Jiang Fan frowned and finally noticed the scene near the arch.

I saw that the group of Druids who had returned early had all transformed themselves and stood in front of him!

These people look at themselves in different ways, but they have one thing in common—

That is deep fear!

In front of a super powerhouse like Jiang Fan who can kill level 23 in one blow, these druids are just a group of ants.

However, this is their last home, and there is no way to go back!

Jiang Fan looked at a group of druids who were ready to go, suddenly laughed softly, and slowly raised his right hand.

At this moment, everyone has the illusion that a natural disaster is coming!

"Your Mightiness!"

An exclamation suddenly sounded from behind Jiang Fan, and it turned out that Mu He was following.

Seeing that Jiang Fan was about to start, Mu He roared at a group of Druids:

"Bastard! What are you doing! His Highness Seagod is the honored guest I invited over! Don't hurry up and apologize!"

A group of druids were startled, hurriedly put away their transformation, and bowed their heads one after another.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, we misunderstood."

"His Royal Highness is here, and it makes the entire Eternal Forest shine!"

"Thank you, Your Highness, for saving your life!"

"There is a misunderstanding, please don't blame your Highness!"

A group of druids spoke in a mess.

Jiang Fan is actually very clear that these guys are just looking for a step to go down, but he didn't intend to actually do it, just to scare this group of people.

He chuckled softly:

"It doesn't matter, we are neighbors after all."

Mu He also spoke quickly:

"His Royal Highness Seagod and I have something to say, you go back first... Jialan, close the entrance!"

Following Mu He's instructions, a group of druids left quickly.

On the other hand, a female Druid with a beautiful face and eyes full of vicissitudes recruited the moonstone and shot a silver light towards the arch.

This woman turned out to be the huge swordfish from before, Jialan!

Seeing that the arch closed quickly, Jialan bowed slightly to the two of them and left quickly.

Mu He looked at Jiang Fan:

"His Royal Highness Sea God, this is our only home, the Eternal Forest."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"It's beautiful. To be honest, before I saw you, I thought Druids didn't exist anymore."

Mu He's eyes flashed a bit of gloom, and his tone was also a little heavy:

"If the ancestors hadn't fought to protect a trace of their descendants, we would have been extinct as early as two thousand years ago."

Seemingly recalled by Jiang Fan, Mu He walked along with Jiang Fan and said softly:

"Nearly 2,000 years ago, the ancient Romans waged war against us for no reason. The war came suddenly, and we were unprepared."

"Countless Druid warriors died in the sneak attack, but the group of invaders did not spare the elderly and children. The most miserable were the women in our clan."

"Druids, according to the current aesthetics, men are ugly, while women are very human's aesthetics, so..."

"That group of invaders killed everything, burned everything, but they were not happy. In the end, even the Celts who were friends with us were slaughtered. At that time, there was fire and blood everywhere..."

Mu He suddenly reacted:

"Sorry, I said so many irrelevant things to you."

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"It doesn't matter, I think we Chinese people can empathize the most with your experience."

Mu He's pupils shrank suddenly:


Jiang Fan reached out and gently took off the Heiyin cloak.

Seeing Jiang Fan's face, Mu He was stunned:

"It's you?!"

She never imagined that this Seagod, whose strength was terrifying to the extreme, turned out to be the Chinese man she used to fear so much!

However, isn't he with Arthur and the others?

Why would you kill Bedivere?

Why save their druids again?

Mu He only felt that his mind was in chaos:

"You, you, why..."

Jiang Fan only said one sentence:

"Don't think too much, you just need to understand that I can help you and eradicate the Arthur family!"

This sentence is definitely more useful than any explanation!

Just as Jiang Fan finished saying these words, Mu He had already spoken decisively:

"What do you need us to do?"

This sentence Mu He said decisively, without any hesitation!

And through this sentence, Jiang Fan understands even more that the Druid and the Arthur family are absolutely inexorable mortal feud!

Otherwise, whenever there is a slight possibility, Mu He will never think about it, and say such words that there is no way out!

Jiang Fan smiled:

"No hurry, I want to hear about the grievances between you and the Arthur family."

Mu He's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he took a breath to calm down.

After a while, she finally spoke slowly:

"This matter is also related to the ancient Romans killing us."

"After that battle, our entire Druid family was severely damaged, and we retreated to England, relying on the straits, and then we got a chance to breathe."

"However, although we have a long lifespan, it is extremely difficult to reproduce children. It is almost impossible to restore the previous prosperity."

"And the strait canopy can stop the weak army, but there is no way to stop the strong, we can only barely survive..."

Hearing this, Jiang Fan suddenly interrupted Mu He:

"According to your current strength, there were no small number of strong druids in that period. How could you lose so badly?"

Mu He spoke slowly:

"Because ancient Rome not only had many masters, but also the Son of Light and twelve disciples!"

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank suddenly:

"Holy Son of Brightness... Bright Council?!"


Mu He's eyes were full of anger and hatred:

"At that time in Europa, it was the mainstream to follow us and believe in the **** of nature. Although the emperor did not believe in the **** of nature and had his own beliefs, it did not conflict with us."

"Even because of the expansion of the territory, there are Druid priests in the army as military doctors, and the Druid high priest is the emperor's guest."

"And the Bright Council at that time was just a small group that was not good enough. Not to mention us, even the Roman emperor at that time didn't take them seriously."

"However, I didn't expect that the Holy Son of Light had the means to reach the sky, and somehow bewitched the emperor at that time and made him believe in the existence of the God of Light!"

"From then on, the emperor regarded us as a heretic, and soon after, launched that horrific killing!"

"And the Council of Light has risen rapidly after this slaughter."

Mu He looked gloomy, but Jiang Fan was slightly embarrassed.

For nothing else, he is now a saint of the Council of Light!

Good guy, I have come to the enemy's nest!

However, it has been almost two thousand years since this matter, so these Druids shouldn't hold such vengeance, right?


"Cough cough!"

Jiang Fan coughed dryly:

"So what does this have to do with the Arthur family?"

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