God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2355: How can I spend so much money!

Before level 20, level represented almost everything, and it was an insurmountable gap.

Except for one type of person, the owner of the Ten Calamities Ability!

At the same level, the Ten Disasters ability is almost an unsolved existence!

Ordinary powerhouses are not even qualified to be their opponents!

However, this situation is only before level 20.

After reaching level 20, according to personal talent, two terrifying abilities that were almost equal to the Ten Calamities and surpassed the standard level appeared in the East and West!

That is-

Into the micro and the field!

A strong person who understands these two abilities, the change in strength can almost be described as earth-shattering!

Between the same level, with subtlety and domain, it is no exaggeration to take the opponent's life and death!

You can even cross the shackles of levels and challenge stronger opponents!

And Galahad is a member of this group!


Facing the monster, Galahad suddenly raised his hand!


A field with a diameter of 100 meters opened instantly!

As soon as a fangs and a huge mouth rushed into this area, it suddenly trembled, and then it exploded into pieces in the sky!

The cut surfaces of these fragments are extremely smooth, as if they were cut by countless invisible swords!

And Galahad supported the field and rushed to the monster almost instantly, and then passed through his incomparably huge body!


A terrifying hole with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in the monster's body in an instant!


The monster roars wildly!

The one-horned python on his arm roared and chased Galahad!

However, as soon as he penetrated the monster's body, Galahad suddenly raised his palm and slashed towards the monster's neck!


With a muffled sound, half of the monster's neck was split open!

Tons of blood sprayed all over the sky!

The monster let out a mournful howl, and the countless eyeballs on its body lit up again!

At the same time, the single eye on its head suddenly burst into a strange light!

This single eye is so peculiar, and the ability it inspires must be terrifying!

However, at the moment when this single-purpose ray of light just burst out!


When Kai got the chance, holding the dagger, his whole body turned into a ray of blood, which suddenly smashed through the monster's single eye and penetrated into its head!

At this moment, the monster's body suddenly froze!

next moment!


Kai had already shattered a piece of its skull that was more than ten meters long, and suddenly pierced out of its head!

Along with the shattering of the skull, in addition to the brains of the monsters, there was also a large piece of pitch-black crystal fragments!


Kai not only penetrated its head, but also shattered its godhead!

At the moment when the godhead shattered, the countless eyeballs on the monster's body all bulged and twitched violently, and the monster's mental fluctuations rose to the extreme at this moment!

However, after the extreme, the monster suddenly trembled, and then, the incomparably huge body, like a landslide, began to slowly fall down with the roar of "rumbling"!

Under the cooperation of Galahad and Kai, this monster has completely lost all its vitality!


The monster fell to the ground, and the whole ground trembled fiercely!

Under the bombardment of its corpse, countless gravel and soil were thrown out like a wave!


And right in the midst of this wave, a piercing laughter suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan broke through this astonishing wave of soil and stone, and it was like a rhinoceros, rushing towards the monster's corpse!

Money ah money!

Here comes the old man!

It was Arthur who was as excited as Jiang Fan!

He followed closely behind Jiang Fan, and rushed towards the monster's corpse!

That half of the sword in the stone is inside this monster!

The sword in the stone is finally united!

Once the long sword is completed, I, Arthur, are destined to achieve the foundation of immortality!

The two guys were more anxious than the other, and they rushed to the monster almost instantly!

Arthur jumped up high, and then a fierce man blasted Galahad, and the big hole on the monster's body went in!

Jiang Fan held down an unknown part of the monster's body, and suddenly roared in his heart:

"System! For sale!"

"Ding! It's on sale..."

"Ding! Statistics, please wait for the host..."

good guy!

How much blood is there!

Still need statistics? !

However, the longer the statistics, the more excited Jiang Fan became!

This represents the blood of this monster, which is beyond imagination!

Oh shit!

To improve later, spend half and throw half!

Spend money to let the dog system clear its strength, and then spend extra money to improve it again!

For the trial portal of the subordinates, just charge it one million casually!

Enter if you want!

Purely as public travel!

Why! Just play!

Just rich!

It's so **** sex!

Just when Jiang Fan's head was full of madness, and he kept thinking about how to collect money, the system's statistics finally came to an end!

"Ding! The sale is successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 63762492 karma points!"

Jiang Fan looked at the long list of numbers, his eyes widened, and he gasped!

One, ten, one hundred… ten million? !

Sixty-three million? !

More than 63 million! !

Jiang Fan's thoughts just now were purely YY. After all, according to his experience, although this monster is huge, it may not have so much divine blood.

But now this huge number is really like a heavy hammer, directly smashing him into the ocean of money!

Sixty-three million!

I have been planning the entire cultivation world for a long time, but I haven't made so much!

How can I spend so much money!

too painful!

It's so painful I can't stop laughing!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Jiang Fan couldn't control it any longer, he laughed wildly!

However, just as the laughter sounded twice, Jiang Fan suddenly stopped, and his whole body tensed subconsciously!

At the same time, on his arm, a layer of tiny goose bumps appeared strangely!

This is the instinctive reaction of the body that only appears when encountering danger!


Where is the danger?

Jiang Fan's mind was overwhelmed by the great joy, and suddenly returned to normal under the warning of his body!

His perception spread out like a tide in an instant!

at the same time!


A small cracking sound like glass cracking suddenly sounded from the lofty black mountain in the distance!

Next up!


A loud bang!

The corner of the mountain was suddenly shattered!

In an instant, the sky is filled with the glittering glitter of the black mountain fragments!

Everyone was shocked and suddenly looked towards the mountain peak!

Only Jiang Fan, he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Kong Kai!

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly look at him inexplicably, Kai was startled.

And the next moment!


A slender hand with delicate white and slender fingers suddenly landed on Kai's shoulder from behind!

Kai froze suddenly!

But the jade hand was slowly raised, rubbed Kai's earlobe, and gently brushed Kai's side face.

At this moment, the hairs on Kai's body rose, and the dagger on his right hand suddenly stabbed behind him!

However, just as he moved, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked down in disbelief.

Just below him, a headless corpse was slowly falling towards the ground.

On the right hand of the headless corpse, a blood-colored dagger was tightly gripped...

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