The entrance of the hole was extremely deep, and it glowed with a magnificent dark purple light.

And the space elements around this glacier are also very active, and sometimes a certain position of the glacier suddenly disappears.

And sometimes, the glacier will be equally abrupt and extra part.

"There are space cracks everywhere. As in the records, it should be the space chain reaction that the glacier has just appeared, and here is Avalon!"

Merlin spoke excitedly.

Arthur's face flushed with excitement.

Percival couldn't hold back, and as soon as he moved, he fell onto the glacier.

However, before she could stand firm, a large piece of ice under her feet suddenly disappeared!

Percival was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand, trying to touch the glacier.

However, as her fingers flicked, the position she touched suddenly rippled, becoming more and more blurred!

"how so?"

Percival was taken aback.

Merlin chuckled:

"The glacier came from a different space, and it has not yet established a real connection with our space. In short, it is just a phantom. Come back, it will take a little time to completely pull it out."

Merlin said, and immediately looked at a group of subordinates:

"Open all the boxes!"

A group of subordinates of the Arthur family immediately started to open the wooden boxes one by one.

The wooden box was covered with soft straw, and what was loaded was actually a well-sealed metal box.

These metal boxes are engraved with uniform magic runes, which are actually magic tools.

But just looking at the complexity of the runes, it should not have reached the level of magic items, just the product of ordinary magic.

In each box, there are three magic metal boxes, and there are a total of one hundred wooden boxes here.

Merlin took a deep breath and suddenly recited a complicated incantation.

And along with his singing, the base of the glacier was actually filled with splendid rays of light!

The light danced, and finally gradually converged on the stairs where the glacier started, where a strange altar was formed!

And at the moment when the altar was formed, Merlin suddenly slapped his staff!


The Kabbalah Leaf on the staff suddenly lit up, and then, a green magic circle appeared again.

But this time, Merlin obviously didn't want to sacrifice his power to activate the magic circle.

Just watch him grab those metal boxes abruptly!

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The magic metal boxes flickered, and they were opened one after another!

With the opening of the metal box, a strong smell of blood filled the deck in an instant!

And everyone finally saw what was inside!

This moment!

"This is!"

"Oh my God!"

"How could it be..."

The three-eyed fox and the others all exclaimed!

Even Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

It is a heart that is still beating!

In every metal box, there is a heart!

A full three hundred hearts!

And with Jiang Fan's eyesight, he recognized it almost instantly, it was definitely the heart of a human being!

Everyone looked at Merlin!

At this moment, even the mercenaries who are used to seeing life and death have extremely gloomy eyes!

And many subordinates of the Arthur family were also stunned.

Although they were carrying these wooden boxes, they didn't even know that they would contain such things!

Several women even vomited directly.

Seeing that everyone's faces were wrong, Percival smiled suddenly:

"Don't panic, our Arthur family is not a murderer. We bought these hearts from regular channels."

But no one paid her any attention.

This kind of words also deceives children. Whoever is present has never touched human life on their hands. The freshness of these hearts is almost the same, and they are obviously collected at the same time!

And at the same time, how could it be possible to acquire so many hearts?

The three-eyed fox and the others only felt disgusting at this moment. What made them disgusting was not the strong **** smell, but the Arthur family!

Even Alisha and the others rushed to the edge of the deck and vomited frantically!

Arthur and the others didn't even look here.

Merlin slapped his staff again, and then, the hearts in all the metal boxes were all set on fire!

The burning heart quickly turned into ashes, and countless rays of light emerged from the ashes, all of which were thrown into the magic circle of the Leaf of Kabbalah!

Merlin recited the incantation again, and soon, the light on the Leaf of Kabbalah grew brighter and brighter.

And the altar on the glacier began to tremble!

As Merlin finished reciting the last note, a blood-red light suddenly burst out from the magic circle, hitting the altar heavily.

The altar trembled suddenly, and an incomparably obscure energy erupted from above, and suddenly enveloped the entire glacier!


The space around the glacier suddenly fluctuated violently, followed by a bang, the glacier was completely stable, and the space cracks on it suddenly disappeared!

Avalon is officially here!


Arthur crushed the railing he was holding with excitement, and then suddenly laughed wildly:

"Hahaha! Avalon is finally here! The glory of the ancestors will surely cover the whole world this time!"

Galahad and others even knelt down on one knee and shouted wildly:

"Congratulations to my king!"

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Enter Avalon!"

With the wave of Arthur's hand, Galahad and the others suddenly all fell onto the steps of the glacier.

But at this moment, Arthur suddenly smiled at Jiang Fan:

"Jiang Fan, to be able to enter Avalon, you have worked hard and made a lot of money, let's go and see it!"

Jiang Fan's face was extremely ugly:

"This... Hehe, Lord Arthur, I don't need it, right? There can't be no one watching on this boat..."

It's not time to turn around, Avalon is full of danger, let Arthur and the others throw rocks and ask for directions first!

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Lancelot sneered:

"Jiang Fan, come in quickly if you want to come in!"

Jiang Fan's face froze, his eyes rolled, and he suddenly pointed at the three-eyed fox and the others:

"So, what about them? They are hired by me. If I go in, they have to go in too!"

The face of the three-eyed fox changed greatly:

"Jiang Fan! It's none of our business if you **** go in! If you want to die, don't **** drag us!"

Avalon is the secret of the Arthur family. As long as he goes in, he will definitely be killed by Arthur!

Jiang Fan didn't speak, just looked at Arthur.

Arthur's mouth evoked a cold smile:

"I'll satisfy you, three-eyed fox, let's go in and see the world too!"

The faces of the three-eyed fox and others changed greatly!

But facing the gazes of Galahad and the others, they didn't dare to continue resisting at all.

But in their hearts, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It is far safer to follow Jiang Fan than to stay on the boat. Jiang Fan did not lie to them, he was really thinking of them.

At this moment, all the mercenaries were very grateful to Jiang Fan.

Some of the subordinates of the Arthur family were left to guard the ship, and the rest, led by Arthur, climbed the steps and walked towards the deep cave halfway up the mountain.

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