This man was one of the ancient text experts of the Arthur family, just an ordinary person.

At this moment, he was trembling all over, covering his head with his hands, and while rolling on the ground, he let out bursts of heart-piercing screams!

Arthur's expression changed and he was about to go, but Merlin grabbed his sleeve.

"My king, don't take risks!"

He winked at Percival.

Percival immediately walked towards the man without hesitation.

However, before Percival approached, the man was tense all over, and his face was almost twisted to the extreme. Immediately afterwards, he saw his body froze, bleeding from his nose and mouth, completely paralyzed on the ground, and no longer breathing.

Percival's eyes twitched, but he went over to examine the man's body carefully.

However, the strange thing is that this person has no wounds all over his body.

Percival looked bewildered, and the others also looked surprised.

At this moment, a mercenary suddenly pointed at the corpse and exclaimed:

"His eyes are still moving!"

Everyone looked at the corpse's eyes, but found that his left eye was indeed moving!

what happened?

not dead?

So the old lady is not oolong?

Percival was still thinking, but the next moment!


The corpse's left eye suddenly burst open, and then, a strange bug the size of an earthworm with a huge mouth actually emerged from the corpse's burst eyeball!

As soon as they saw this thing, everyone just felt their scalps go numb!

No wonder there are no wounds on the man's body. It turned out that such a disgusting bug got into his mind at some point!

The point is, when did the bug get in?

Did it just enter his brain?

Arthur made a quick decision:

"Everyone immediately check their companions!"

The results of the inspection were good, except for this unfortunate man, the rest of the people were fine.

And the worm died shortly after it got out of the eye socket of the corpse.

Arthur looked at the corpse and sighed:

"Bury it!"

The two subordinates of the Arthur family soon found a suitable place in the sparse forest.

The two bombarded with fighting qi, and soon opened up a deep pit.

But just as he was about to put the corpse in, one of his subordinates snorted, jumped into the deep pit, and pulled something out of the soil.

And seeing such a thing clearly, everyone's complexion has changed!

That is impressively, a broken sword!

The broken sword is stained with rust, but from the shape, it can still be seen that it is the style of a Western epee.

And after wiping off the soil on the broken sword, you can still see that on the hilt, there is a circle-shaped mark with twelve depressions carved.

Gaharis suddenly looked at his chain hammer, and there was an identical mark on the handle of his chain hammer!

And this mark represents the Twelve Knights of the Round Table!

This is actually someone's broken sword among the Twelve Knights of the Round Table!

Jiang Fan touched his chin and looked around.

No wonder the trees here are so sparse compared to other places, and there is actually a shoal on the river bank. It turned out that a battle took place here a long time ago.

However, according to the time when King Arthur was tricked in, then this battle may have passed for a thousand years, but after such a long time, the trees here are still so sparse, the battle seems to be quite fierce!

Although the strength of the Twelve Knights of the Round Table was high and low, according to the information provided by Mu He, there were not many people who used heavy swords. Only Gaheris and Lan Malok were in that period. The main force under King Arthur should all be above level 23.

But that's not the crux of the matter.

What needs to be clarified now is whether the owner of Broken Sword fought the encounter alone here, or whether King Arthur and others encountered a team fight.

If it's a solo encounter, it's okay to say, but if it's a team battle, it's a bit troublesome.

At the beginning, King Arthur brought not only the Knights of the Round Table, but also several false gods of Celtic, but if so many masters gathered, the other party still dared to make a move, and even took the heavy sword of one of the two people. Interrupting, this is enough to foresee the tyranny and ferocity of the opponent!

Then, for the degree of danger in this world, the judgment standard has to be higher!

This will also directly affect Jiang Fan's next exploration direction.

Jiang Fan's feet slowly emitted metal abilities, and he began to sense the vicinity.

Within a three-kilometer radius, there was no other weapon, or even anything else, which was good news and proved that this was not a team fight.

However, within a kilometer of the vicinity, there were a few pieces of metal scattered sporadically.

Judging from the shape and size sensed, it should be the fragment of this broken sword.

And that's another important clue.

To be able to blast the fragments of this epee over such a long distance, the individual strength of the opponent must be extremely powerful!

So, is it a more powerful monster, or is it a **** of this world?

As soon as he thought of the word "God", Jiang Fan only felt that his heart was hot!

But Arthur was holding the broken sword and was speechless for a long time.

His face was still calm, but there was a storm in his heart!

Didn't you say this is Avalon?

It is the blessed land of the Arthur family!

But why, why did this broken sword that was obviously broken by an external force appear?

What about the fairies?

The guardians, what about the guardians here?

Arthur looked at Merlin blankly, but his pupils shrank!

In Merlin's eyes, he saw a trace of despair!

Why is this happening?


Arthur whispered.

Merlin's gaze at Broken Sword finally moved away slowly and landed on Arthur's face.

The old man smiled bitterly and said softly:

"My king, we may, maybe..."

Maybe something, he didn't say it, but Arthur understood.

Here, maybe it's not Avalon at all!

Arthur suddenly took a deep breath and put a hand on Merlin's shoulder:

"Teacher, no matter where this is, the sword in the stone is definitely here, it is definitely not wrong! And as long as the sword in the stone is one, nothing can stop us! You have to cheer up, Arthur family, I can't be without you!"

Merlin trembled and suddenly woke up.

Arthur is right, as long as the sword in the stone is one, there is nothing to fear!

He glanced at Arthur with great relief. Arthur may be young and willful, but he does have a leadership temperament that ordinary people do not have. Even his heart is in chaos, but he can still stabilize his emotions.

In the future, with his leadership, the Arthur family will surely usher in ZTE!


Merlin cast a gloomy look at Jiang Fan in the distance. If the younger generation can pose a threat to Arthur, only Jiang Fan is.

Whether it's strength or brains, or even he was praising Arthur's leadership just now, all of these, Arthur is not Jiang Fan's opponent, and even the gap between Arthur and him is really big enough to make people desperate.

In fact, none of this generation of young people can compare to Jiang Fan!

Not even a fraction of his!

Even if Arthur can unite the sword in the stone, Merlin always feels that sooner or later, Jiang Fan will still be able to catch up with Arthur!

Jiang Fan is not dead, Arthur will never be able to succeed!

Fortunately, Jiang Fan's death is getting closer and closer!

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