God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2336: Bring out Immorton!

"It doesn't matter! As long as there is hope, it can be as long as possible!"

There were two lines of blood and tears in Immorton's eyes:

"Don't say one year, two years, even one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years! I've waited for three thousand years, and I'm afraid to wait another three thousand years!"

Jiang Fan nodded:

"As long as you are willing to wait, I will definitely bring you the real Ansuna!"

"Good! Good! Haha, hahahaha!"

Immorton laughed wildly like he was out of his mind.

Jonathan looked at Eve secretly:

"Isn't Jiang Fan lying to Immorton?"

Jiang Fan looked at Jonathan:

"I will never joke about this kind of thing!"

He looked at Immorton again:

"But there is one thing I have to make clear with you, this world, I can't guarantee when I will come next time, and I don't even know if I will come again in the future, so I need you to follow me, otherwise even if I bring out With Ansuna, that means nothing to you."


Immorton made a decisive decision!

"Ding! Immorton has established a contract with you! Imorton is unconditional allegiance to you, but Ansuna must be brought out within 10,000 years. If the contract is not reached, it will be obliterated! Do you accept it?"


Isn't this nonsense!

If Ansuna can't be brought back in 10,000 years, it would be better to die.

But Immorton's condition is really wide enough.

"Ding! The contract is reached! Pay 50,000 karma points to take Imorton out of this world!"


Jiang Fan paid 50,000 karma points without hesitation!

Compared to bringing out tens of millions of causal points on Skynet, this is a small amount of money.

"Ding! This takeaway task has been completed. You have 30 minutes to stay. You can choose to return by yourself, or you can choose to return automatically after the time ends!"

At the same time, the entire pyramid trembled slightly, and with the death of the Scorpion King, this oasis was about to be returned to the underworld by Anubis.

Eve's face changed greatly:

"O'Connor and Addis they..."

Jiang Fan felt a little:

"It's okay, they're still up there, let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already summoned a breeze to wrap a few people, and then it was just skyward!


He directly knocked out a big hole in the dome, but Jiang Fan continued to castrate, constantly smashing obstacles, all the way up!

At this moment, in the middle of the pyramid, in a strange and inexplicable hall.

This hall is very large, with a man standing in the center, a giant scorpion sculpture, and a golden bracelet floating among the six legs of the scorpion.

At this moment, the bracelet is full of light, and countless dark breaths are flowing on it.

This thing is the bracelet of the Demon Scorpion Emperor!

And an old man whose head was wrapped in red cloth like Asan was looking at the bracelet excitedly:

"Hahaha! Activated! The bracelet is activated! The army of Anubis is all mine!"

This old guy is Hafez!

Behind Hafez, O'Connor and Addis, as well as a seven or eight-year-old child, were kneeling on the ground with their hands tied by a group of believers.

But at this moment, the ground under everyone's feet suddenly shook.

Hafez's face changed:

"The Scorpion King was defeated?"

He grabbed the bracelet and put it on his wrist abruptly, and then suddenly pointed at O'Connor:

"These people are useless, kill them all!"

As he spoke, he had already strode towards the corridor leading to the outside of the pyramid.

But he just moved!


With a loud bang, the corner of the hall suddenly exploded and shattered!

Immediately afterwards, in the midst of the flying sand, Jiang Fan had already rushed out with Eve and the others!

At first sight, several people rushed out, and everyone was stunned.

But the little boy had a happy face, and screamed at Eve:



Eve looked excited, raised her legs and ran towards the child.

Those believers reacted and immediately aimed their guns at Eve. Unfortunately, before they could shoot, Imorton, who followed closely behind, suddenly stretched out his hand!


The guns in these people's hands were all blown into fine sand in an instant!


Hafez finally saw Immorton at this time, and suddenly burst out with an unbelievable exclamation!

And Immorton smiled grimly:

"Hafiz, I didn't expect me to be alive!"

Hafez's scalp went numb, and he suddenly turned around and ran!

Immorton sneered, raised his hand and aimed at Hafez!

next moment!


Countless gravels seemed to meet a magnet, and they all rushed towards Hafez!

The key is that these gravels seem to have life, constantly drilling into Hafez's body!


Hafez screamed in pain:

"Forgive your life! High priest! Forgive your life!"

Immorton was unmoved at all.

In the end, Hafez's body finally couldn't bear the pressure of the gravel, and it exploded into a large piece of blood!

Imorton made a move, and the bracelet of the Scorpion Emperor had already fallen into his hands.

As for Jiang Fan, this will be reminiscing with O'Connor and others.

Seeing that Immorton finished his work, Jiang Fan immediately raised his hand and blasted through the pyramid, Immorton turned into a sandstorm, and rushed out of the pyramid with a few people.

At this moment, under the pyramid, Mila was waiting for Hafez with a large number of men.

According to her assumption, there are a few people from Imorton to stop the Scorpion King, which is enough for Hafez to activate the Scorpion Emperor's bracelet, and once Hafez comes out, the faithful believers around her will take Hafez. Shoot to death!

The ruler of the world can only be her own queen!

However, she didn't wait for Hafez, but she was surprised to see that a sandstorm was falling from the pyramid!

She is too familiar with this sandstorm, it is Immorton's method!

what happened?

Immorton isn't dead?

Did he regain his mana?

Did he kill the Scorpion King?

How is this possible? !

And as the sandstorm took shape, a bald figure appeared in front of her!


Really Immorton!

Mila's eyes kept changing, and finally she suddenly smiled:

"Excellent! Immorton! With my encouragement, you finally succeeded! My love, you did not disappoint me!"

Eve and the others are dumbfounded!

good guy!

How shameless!

Only Jiang Fan was able to relax and watch the show with a look on his face.

He knows best what effect his own takeaways have.

Immorton's face didn't change:

"encourage me?"

"Of course! I knew that you would succeed. Your potential is so great, how could the Scorpion King be your opponent? That's why I deliberately stimulated you to inspire your courage and fighting spirit!"

Mira, with a look of admiration and love, grabbed Imorton's big hand excitedly:

"It looks like I did the right thing! My love, you don't blame me, do you?"

Immorton nodded:

"Of course I won't blame you, and I will reward you."

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