
With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 6358 karma points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Fujiang's gift of thanks - infinite proliferation!"

infinite proliferation?

Jiang Fan immediately looked at this prop curiously.

【Infinite Proliferation】: Come on! You are killing me!

Description: Using this item, the host will have the proliferation ability of Fujiang within ten minutes. During this period, any part that is separated from you will grow into a new individual!

Remarks: During the growth of the individual, it will continue to absorb the host's own energy. When the host's energy is exhausted, all individuals will disappear at the same time regardless of whether the item time ends!

When he saw the description of this item, Jiang Fan was immediately excited!

However, seeing the explanation in the remarks, he immediately lost interest in this item!

During the growth of the individual, it is actually necessary to continuously absorb the energy of the body!

In other words, the growth of the individual is not only unable to help the body to fight, but also a drag!

Totally useless!

He threw this **** into his backpack, Jiang Fan immediately rubbed his hands together and became excited again!

Next, it is to operate well, kill the Holy Blood God and bury them!


Jiang Fan has reappeared in another world.

And Musa Ling'e also turned her head at this moment.

She was eating pig trotters just now, but suddenly felt Jiang Fan's breath disappear!

She hurriedly looked back, but found that Jiang Fan was just standing there!


Did it just feel wrong?

But seeing that Jiang Fan was still there, she immediately felt relieved and quickly ate the few pieces of pig's trotters!

"Is it tasty?"

Jiang Fan asked with a smile.

"Too- okay!"

Musa Ling'e pretended to be calm and said.

"Then do you want to eat something better than this?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask.

Musa Ling'e's eyes suddenly lit up!

But she immediately smiled coldly:

"Don't you mean to say that as long as I go with you, I can eat more delicious food?"

Jiang Fan didn't feel the slightest embarrassment of being dismantled:

"Actually, what are you doing here in this ghost place? Why don't you get things done here, go see my world with me, I promise you won't be disappointed."

"Then let's wait until it's settled. If those ancient evil gods are really easy to deal with, I won't include myself."

Musa Ling'e suddenly sighed faintly:

"What's more, even if we can really destroy all the evil gods according to our plan, I'm afraid, it will not be able to leave."


Jiang Fan looked surprised.

Musa Ling'e didn't speak, she just raised her head and looked at the three moons in the sky.

After a long time, she spoke softly:

"It's almost time, we should change places."

As she spoke, she was about to activate the teleportation technique again.

But right now!

"and many more!"

Jiang Fan suddenly interrupted Musa Ling'e:

"How long does it take for the people from the Rainbow King you mentioned before to join the Ghost Man White Dragon?"

Musa Ling'e was startled, she thought for a while:

"According to your timing method, it will not exceed twelve hours at most, and it may even be faster!"

"Twelve hours... I need a map of this world!"

"That's easy!"

As soon as Musa Ling'e raised her hand, a strange character floated towards Jiang Fan's head.

As soon as the characters came into contact with Jiang Fan, a huge amount of data rushed into Jiang Fan's brain, and in an instant, a detailed map of the entire world appeared in Jiang Fan's mind.

This broken world is far bigger than Jiang Fan imagined!

There are countless mountains and rivers, forests and deserts on the land equivalent to the area of ​​two earths.

Soon, Jiang Fan found their current location.

And the distance from here to where he and Arthur and others entered the world has exceeded 20,000 kilometers!

Jiang Fan directly launched a mental projection, and constructed a world map between himself and Musa Ling'e.

Jiang Fan pointed to the location of the ** and asked:

"We will be here in twelve hours!"

Musa Ling'e frowned slightly:

"What are you doing here?"

"We are here, waiting for the burial of the Holy Blood God!"

"What did you say?!"

Musa Ling'e looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief.

Jiang Fan smiled:

"I want this place to solve the Holy Blood God Burial!"

"Are you crazy!"

Musa Ling'e just exclaimed:

"With your strength and mine—of course, I believe you must have other trump cards, but even so, at most, you will lose both with the Sacred Blood God Burial, but don't forget, he still has the group of ghostly white dragons!"

Jiang Fan nodded his face as usual:

"If he didn't have that group of men, I wouldn't have to fight them in this place."

Musa Ling'e stared blankly at Jiang Fan for a while, and finally determined that Jiang Fan was not joking.

She was silent for a moment:

"Are you sure you can get rid of them?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Trust me, they're dead!"

Musa Ling'e stared at Jiang Fan for a long time again, and finally gritted her teeth:

"If you fail, I promise to kill you before the Holy Blood God buries me!"

Jiang Fan just smiled.

Musa Ling'e took a deep breath: pointing to the position of the **:

"If it was in the past, it would have been easy to get here, but now it's different. The Holy Blood God's Burial is watching, so the first problem we have to solve is how to get there."

"We can..."

Before Jiang Fan could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Musa Ling'e:

"I know what you are going to say. The quickest way is to teleport, but this is precisely the last thing we can choose."

"Because the principle of teleportation is to condense energy, and then penetrate two space points. The farther the distance is, the more power will be condensed. Because of this, once the teleportation is over a long distance, the huge energy generated will be instantly destroyed. Feel it!"

"Besides, this broken world can't support teleportation too far, and it is absolutely impossible to get there at one time."

"Also, I just teleported twice, entirely because the place I want to reach has the ability to conceal my breath."

"And along the way we're going, unfortunately, there's nothing to hide our energy."

Jiang Fan said:

"I mean…"

Musa Ling'e smiled slightly:

"Short-range fast teleportation? It's also not good! The other party can completely judge the position we are about to reach based on our travel route and intercept it halfway."

Jiang Fan spoke again:


Musa Ling'e waved her hand:

"Of course it's even more unrealistic to want to fly over."

"We have been locked by the Holy Blood God's Burial. Once we use our energy to fly at high speed, we will be sensed by him!"

Jiang Fan opened his mouth:

"I mean…"

Musa Ling'e looked at Jiang Fan with insightful eyes:

"Using the power of the flesh to run long distances, right?"

"I can see that your physical strength is very powerful. If you want to run for a long distance, you can run over in one breath."

"However, Guiman Bailong's people are not dry-boiled. We must have some clues along the way, and they will easily be traced by them."

"Then, just like short-range teleportation, they judged the destination and intercepted it halfway."

Musa Ling'e looked at Jiang Fan calmly and sighed:

"Jiang Fan, although I don't know what your plan is, it's just the first step. I'm afraid your plan will be dead."

Jiang Fan looked at Musa Ling'e helplessly:

"You're done, aren't you?"

Musa Ling'e was startled and nodded.

Jiang Fan also sighed:

"Have you heard of transportation?"

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