Seeing that Jiang Fan rushed over like a bluish rabbit, not to mention Arthur's group of people, even the weirdos were stunned!

Where did this kid come from?

How dare you directly constrict yourself!

This is too arrogant!

Arthur's group is even more wide-eyed!

Does Jiang Fante have a problem with his head?

In front of that group of weak beasts, they are dogs all the way. Why did they encounter this, and the weird people who are not simple at first glance are crazy?

Fortunately, when Merlin reacted, he pointed at Jiang Fan and let out a scream:

"Hurry up and stop him! Don't **** let him die!"

Jiang Fan definitely has a life-saving trump card in his hands. If things don't go well, if something goes wrong, he has to count on him to take Arthur out!

Galahad appeared behind Jiang Fan almost instantly and grabbed his collar!

Jiang Fan struggled desperately:

"Don't **** stop me! Let me kill him!"

Galahad frowned:

"You are not his opponent, don't be impulsive!"

"So what! I'm super brave!"


What the hell!

Galahad was immediately shocked by Jiang Fan's courage!

Good boy, the real person doesn't show his face, I can't think that you are the most hanging one!

At the critical moment, you are a real python!

The weirdo finally reacted, and a burst of anger almost rushed up!

Lightning flashed in his six eyes for a moment:

"Damn! How dare you disrespect the gods!"

Along with this mental roar, he suddenly stretched out a slender arm and pointed at Jiang Fan:

"God's punishment!"


A dark streak, full of black light in the shape of twisted skulls, suddenly fell from the sky, facing Jiang Fan and Galahad, and smashed it down!

Galahad sneered and punched the black light!


A blast!

The black light was instantly annihilated, but Galahad's pupils shrank, and the whole person froze in place!

That black light is not only an energy attack, but it is also full of a mutant mental shock!

And just as Galahad's body froze, the six eyes of the eccentric suddenly turned black, obviously preparing to make another move!

But right now!


A blood-colored dagger engraved with strange runes suddenly pierced the space behind the monster, and silently plunged into the monster's back!

It was Kai who made the move!


The freak suddenly let out a roar of pain!

But immediately, he trembled all over and slowly fell to the ground.

The energy bursting from Kai's dagger has completely wiped out all his vitality!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up, and he pulled away the big hand of Galahad who was slowing down. He rushed across the silver lake with a strange cry, and threw himself on the strange man's body with a look of joy!

Everyone was shivering with chills.

Jiang Fan's actions were like necrophilia.

However, Jiang Fan didn't care about other people's eyes, and covered the eccentric's wound with one hand:


"Ding! Detected a high-level servant of another world!"

"This servant belongs to the foreign evil **** system, and has a trace amount of evil spirit blood!"

Servant of God? !

Not a god?

Jiang Fan was slightly startled.

"Ding! The blood recovery price is 30 karma points per milliliter. Is it for sale?"

Jiang Fan didn't have time to think, and immediately said:


"Ding! The sale is successful, congratulations to the host for getting 150,000 karma points!"

Oh shit!

It took so much effort to earn 150,000!

Jiang Fan was annoyed.

But soon, he was excited again!

What the system prompts is that this **** servant has a trace amount of evil spirit blood!

In other words, the reason why this servant of the gods can sell money is entirely because of this trace amount of evil spirit blood!

And a mere amount of evil spirit blood in the body of a **** servant can be sold for 150,000 yuan. Isn't the evil **** served by this **** servant super valuable? !


The luck of Lao Tzu is at the back!

Seeing Jiang Fan eagerly looking at the corpse of this divine servant, even Kai next to him couldn't help shivering!

This kid is so perverted!

Facing a corpse, he actually showed such an intoxicated look!

But immediately, everyone was relieved. Jiang Fan is notorious for being greedy for money. If the body of this otherworldly **** is brought back, it will definitely be worth a lot of money, so it is no wonder that this guy is so excited!

However, the next moment, everyone gasped in unison!

Seeing that Jiang Fan actually ripped open the cloak of the servant, he began to study excitedly.

Merlin rubbed the goose bumps on his arm and looked at Arthur:

"My king, leave him alone, look where the sword in the half stone is!"

Arthur reacted and immediately looked at the sword in the stone in his hand, and at this moment, the light emitted by the sword in the stone was slightly lower.

Arthur's eyes suddenly lit up:

"Under the lake!"

As soon as the words fell, Arthur couldn't hold back, and suddenly rushed towards the water.

Galahad and Gaheris immediately followed, and with a few "thumps", several people had completely disappeared into the lake water.

Jiang Fan, on the other hand, was seriously studying the corpse of the servant of God.

The body of the servant of the gods is not much different from that of humans, but the body is very slender, and there is no reproductive system or digestive system.

Seeing this, Jiang Fan frowned slightly.

No, for any kind of creature, the reproduction system is indispensable, even the gods are no exception!

And this servant of God not only does not have a reproductive system, but also does not have a digestive system.

The only thing that exists in the stomach is a strange spar.

This kind of body structure doesn't really look like a product of nature, but it looks like it was cultivated!

A dignified expression appeared on Jiang Fan's face.

If the servant of God is cultivated, then the cultivated must be the evil **** he believes in.

The strength of this servant of God is not weak, and it has reached the 22nd level. So what level of strength will the Heretic God who can cultivate such a strong man?

Most importantly, where is this evil **** now?

In Jiang Fan's mind, this idea just came up, but a loud noise suddenly burst out from the lake next to it!

Immediately afterwards, Galahad was already holding Arthur and Gabris one by one, and rushed out of the water with a panicked face!

And at the moment he just rushed out of the water, the entire lake spun strangely, as if something unusually large was moving under the water!

Next up!


In this ten-mile-diameter lake, the water surface suddenly soared by dozens of meters!

What is extremely strange is that, as the lake water soars, the palace at the foot of Jiang Fan and Kai is also rising along with the lake water!

While Galahad frantically left Hu Pai's range, he roared desperately at Kai:

"Get out of there! That's not a palace!!"

Not a palace?

Isn't this what a palace is?

Jiang Fan and Kai were both stunned.

And right now!


The lake water finally came to an end, and trillions of tons of lake water began to fall under the action of gravity.

And at the same time as the lake water fell, an incomparably huge figure finally slowly appeared in front of everyone!

It was a strange creature with a huge body and a dark body.

Its overall shape is human-like, but there is no symmetrical beauty on the left and right, and it is filled with a twisted and evil aura!

Under it, one leg was knotted with muscles, covered with scales, and covered with thick and ferocious bone spurs.

The other leg is like a tentacle, but this tentacle is full of big mouths full of fangs!

Its torso is full of dark lacquer, with huge eyes, and the two arms extending from the torso, one is only a black twisted bone, and the other arm is actually composed of three huge one-horned pythons. !

This thing is completely an ugly monster that even the worst creator can't squeeze out!

And its head...

Jiang Fan and Kai slowly retracted their gazes that were looking down. They looked at each other, all a little confused, and turned to look at the huge, twisted pitch-black palace.

And right in front of the two, the gate of the palace suddenly opened!

Do not!

To be precise, it's not a door, it's an eye!

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