Accompanied by Jiang Fan's roar, everyone trembled in fright!

I just feel that my heartbeat will stop!

Those gangsters who were pressing Yun Xiaoru were all limp on the ground!

And Ma Ming, who was facing Jiang Fan, knelt to the ground with a "gudong"!

"Brother Jiang Fan?"

Yun Xiaoru was stunned!

Just now, she was desperate! Unexpectedly, Brother Jiang Fan suddenly appeared like a **** descending from the earth!

"Little Ru!"

In Jiang Fan's heart, he was terrified!

If so, a little bit late! Well, I can't imagine it!

Seeing Yun Xiaoru's appearance clearly at the moment, Jiang Fan is even more so, the corners of his eyes are jumping, and his fists are squeaking!

He is really hot!

"Boy, who the **** are you?"

Ma Ming was so frightened that he fell to his knees just now, utterly embarrassed!

"Brother! He is Yun Xiaoru's brother, Jiang Fan!"

"Oh? It turned out to be you! Damn! You just came here! I just finished teaching your sister, and I haven't had enough addiction. Now, I just abandon you!"

Jiang Fan ignored him at all!

Just stroking Yun Xiaoru's cheek heartily!

"Does it hurt?"

"hurts a little."

Yun Xiaoru looked at Jiang Fan with a smile!

"Hey, go home in a while, brother will give you a facial massage to make sure you are as beautiful as tomorrow!"


Seeing no one took care of him, Ma Ming was furious!

"Fuck! Give it to me!"

The gangsters laughed at once, and rushed towards Jiang Fan with malicious intent!

Just now, they were terribly scared, and now, they have to teach this ignorant boy!

It's just that they haven't waited to get started, Jiang Fan, suddenly looked back!

Coldly, took a look at them!

The few gangsters looked pale, they actually stopped in their tracks, no longer dare to take a step!

too frightening!

This look is like a wild beast that chooses people to eat!

That kind of ferociousness, murderous spirit, it makes people shattered!

Can't move! Just move one more step, and you will definitely die!

"Hey! Are you **** stupid? Go!"

Ma Ming is stunned!

I don't know what the few subordinates are doing!

At this time, Jiang Fan finally looked at Ma Ming!

"Hold him down!"

Everyone was taken aback!

I don't know, who is Jiang Fan talking to!

However, the next moment, those gangsters, as if possessed by a demon, pressed Ma Ming to the ground!

"You guys, are you crazy? What do you do with me?"

Ma Ming was dumbfounded!

"what happened?"

"I don't know! Jiang Fan just glanced at them!"

"Look at those bastards, their heads are all in cold sweat!"

"Could it be that you were frightened by Jiang Fan's eyes?"

"Fuck! No way? It's just a look, actually, so powerful!"

A group of students were dumbfounded!

And Ma Fangfang, with an even more incredible look, yelled at a few gangsters!

"What do you do with my brother? Are you looking for death? I don't know my brother..."

"Little girl, if you don't want to die, you better shut up!"

Jiang Fan glanced at Ma Fangfang coldly, and walked directly to Ma Ming!

Ma Fangfang's face was extremely pale, and Jiang Fan's eyes were swept away, only to feel that the whole brain, except for fear, was completely blank!

Jiang Fan lowered his head and looked at Ma Ming condescendingly!

"Know them, why do you want to listen to me?"

"Why, why?"

At this moment, Ma Ming already had an extremely bad premonition in his heart!

"Because they know that if you don't obey, there is only death!"

Ma Ming only felt a twitch in his heart when he said death. It seemed that he saw the grinning smile of the **** of death faintly!

"Which hand did you use to beat my sister?"


There was a cold sweat on Ma Ming's forehead!

Shaking all over!

He knew that he had absolutely provoke an incredible existence!

"Brother, brother! I, I am following Brother Ang, you, you will be named, maybe everyone is still a friend!"

Ma Ming, with a flattering smile, looked at Jiang Fan!

"Interrupt his right hand!"

Jiang Fan said blankly!

Several gangsters trembled all over!

One of them suddenly pulled out a steel pipe, and, without saying anything, hit Ma Ming's right hand!



Ma Ming let out a miserable cry, twitching all over his body in pain!

"The right hand is gone, and there is no need to keep the left hand!"

"Big brother, I was wrong, I was really wrong..."

"Do it!"



Ma Ming let out another miserable howl!

The crotch is already wet!

"Both hands are gone, leaving legs, it seems to be useless!"

"Big brother, don't, don't, I, I will never dare anymore..."

"Crack!" "Crack!"

The two bones cracking sounded almost at once!

Ma Ming only had time to scream, his neck crooked, and he fainted!

"I fainted so quickly, I haven't played enough yet!"

"Wake him up, break his lumbar spine, and break it for me too!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were full of hideousness!

"Too, too cruel, right?"

"My God, what the **** does this man do?"

"It's terrifying! Yun Xiaoru, there is such a big brother!"

"It's over, I pulled Yun Xiaoru's hair to play last time, I, I'm dead!"

"I even smashed her water glass, not to mention, I will write the suicide note first!"

A group of students were terrified and terrified!

Seeing, a few gangsters, we must continue to do it!

"and so on!"

Yun Xiaoru suddenly walked to Jiang Fan!

"Brother Jiang Fan, forget it!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, and finally nodded!

Then, smiled coldly at a few gangsters!

"Abandon one hand of each, take this idiot, and roll as far as you can!"

The gangsters were like amnesty, almost without hesitation, broke one of their own hands!

Driving Ma Ming, fled in embarrassment!

"Let's go, go home!"


Yun Xiaoru sat in the back seat and hugged Jiang Fan's waist tightly!

"Brother Jiang Fan, will you protect me forever?"




The two returned home, but Sister Feng had not come back from playing mahjong!

Jiang Fan took the opportunity and hurriedly used the Jiuyang Zhenjing to remove blood stasis from Yun Xiaoru!

Within a few minutes, Yun Xiaoru's face became delicate and white again, and it could be broken by blowing!

"Xiao Ru, you have your birthday tomorrow, brother, give you a big gift!"

"Hey? What gift?"

"Hey, you will know tomorrow!"

The next day, at the door of Blue Eagle!

A group of students in Class 3 are squatting lazily on the ground, Hong Lei and a few people, still smoking cigarettes, look comfortable!

"Hey, that **** Jiang Fan, shouldn't you let us pigeons?"

"Should not? If he dares to lie to us, he will never be spared!"

"That's right! I've been fighting at night during this period of time, and my studies are aging!"

"It's okay with you, I've lost my hair!"

A group of students were muttering, suddenly, Feng Jin's eyes lit up!

"Jiang Fan is here!"


A group of students are inexplicably excited!

However, seeing Jiang Fan, everyone was taken aback!

I saw that on Jiang Fan's back seat, there was actually another person!

Yes, Yun Xiaoru!

"Everyone is here so early!"

Jiang Fan said hello with a smile!

But, unexpectedly, no one agreed to him!

"I'm going! This girl is so pretty!"

"Who is this?"

"Isn't it, Jiang Fan's girlfriend?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this girl is about the same age as us!"

"Could it be that Jiang Fan was abducted and sold?"

A group of students, their faces are full of gossip!

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