God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2329: I'm in a hurry!

This is purely a conspiracy to make Arthur or the Dark Council have to take the bait!

As for the Druids, the Council of Light probably never thought of this!

After all, so many Druids died in those days that it was not a climate at all.

Another thing they didn't expect was that this map would actually fall into Jiang Fan's hands!

It was because he figured out these things that Jiang Fan's eyes were so strange at that time.

No wonder I haven't figured it out for so long, so I was misled!

It seems to think too much, and sometimes it is not a good thing.

As for when he asked Mu He whether he hated Arthur more or the Bright Council more, those were the two ways of playing.

Destroying Arthur first, it must be the bright council taking advantage of it, which can swallow up the great wealth of the Arthur family.

And if you want to destroy the light council first, you have to let Arthur go first, tempt him to join forces with the dark council, and surround the incoming light council.

As for whether Arthur would listen to him, since Jiang Fan opened his mouth, he was naturally 99% sure!

Theodore was stunned.

He never imagined that the water inside was so deep!

If Jiang Fan hadn't told him, I'm afraid he would have to wait until the incident was over!

"Sir, then, let us shrink..."

"This is a conspiracy."

Jiang Fan said it again:

"I can think of it, and the two idiots of Lucas should also be able to think of it, so they chose to lead the team in person, just to prevent a sneak attack from the Bright Council."

"But as I said, this is a conspiracy. The strength of the Guangming Council's shot this time must be beyond imagination!"

"No matter which deputy speaker leads the team this time, I'm afraid they won't be able to go back."

"Heinrich is a smart man, he should have seen this, so he pulled away."

"Regardless of whether it's Lucas or the other, once it is killed, the Dark Council will inevitably lose its strength, and the Bright Council will never miss such a good opportunity. They will definitely choose to pursue the victory and attack the base camp of the Dark Council!"

Theodore was startled!

"Then, isn't that..."

"Do not worry!"

Jiang Fan laughed:

"As long as the Pope doesn't lead the team, they are at best showing their prestige."

"Then, what if the Pope really came?"

"The Pope..."

A complicated look flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes:

"No, don't worry."

Theodore wanted to say something, but at this moment, Jiang Fan frowned:

"Hang up first, then contact me later."

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and immediately looked in the direction of the cruise ship.

Just now, someone approached his clone.


With the teleport launch, Jiang Fan has returned to the cruise ship, and then the main body quickly returns to the clone.

Just after doing all this, a heavy footstep sounded behind him.

Jiang Fan looked back and saw that it was Galahad.

On the deck, at this moment, there is no one else except them. Obviously, the rest of the people have been taken away.

Jiang Fan's eyes moved slightly, but a pleasing smile appeared on his face:

"Lord Galahad, why did you come out?"

Galahad stared deeply at Jiang Fan for a moment, then suddenly took a step forward and grabbed Jiang Fan's neck!

Jiang Fan's eyes flashed with murderous intent, but then he tried his best to suppress the body's instinctive response to counterattack, and then began to weaken the defense on his neck.

His own defense is too strong, if it is not weakened, it will be easy to find flaws.

"Lord Galahad, what are you doing?"

Jiang Fan looked panicked.

Galahad looked gloomy and stared at Jiang Fan coldly:

"Boy, if you can make Master Merlin so jealous, I should really kill you!"

"Don't, don't! I, I'm a good friend of Lord Arthur, don't be impulsive..."

Jiang Fan was trembling all over, and his eyes were full of horror.

Galahad stared at Jiang Fan for a long time before throwing him onto the deck.

"Cough cough cough..."

Jiang Fan clutched his neck and coughed hard.

Galahad turned around and left, but his indifferent voice reached Jiang Fan with the wind:

"Boy, listen to me, if I find something wrong with you, even if you go against my king's orders, I will definitely kill you!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly to hide his killing intent, but he said:

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Seeing Galahad leave, he stretched lazily.

And those mercenaries who were taken away by Galahad also returned to the deck in twos and threes.

Jiang Fan was not idle this night, a burst of tiredness struck, and he simply lay on the deck, ready to sleep.

But right now!

"Ding! You have a new takeout order!"

I rely on!

As long as you don't sleep, orders can come anytime!

"Five thousand years ago, there was a fierce warrior."

"He leads a mighty army in an attempt to conquer the world."

"After seven years of brutal fighting, his army was finally defeated."

"These people were driven into the sacred Amshe desert and died one by one."

"Desperate warrior and begging death, if death spares him and defeats his enemies, he will give his soul willingly."

"The **** of death agreed to his request and gave him the magic weapon that can summon the undead army - the bracelet of Anubis."

"And this warrior's name is the Demon Scorpion Emperor!"

Hearing this introduction, Jiang Fan immediately widened his eyes!

This is……

"Ding! Please send a bottle of passionate, Red Star Erguotou for Imorton, who is desperate!"


It really is the world of mummies!

The last time Jiang Fan entered this world, it was to resurrect Xia Fanxing.

But when he thought of what had happened in the first place, his heart shuddered.

That time Xia Fanxing was indeed resurrected, and even Jiang Fan admitted his love for her for the first time, but it was a pity that Jiang Fan could only erase all her memories so that Xia Fanxing would not be obliterated by the system.


Jiang Fan shook his head and threw all these thoughts out.

After that time, although Imorton swore that he would look good sooner or later, the two had actually become friends.

Now Immorton suddenly came in with an order, obviously in big trouble.

Fortunately, I always keep something in my backpack, otherwise it would be really inconvenient to go back and buy wine now.

Jiang Fan didn't hesitate any longer and went straight to the cabin.

Just at this moment, Percival suddenly came out with a smile on his face.

"Jiang Fan, my king said he wanted you to patrol the deck!"

Jiang Fan grinned:

"I have a urgency to urinate, of course, if you don't mind, I can urinate here."

Percival's expression froze, and then he stared at Jiang Fan's lower body eagerly:

"It's not impossible..."

"Shit! You want to be beautiful!"

Only then did Jiang Fan realize that there are quite a few women who covet his beauty. Unlike others, he is the one who suffers from taking off his pants!

He ran to the bathroom like a smoke, and Jiang Fan suddenly called out:

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is open! It's about to enter - "The Mummy 2"!"

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