God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2334: On the self-cultivation of the dog king!

While talking, Ansuna actually took out a pistol and aimed it directly at a few people.

She stepped back and sneered:

"The Scorpion King just happened to be chasing after you. If you stop me, I can easily go out. Immorton, don't you want to die for me? Then let them stay and block the Scorpion King with you. !"

"Are you shameless?"

Eve's face turned blue!

However, Mira suddenly fired a shot at the sky:

"If you don't obey me, I will kill you now!"

"You! You wicked woman! You will be punished!"

Jonathan hid behind Jiang Fan, stuck out his head and screamed suddenly.

Immorton's face is also difficult to look:

"Ansuna, they are different from me. They are my friends. How can you say such a thing?"

"You disgusting bastard! Shut up my mother!"

Mira retched and looked at Imorton in disgust:

"Okay, until now, I'll tell you the truth!"

"You disgusting mummy, do you really think I like you?"

"To tell you the truth, your Ansuna is already dead! How many times has she reincarnated in three thousand years!"

"What you did to summon me from the underworld didn't have Ansuna's soul at all, only her memory!"

"That woman does love you very much, but unfortunately, she has completely disappeared!"

"And seeing those memories of her with you only makes me more sick!"

Imorton trembled and looked at Mila in disbelief:

"You, Ansuna, you, don't talk nonsense..."

"Bullshit? Humph!"

Mira sneered:

"I might as well tell you another secret. Those of your believers have actually been loyal to you and believed in you before."

"But unfortunately, those believers who are truly loyal to you have already been killed by me and Hafez!"

Immorton's face was full of shock:

"You, what did you say?"


Mira smiled proudly:

"Since they found me, I've seen an opportunity to rule the world!"

"I used the status of your lover to continuously develop my wings, cut off dissidents, and even use beauty to seduce Hafez and others."

"Now the entire monk sect, I am the leader!"

Mila's face was full of pride:

"Actually, I knew about your birth a long time ago, but I'm not interested in being with a monster like you!"

"I am more interested in finding the bracelet of the Great Scorpion Emperor and using its power to rule the world!"

"But I didn't expect that this bracelet would be taken first by you. I had no choice but to commit myself to you!"

"Originally, I thought it would be easy to defeat the Scorpion King with your ability, so just activate the bracelet and seal you again!"

"But I didn't expect you to be such a waste!"

"But it doesn't matter, you just dragged the Scorpion King, Hafez and the others should have activated the Scorpion Emperor's bracelet, my goal has been achieved!"

"As for you, just be honest and go back to your hell!"


Eve and the others looked at Mila in disbelief.

Even Jiang Fan showed a hint of admiration.

This woman can do it!

Ruthless, ambitious, thoughtful, but a talent.

Immorton's face was full of ashes, and his eyes had completely lost their lustre.

In a sense, he is dead.

"You, you bitch!"

Eve was as jealous of evil as always, she looked at Mila angrily:

"How could you do such a thing! You are so shameless!"

"Ha ha."

Mira shrugged:

"Simple Miss Eve, this is the world of adults. Now, all of them stay here honestly. After ruling the world in the future, I will remember your selfless dedication."

Mira stepped back and said:

"I wish you a happy death! Goodbye!"

"Bastard! You thought you ran away! Jiang Fan! Kill this stinky bitch!"

Eve was furious.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, Immorton did not know where the strength came from and grabbed Jiang Fan's wrist!

"No! Jiang Fan! Let her go!"

Jiang Fan looked at Imorton dumbfounded:

"She's already like this, you still keep her?"

A smile appeared on the corner of Immorton's mouth:

"So what? Just think it's me and owe her!"

"Brother, wake up! What do you owe her? It's me! You owe me a diamond the size of two footballs!"

Jonathan couldn't take it anymore.

It's a pity that when several people were talking, Mira had turned around and rushed into the exit on the other side of the pyramid.

Immorton seemed to remember something, and suddenly shouted:

"Ansuna! Be careful with your feet! There are a lot of gravel, be careful of your feet!"

It was Mila's **** that answered him.

But seeing Mila disappear, Immorton actually showed a relieved smile.

Eve and Jonathan rolled their eyes together, their faces filled with hatred, and they didn't even want to pay attention to Immorton.

Jiang Fan was also confused:

"Lao Yi, licking to your level, Jiang has only ever seen him in his life! Let me worship him!"

Jiang Fan really responded to that little nibbling today, pulling his **** with a knife—opened his eyes!

If it were changed to the first chapter of the novel, ten readers would have to poison nine and a half!

The remaining half also have to doubt the three views!

It's a pity that Imorton didn't write a book, otherwise it would definitely sell well in China, and even Jiang Fan thought of the title for Imorton—

"On the Self-Cultivation of a Dog Licking Dogs"!

But for Jiang Fan, it's a good thing that Immorton's heart is dead!

"Lao Yi, you really don't want to live anymore?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke.

Immorton sighed:

"What joy is there in life, and what sorrow is in death?"

"That's it, anyway, this world has nothing to do with you anymore, why don't you come with me?"

"Go with you?"

Immorton was startled:


"Of course to my world!"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"With your savvy, you can start a class and run a school, which is very promising!"

Immorton looked bleak:

"I'm not interested. Right now, I just want to die for Ansuna!"

Eve advised:

"Jiang Fan, don't bother, this person is obviously a waste, let's go first, and I'll send him to a nursing home when I get back to England."

Jonathan nodded again and again:

"That's right! But before I leave, do I have to take those three football-sized diamonds with me?"

Jiang Fan's eyes widened:

"Didn't you say before that the diamond is only two footballs big?"

"Oh? You mean that diamond is the size of four footballs?"

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide.

Jonathan really fell into the eyes of money as always.

Jiang Fan: "The above pays tribute to infinite terror!"

The two are talking nonsense, right now!


A loud bang suddenly sounded from the corridor!

Immediately afterwards, among the earth and rocks flying, a huge figure suddenly rushed out!

The upper body of this thing is an incomparably strong and sturdy man, but the lower body is actually a giant scorpion covered with carapace!

Just looking at the sharp thorns on the scorpion shell and the scorpion tail that is more than three meters long, you know that this monster must be powerful!

This is the most powerful monster in Mummy II, the Scorpion King!

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