree!

its not right!

When he was in Bermuda, Jiang Fan had deliberately inquired about the forces on the island in order to avoid any accident. At that time, the spies from Sword of Thorns brought a piece of news.

That is, the Arthur family just happened to have a young master playing on the island, and he was accompanied by one of the twelve knights of the round table, Gaheris! Chapter 1290

In order to avoid conflict, Jiang Fan also specially looked at Gaheris' photos.

And the Gaharis in the photo is definitely not the same person as the one in front of him!

The three-eyed fox spoke at this moment:

"Mr. Jiang, I have seen Galahad. He is only sixteen, and he is definitely not so old. Now this person is definitely not him!"

"And Bedivere is definitely a man, but this one is a woman!"

"It's outrageous. Every generation of Knights of the Round Table will never take the same name unless they are dead. How can this happen?"

Hearing the words of the three-eyed fox, Eliza and the others were all startled.

Only Jiang Fan seemed to think of something, his eyes narrowed slightly:

"Then there is only one explanation."

"What explanation?"

"They are the Knights of the Round Table of the previous generation!"

As soon as these words fell, everyone showed a stunned look!

However, Jiang Fan's expression changed after the words came out!

"It's from the previous generation..."

A flash of thought flashed through his mind, almost grasping something extremely important!

But right now!


Suddenly there was a flash of light in the sky!

It was Galahad and Bedivere who had already shot at Mu He!

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