Jiang Fan sighed:

"If you want to kill the opponent, at the very least, you must first know the strength level of the opponent in advance. If this group of druids really know the strength of the Arthur family, do they still need the first two trials? Coax it up!"

"And if it were me, I wouldn't give Merlin a chance to summon those people!"

"You know, the 23rd level powerhouse wants to kill Merlin, it's just a snap of your fingers!"

"But the high priest of the druid, and even those druids in the realm of heaven, did not do this."

"So there is only one possibility, that is, the Druids don't know what the masters of the Arthur family are and how strong they are. In other words, they are vaguely afraid of the Arthur family."

"And since they are afraid of the Arthur family, then this shows that they have no confidence to wipe out the Arthur family, but simply prevent them from going to Avalon!"

"You said, since they want to prevent the Arthur family from entering Avalon, why do they take out the map of Avalon? Isn't this unnecessary?"

Several people opened their mouths wide and their faces covered in circles!

"Then, that's not a Druid. Who made this map of Avalon?"

"That's what makes this question interesting."

Jiang Fan's face is full of playfulness:

"Since the Avalon map was thrown out, the person hiding behind it is obviously very clear about the grievances between the Arthur family and the Druids."

"He, or she, must know that once the Avalon map is released, there must be a war between the Arthur family and the Druids!"

"It's even possible that he knows the strength of both sides very well..."

"After all, Merlin just broke through not long ago, and he can use the leaves of the Kabbalah tree of life, and the Avalon map appeared at the auction. If it is a coincidence, it is too coincidental, right?"

"This guy wants to use the opponent's hand to kill Arthur? Or kill Druid? Or, he himself wants to hurt both sides, and then benefit from it?"

A group of people only listened in horror, and looked around involuntarily.

However, in addition to the fierce battles above the sky, there are only a group of Druids who are constantly killing off Bedivere's grudge on the cruise ship.

As for the distant and invisible distance, although the moonlight is getting brighter and brighter, in the eyes of several people, they only feel that the boundless ocean under the moonlight is actually more and more gloomy and dark.

A group of people shivered for no reason.

And right now.

"Ha ha…"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed softly, his eyes narrowed slightly:

"Interesting, it seems that it really works!"

He suddenly looked at the three-eyed fox and the others:

"Remember, when the battle is over, you must turn to the Arthur family and isolate me!"

"Huh? But..."

Before the few people finished speaking, at this moment, the situation of the entire battlefield changed suddenly!

I saw that the chain hammer in Gaharis's hand suddenly came out of his hand and slammed directly at a 20th-level Druid master!

Yin Liu's face sank, and his right arm instantly soared, turning into a wicker with lush branches and leaves, and suddenly wrapped around the chain hammer in mid-air!

He already knew very well from the previous temptation that although Gaheris' chain hammer is powerful, it is not too high to be unreasonable!

The key is that as long as you control Gaheris' weapons at this time, it is equivalent to reducing Gaheris' combat effectiveness by 30%!

Seeing that countless wicker sticks have wrapped around the handle of the hammer, but at this moment, there is a flash of blood in Gaharis' eyes!

next moment!


The entire chain hammer suddenly ejected a blood-colored light, and the sharp hammer at the front swept in the opposite direction, and suddenly bombarded the wicker arm of Yin Liu!


With a sound of explosion, the countless wickers that Yin Liu's arms turned into were actually shattered!


Yin Liu suddenly cried out in pain.

Bai Tan was shocked, and the offensive in his hand suddenly slowed down, but at this moment, Gaheris suddenly turned around and slammed out with a heavy backhand!

Behind him, the 21st-level Druid originally wanted to sneak up on him when the Gaheris Chain Hammer let go, but he didn't know that the accident happened suddenly, so he could only block his beastly hands in front of his chest!

However, except for monsters like Jiang Fan, the gap between levels is as big as a gulf for normal people!

Facing the punch of Gaheris, the 22nd-level beast-like arm used for defense was instantly smashed by Gaheris!


The Druid suddenly let out a scream!

However, just after the scream was half-sound, Gaharis's fist had already driven straight in, directly blasting a terrifying hole in the chest and abdomen of the Druid, and even the spine was smashed!


The druid suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person died of anger!

And Gaharis raised his hand, and the chain hammer had returned to his hand again. He held the chain hammer and suddenly blasted towards Bai Tan!

On the other side, Mu He and Galahad and Bedivere were fighting indistinguishably. Mu He's arms had all turned into animal claws, and even the peculiar black scales appeared on his neck.

Every time her fingers come into contact with Galahad's epee, a swarm of sparks bursts out!

As for Bedwell, although every punch and kick is powerful, Mu He always manages to dodge it every time!

It seemed that even if Mu He faced the two of them, he had never been at a disadvantage!

However, Mu He's face became more and more ugly, especially when he saw the several Druids who fought hard against Gaheris, his eyes were filled with an anxious look!

Although she has yet to burst out her true strength, the two warriors on the opposite side are obviously the same!

Now, we can only pray for Bai Tan and the others to hold on for a while longer.

However, Mu He just thought of this!


A hurried scream suddenly sounded!

Mu He suddenly looked back, and immediately saw the Druid who was punched through his body by Gaharis!

"Elder Hu Yang!"

Mu He's face hurts!

And Gaharis was already laughing wildly, and a chain hammer slammed down on the white sandalwood!

Mu He couldn't control it any longer, and suddenly shouted:


In the sea, the swordfish as huge as a small island, since the beginning of the battle, has always closed his eyes, and his body is constantly emitting bursts of strange energy fluctuations.

Now hearing Mu He's call, she opened her eyes immediately:

"High Priest, still..."

"Can't wait! Right now!"

Mu He suddenly roared!

The giant swordfish named Jialan didn't hesitate any longer, and suddenly roared, a fist-sized, incomparably round, silver-glowing gem spewed out of its mouth!

That gem is not only radiant on the outside, but also brilliance inside, as if it contains a bright moon!

This thing is exactly what Mu He said before, the Moon God Stone!

Compared with the huge swordfish, this moonstone is like a house and gravel, but the moment it appeared, everyone's eyes were filled with it for no reason!

In everyone's senses, the moment the Moon God Stone appeared, it seemed that there was an extra round of full moon in mid-air!

This full moon and the moon in the sky complement each other, and in an instant, the whole world is full of light!

And in this light, the strength of all Druids began to skyrocket!

For Druids below level 15, the level has been raised by a full level!

And those who are at the 19th level limit, almost half of their feet have stepped into the 20th level!

As for the Druids above the Heaven and Human Realm, including Mu He, their strength has directly reached the limit that this level can achieve!

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