God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2325: Take care of your little brat!

However, seeing Jiang Fan's eyes clearly, Mu He only felt more confused, and his big eyes were full of greater doubts.

She couldn't imagine what kind of person would treat such a terrifying place as a mint full of gold and silver!

Jiang Fan, is he a real warrior or a lunatic?

However, no matter who Jiang Fan was, it was too late for Mu He to disembark now.

What's more, she doesn't seem to want to go down.

Next, the two chatted while walking. After Mu He introduced the possible dangers in Avalon in detail, the two finally came to that one, near the "elf tree" in Mu He's mouth.

It is said to be nearby, but at this moment, it is at least ten kilometers away from touching the ancient tree.

However, even though they are separated by such a long distance, the two of them are already under the canopy of the ancient tree that covers the four fields!

And even the trunk of the ancient tree is definitely more than two kilometers in diameter, which is bigger than a town!

The height of the trunk is straight into the sky, so that the vast canopy is like a giant island floating in the sky!

This is definitely the most majestic tree Jiang Fan has ever seen!

While Jiang Fan was looking at the ancient tree, in the system space, the small Jianmu seedling was anxiously stretching out its smaller roots, constantly scratching in the direction of the ancient tree.

And along with its scratching, in the system space, in front of its roots, a space crack smaller than a hair gradually appeared!

"Ding! What the hell! Hurry up and take care of your little brat!"

The system suddenly scolded out.

Jiang Fan was also stunned:

"This little guy can actually create a space crack in the system space?"

Although Jiang Fan doesn't know how the system space is formed, he can feel that the stability of the space is absolutely beyond imagination!

If he wants to open the space crack in it, let alone the current him, even if he reaches level 25, I am afraid that he will not be able to do it!

However, this small building wood seedling was pulled apart with only the roots!

The system directly exploded a foul language:

"Ding! Nonsense! This **** is Jianmu! This little **** has rooted his roots in the space as soon as he came out. Opening the cracks in the space is a fart!"

The system scolded:

"Take it out quickly and let it stop! Repairing space cracks is expensive, boss! Would you like to pay for it?"

"Don't! Don't even think about it!"

Jiang Fan was really afraid that the system would deduct money from his wallet, so he immediately took out the Jianmu seedlings.

However, this little guy just appeared in his hands, Jiang Fan suddenly felt that his hands were about to be crushed!

Originally, he was floating in the air without his feet touching the ground, but as soon as Jianmu appeared, he couldn't hold it, and he rushed to the ground and smashed it!

With Jiang Fan's strength today, let alone a big mountain, it would be easy to lift a large city. He could even lift the star core fragments that were astonishingly heavy before!

However, when this building tree fell in his hand, it made him feel like he was holding up a planet!

Do not!

Even more exaggerated than holding up a planet!

Seeing that Jiang Fan was about to hit the ground, at this moment, a light flashed on the building wood. The next moment, Jiang Fan only felt that his hand was loose, and it was no different from holding up a normal sapling.

Jiang Fan's face was full of embarrassment.

Your uncle, this is good, the high-strength character that you created has completely collapsed!

He turned his head to look at Mu He, but Mu He was horrified, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was staring at Jianmu!

The whole person was almost groaning and exclaimed:

"world Tree?!"

And at the same time Mu He was horrified, the entire canopy of the ancient elf tree that covered the sky and the sun trembled across the two, and it looked exactly the same as when humans were trembling!

Even Jiang Fan vaguely felt that this ancient tree was exuding a kind of surrender, fear, and even a little bit of ingratiating and admiring mental fluctuations!

It feels like the grandson seeing the ancestors!

Xiao Jianmu seemed to feel the spiritual fluctuations of the ancient elf tree, and the struggling little root suddenly hesitated.

At this moment, the ground under Jiang Fan's feet made a loud noise!

As the soil flew, a root with a diameter of more than ten meters and an extremely emerald green suddenly sprang out!

The power of this whisker emerging from the ground is unparalleled, but just like a pug, it directly supported Jiang Fan.

The small Jianmu roots swayed, suddenly jumped from Jiang Fan's hand, and then directly plunged the roots into the huge root vein of the ancient elf tree!

Immediately afterwards, the small Jianmu leaves shook for a while, and suddenly spewed out large swathes of heterogeneous aura that was so thick that it was indescribable!

As soon as this spiritual energy appeared, the ancient elf tree trembled again!

And this time, even if he didn't feel its mental fluctuations, Jiang Fan could see that it was definitely not fear, but extreme excitement!

On the canopy of the tree hanging high in the sky, a branch covered with green leaves suddenly hangs down, and as soon as it hangs down, the leaves on the branch begin to frantically swallow the alien aura that Jianmu spews.

It looks just like a wicked dog rushing to eat!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched.

The situation just now is very obvious, the ancient elf tree is actually actively donating the energy it has saved to Jianmu to absorb it.

And what Jianmu spews out is all its own impurities!

However, for Jianmu, it is an impurity, but for the ancient elf tree, it is a unique treasure in the world!

Gold flakes off, no matter how dirty it is, it is still gold!

And the ancient elf tree is at best a piece of iron ore, even if it is just a little bit of gold paint, it can immediately make it qualitatively change!

The most important thing is that absorbing a little bit of the original energy from the impurities spurted by Jianmu is equivalent to giving it the key to evolution, and it will have the opportunity to advance into a more powerful existence in the future!

However, the two trees, one big and one small, are happy with each other, but the Druids have suffered bad luck!

Mu He had introduced Jiang Fan about the habits of Druids before. A group of people almost all lived on the ancient elf tree, and they built various exquisite buildings on the canopy.

However, with the two tremblings of the ancient elf tree, the canopy was comparable to two major earthquakes. Not only was the main house shaken, but many unlucky ones fell off the ancient tree!

Fortunately, this guy will still transform, and there are experts who are not strong enough to support him. Except for two rough-skinned and fleshy broken arms, no life was lost.

And a group of Druids have begun to look around for the "murderer"!

"who is it!"

"Could it be that the Arthur family came to the door?"

"The high priest and the sea **** are still outside!"

"With their strength, they should be able to stop the Arthur family, right?"

"Is there any change?"

"Not good! Go and help them!"

As soon as a group of druids came out, they saw Jiang Fan and Mu He. As long as they were not fools, they could almost understand the scene at the scene. It must have been a good thing for Jiang Fan just now!

No matter how good-tempered the Druid was, he couldn't help but scold his mother at this moment.

Seeing a group of Druids all looking at him angrily, Jiang Fan felt a little embarrassed.

However, before he could apologize, Bai Tan suddenly stared at Jian Mu, followed by Yin Liu, followed by all the Druid elders and knowledgeable elders.

I don't know how long it took, Bai Tan was the first to let out a groan that almost fainted:

"My God... This, this, the World Tree?!"

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