[Imorton]: Immortal Priest (Servant)

Level: 14

Ability: Dark Spells

Dark spells: Immorton has endured the curse of insect bite for three thousand years, and has acquired a huge dark power, and can skillfully use any ancient Egyptian curse and dark spells.

special power:

1. Immortal sacrifice: When Immorton dies, he will leave a golden coffin, look for four offerings representing the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines, open the golden coffin and offer sacrifices, Immorton will be resurrected again .

Hint: This ability can be used once every thirty days.

2. Scarab Summoning: Immorton can summon countless scarabs to assist in the attack.


1. The Black Book of the Dead

2. The Bible of Life

Pet: Scarab King

Loyalty: 100

Note: This is one of the most failed villains!

Personal Quotations: Ask what love is in the world, and directly teach life and death! Anna Sui! wait for me!

good guy!

It is indeed a seed of infatuation.

After reading Immorton's attributes, Jiang Fan immediately turned to the backpack again.

At the bottom of the backpack, full of corpses.

A full eight hundred!

This is exactly Xiang Yu's Eight Hundred Cavalry!

And Yu Ji's body has always been placed alone in the Baimei picture.

Jiang Fan brought out Immorton. Another consideration was that only he could truly resurrect these people.

But now that he has something to do, it is obviously inconvenient to bring so many people, and with Immorton's mana at the moment, if he wants to revive so many people at the same time, he is afraid that he will not be able to do it.

Putting away a few props, Jiang Fan immediately returned to the real world.

Out of the cabin, Percival was still standing at the door.

Jiang Fan was too lazy to pay attention to this **** and passed her by.

But Percival suddenly said:

"Jiang Fan, you are so smart, why are you following us?"

Jiang Fan looked at Percival curiously:

"I have to ask your Arthur? I want to run, can I run?"

Percival gave Jiang Fan a meaningful look:

"When the group of Druids came over, the scene was very chaotic. If you wanted to run at that time, I'm afraid no one could stop you. Don't tell me, you were scared and stupid."

"I was terrified at the time!"

Jiang Fan nodded again and again.

How sweet, even finding a reason for yourself.

Percival's expression froze, and she gave Jiang Fan a deep look:

"You have also seen the strength of Galahad and the others, Jiang Fan, you can't make waves, but as long as you are honest and obedient, my king will never kill you."

"Of course Arthur won't kill me, he will just keep humiliating me... You came to me, not just to warn me, right?"

Percival smiled:

"Once I enter Avalon, my king will definitely become one of the strongest men in the world after completing the sword in the stone. It's just that my king is very talented, and I don't want to see someone like you make mistakes. Jiang Fan, you are a smart person. If you are willing to be loyal to my king, your future achievements will be limitless!"

Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide and looked at Percival in disbelief.

This **** is so... so **** talented!

From the auction in the City of Seven Hills until now, I really don't understand her brain circuits.

Arthur knows that it is absolutely impossible to subdue himself. Where does this **** get the confidence?

Percival smiled proudly:

"You think about it."


Jiang Fan nodded heavily:

"Don't worry, I will definitely think about it!"

Just when Jiang Fan and Percival were talking nonsense, at the same time, Huaxia Qingzhou, on the sea several hundred kilometers away from the land.

The sea in the night is vast and calm, but it has a deep, heart-pounding depth.

And on this endless sea, a cruise ship is moored.

The size of the cruise ship is far less than Arthur's one, but in terms of luxury, it is not much less.

On the edge of the deck of the cruise ship, a man stood against the wind, staring at the sea with a pair of deep eyes.

If Jiang Fan was here, he would definitely be able to recognize this man's identity.

This person was the one who took that bronze key at the Seven Hills City auction—

Mr. Xu!

Just as Jiang Fan guessed, Mr. Xu and these people really got the news of Wang Yangbo's cave!

It's just that Mr. Xu's information was incomplete, and it took a long time to anchor the correct address.

Layers of ripples suddenly appeared on the deep sea surface, and then, a figure suddenly broke out of the water and floated directly on the sea.

It was a thin man in a wetsuit.

As soon as it surfaced, the man respectfully spoke to Mr. Xu:

"Sir, there is an underwater abyss below 200 meters, but the turbulence is very violent and powerful. It should not be generated normally. I am afraid that those below the fourteenth level may not be able to withstand it."

Mr. Xu's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Even the restrictions on the periphery are so powerful, this must be the location of Wang Yangbo's cave!"

He thought for a while, and suddenly said aloud:

"Leave at the master level and below, and all the masters and above will follow me into the water!"

As soon as Mr. Xu's voice fell, there were more than a dozen people on the empty deck in an instant.

These people are old or young, male or female, with different body and appearance.

Among these people, there are four people who seem out of place with them.

One is a man with elegant temperament, thin body, and long hair that has been moving without wind.

One is an old man with a kind and kind face and the scent of grass and trees on his body.

One is a woman with red hair, an impatience, and no anger.

The last one is a short and stout man who looks like a mountain.

Just like Mr. Xu, these four people didn't leak any breath, but just standing there, they let a group of master masters with strong breath lowered their heads involuntarily.

Mr. Xu looked at these four people:

"Wind, forest, fire, and mountains, you all take the lead!"


The four of them spoke at the same time, and then they all moved into the sea.

The rest of the Grandmaster-level masters immediately followed, and Mr. Xu was the last to enter the sea.

A group of people dived below 200 meters and immediately saw the sea cliff.

Feng, Lin, Huo, and Shan looked at each other, Shan immediately took a step forward, reaching out and penetrating into the turbulent flow of the cliff.


The turbulent flow hit the mountain's arm, and a large piece of Mars was actually rubbed out!

However, the mountain's arm is like an alloy, and the turbulent flow of this fear has not even left the slightest white mark.

Shan retracted his arms and spoke in a heavy voice:

"The power is equivalent to about mid-level fourteen."

"Such a weak restriction is really annoying."

Feng chuckled lightly and suddenly raised his hand.


The calm underwater, with him at the center, suddenly supported a huge shield, covering everyone.

Immediately afterwards, Feng moved and took everyone to the bottom of the cliff.

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