God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2327: shrink! Don't run around!

Jiang Fan's thought went round in his head, and he was quickly suppressed by him.

Now is not the time.

In fact, after talking with Mu He, the purpose of Jiang Fan's trip has basically been achieved.

Continue to stay here to visit, just to let Jianmu absorb more nutrients.

After all, this little guy has an amazing appetite. He has already eaten and wiped the first star core fragment, and now he has eaten a lot of the second one. When this star core fragment is also eaten up by it, he has to continue smashing it. Cause and effect, I can't afford it!

As for the lost part of the ancient elf tree, with the impurities spewed from the building wood, it is like exchanging bricks for gold coins, enough to make a big profit.

Mu He looked at the bright moon hanging high in the sky, and suddenly sighed:

"I really don't know when we will be able to walk freely on the outside earth again."

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Trust me, it won't take long, but shouldn't you be more comfortable in this paradise?"

"Not so."

Mu He shook his head:

"After all, the eternal forest is hidden in the space cracks of the main world, and its absorption of lunar power is limited, and the ancient elf tree is now too big. If you keep trapped in this small world, even if you want to evolve, you will not be able to absorb enough. energy."

She looked at Jiang Fan in a trance, and suddenly patted the branches beside her.

Soon, a group of cold light gradually floated up and fell on Mu He's hand.


Mu He gently stroked the Moon God Stone, then took Jiang Fan's hand, and placed the Moon God Stone in Jiang Fan's hand with great care.

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item. Selling this item can…"

"Shut up! I don't want to know!"

Before the system could finish speaking, Jiang Fan stopped him.

The price of this treasure is absolutely astonishing, Jiang Fan was afraid that he could not help selling it.

Mu He said softly:

"Jiang Fan, the Moon God Stone is the last remaining treasure of our clan except for the ancient elf tree. It can be said that it is the lifeblood of our clan. Now, I put everything in the Druid clan in your hands."

Jiang Fan's eyes changed slightly.

Mu He handed over the Moon God Stone to him so bluntly, which was something he didn't even think of.

Holding this absolutely precious Moon God Stone, Jiang Fan felt the heaviness different from other treasures for the first time.

This moonstone carries not only its own value, but also the trust of Mu He and the entire Druid clan.

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled, with a relaxed and comfortable smile:

"Trust me, the rewards you will get in the future will be richer than you can imagine."

Mu He also smiled, his brows and eyes curved like a crescent moon:

"I believe you."

A small space door suddenly appeared on the nameless island, and Jiang Fan stepped out of the small door in one step.

Following his departure, the short space door closed quickly, and soon disappeared completely.

The Eternal Forest is closed again, and it will never be opened again until Jiang Fan returns.

Jiang Fan looked at Xiao Jianmu in the space.

The little guy is full of food and drink, and is trying to stretch the branches and leaves. At the top, a small tender leaf is slowly taking shape.

According to Jiang Fan's experience, when the blade is fully grown, Jianmu will definitely give back some kind of benefit, but I don't know what it will be.

After observing Jianmu, Jiang Fan suddenly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

The phone rang for a while before being connected, followed by Theodore's voice:

"grown ups?"

"Well, it's me."

Jiang Fan agreed, and then immediately asked:

"The Dark Council is going to ambush the Arthur family, are you and Oleg involved?"

"Fuck! How did you know?!"

Jiang Fan just finished speaking, Theodore suddenly exclaimed.

The news that the dark council is going to ambush the Arthur family is a top secret in the council!

If Heinrich hadn't just told him and Oleg, even he wouldn't be sure!

Although people with a heart have guessed that the Dark Council will attack the Arthur family, but they are only suspicious, but Jiang Fan's tone is very determined, as if he saw it with his own eyes!

The point is, Jiang Fan still used the word "ambush"!

Not interception, not attack, but ambush!

Interception and attack, etc., means a strong attack, while ambush is a sneak attack!

Before he could report, the adults seemed to know everything!

How did he know?

Jiang Fan quickly gave him the answer:

"The more benefits the Arthur family gets, the more disadvantageous the Dark Council will be. It's certain to want to do harm, but it's no good to kill Arthur now. When he comes out of Avalon, attack him and get the sword in the stone, then It kills two birds with one stone! This kind of thing can be figured out with a little brain, nothing strange."

Yes, can you figure it out with a little brain?

The corner of Theodore's mouth twitched, only feeling that every word of Jiang Fan was a humiliation of Chi Guoguo.

But soon he regained his normal heart, and talking about any conspiracy with a pervert like an adult is the most stupid performance in itself!

Theodore diverts the subject:

"Neither Oleg nor I went, and not only us, but all of Heinrich's faction were excluded."

Jiang Fan nodded:

"It's pretty much what I thought, so I'm relieved."

Heinrich's power has shrunk significantly now, and this kind of good thing to take credit is naturally not his head.

However, Theodore knew the news. Harold, who followed the best deputy speaker Lucas, didn't report to himself?

Jiang Fan's tone was gloomy:

"What is that guy Harold doing?"

Although Theodore hated Harold before, but after Jiang Fan captured Harold alive in the City of Seven Hills that day, the half-hour violent beating had dispelled his anger. Now they are all chosen by heaven, and Jiang Fan hated him the most. Fighting in the nest, he naturally would not fall into the trap, so he explained with a wry smile:

"My lord, I'm afraid you have misunderstood Harold."


Jiang Fan frowned slightly.

Theodore explained:

"You also know that since the previous incident, Heinrich's current power has been greatly reduced, and to ambush the Arthur family, to put it bluntly, is to pick peaches, so as to who ambushed the Arthur family, he was the first to be kicked. Come out, the two vice-speakers are still fighting for this job! No one dares to report this matter to you!"

"Humph! The matter of sending death is still arguing, these two idiots!"

Jiang Fan laughed directly.


Theodore looked confused.

Jiang Fan said:

"Okay, pay attention to safety during this time, shrink back, and don't run around!"

Theodore was stunned again, and when he contacted Jiang Fan, he immediately asked:

"What do you mean, sir?"

"It's not that simple... Do you think it's a coincidence that the Avalon map appeared sooner or later?"

Theodore is also a smart person. Although he didn't know what Jiang Fan meant when he said neither sooner nor too late, he heard the sound of the qin and knew the elegant meaning, and immediately reacted:

"Did someone deliberately throw the map out?"

"Of course!"

"Yes, but who would do that?"

Jiang Fan slowly spit out a word:

"Bright Council!"

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