The depressing atmosphere did not last long, and with Mu He and others leaving completely, Galahad finally returned to the cruise.

He first fell lightly in front of Merlin, smiled at Merlin, and patted his shoulder:

"Master, you've worked hard."

Merlin forced a smile, but he couldn't even utter a word. He was extremely weak at this moment.

Galahad looked at Arthur again, and suddenly strode towards him.

All the family guards around Arthur frowned, trying to block Galahad.

But Arthur waved his hand:

"Go back!"

A group of guards immediately retreated in unison.

Galahad walked in front of Arthur, and then, he suddenly fell to one knee:

"My king, Galahad greets you!"

And at the same time Galahad knelt down, Gaharis and Kay also appeared silently, and they all knelt down behind Galahad:

"My king, Gaharis (Kay) greets you!"

Arthur's mouth forced a slight smile:

"Get up."


Several people all stood up again.

In this gap, Arthur looked arrogant, and with a trace of hidden resentment, looked at Jiang Fan on the edge of the cruise ship.

Jiang Fan was stunned, and then he seemed to think of something, and his eyes suddenly filled with a "horrified" look!

Arthur was obviously very satisfied with Jiang Fan's panic, he smiled proudly, then changed into a sad look, and looked at Galahad and the others again:

"It's a pity, Bedivere..."

"My king grieves, dedicating to the family is our destiny, and my king does not need to grieve."

Galahad spoke softly.

Gaharis said in a loud voice:

"My king, the top priority is to enter Avalon as soon as possible and obtain the sword in the stone. As long as this artifact is unified, our Arthur family will surely return to the throne of the king of Britain!"

Kai also nodded:

"Yes, my king, although we failed to kill the group of Druids this time, but their vitality has been severely damaged, and they can no longer pose a threat. Quickly reaching Avalon is our ultimate goal!"

Arthur nodded and said to his side:



With the restart of the cruise, the three-eyed fox and others immediately greeted Arthur flatteringly.

"Mr. Arthur, I didn't expect your family's strength to be so tyrannical!"

"Yeah, yeah! It's amazing! Those druids were beaten so hard they couldn't fight back!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for that **** Sea God coming out, this group of Druids would definitely be dead!"

"Humph! What about the Sea God? When Mr. Arthur gets the complete sword in the stone, is it still a matter of hacking to death?"

"That's right, right! Don't talk about Sea God, I'm afraid the Council of Light is not our Lord Arthur's opponent!"


A few people tried their best to scoff at the horses.

Arthur was slightly startled:


The three-eyed fox looked remorseful:

"Master Arthur, we really didn't know Taishan before!"


Alyssa nodded again and again:

"Master Arthur, we are a group of mercenaries without knowledge, how do we know what a thigh is!"

Black pit viper interface:

"We were deceived by the villain, which is why we are offended, but now we have seen it very clearly, and please Lord Arthur, please don't have the same knowledge as the little people like us!"

Even the unspeakable Firefox said:

"Master Arthur, being able to serve you is definitely the highest honor in our life!"

In the face of several people's praise and remorse, Arthur suddenly fell silent.

The three-eyed fox and the others were sweating profusely, and all looked at Arthur nervously.

As for Galahad and others, their faces were full of ridicule.

After a long time.

Arthur suddenly laughed:

"You're welcome, you just need to do your duty."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Several people nodded again and again, and then began to call out to their subordinates:

"What are you doing? Don't hurry up and do things!"

"One team of three people, there can be no less than five teams on the deck at any time, and all of them are patrolling!"

"You can't miss the inside of the cabin! Remember, there are villains on this boat!"

The three-eyed fox said, and glanced at Jiang Fan calmly.

Arthur's smile suddenly became more proud, and he looked at Jiang Fan meaningfully.

Jiang Fan's face was embarrassed, and he wanted to lift his steps but stopped. It seemed that he really wanted to please Arthur, but he was afraid of Galahad and the others beside him.

In fact, he was judging the acting skills of the three-eyed fox and others—

I asked you to take refuge in Arthur. You honestly take refuge and you are done. You have to flatter your **** so loudly. You are not that material, okay?

At this level, at best, the level of first-class small fresh meat, there are only two words - exaggerated!

Especially Firefox, the lines are too rigid!

But forget it, after all, you are not a professional, you can do this step.

The three-eyed fox and others were all stunned by Jiang Fan's acting skills!

Those timid little eyes, and that kind of meticulous grasp of the steps that want to lift and stop, and even the trembling of the fingers, the cautiousness revealed by the corners of the eyes and the brows... This kind of extreme handling of details is simply wonderful!

It was completely impossible to see that Zhizhu was in the grip before, and the calmness of the analysis of the situation was like a different person!

This textbook-style acting is definitely a real actor!

The admiration of Jiang Fan in the hearts of several people is obviously unknown to others.

Seeing Jiang Fan's appearance, Arthur's eyes suddenly filled with ridicule, but then he suddenly raised his foot and strode towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan shuddered, and the expression on his face became more timid and flattering:

"Ah, Arthur..."


Gaharis snorted softly:

"How can you call my king's name casually!"

"It's okay!"

Arthur smiled proudly, raised his hand to stop Gaharis, and then looked at Jiang Fan with a generous face:

"Jiang Fan, the strength of my Arthur family is not bad, right?"

Jiang Fan was dripping with sweat:

"It's more than possible, it's unparalleled!"

"Ha ha…"

Arthur took two more steps and patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder.

Jiang Fan's body trembled again, and his whole body became tense, which was obviously extremely nervous.

Arthur was very satisfied with Jiang Fan's fear, and smiled slightly:

"Don't be afraid, I won't do anything to you. After all, you are my ally now!"

"No, no, no, no."

Jiang Fan smiled apologetically, but his eyes revealed resentment and humiliation.

And these expressions are absolutely guaranteed to make Arthur see clearly

Looking at Jiang Fan's current appearance, Arthur can't wait to laugh up to the sky!


Jiang Fan!

You have today too!

Weren't you arrogant before?

You would never have imagined that one day it would crawl in front of me like a dog?

What if you are resentful, what if you feel humiliated?

The gap between you and me is so big, and when I get back the complete sword in the stone, the gap between us is destined to be even bigger!

I am Arthur, the existence that you can only look up to all your life!

Ha ha ha ha!

This feeling is really cool!

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