God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2377: Warm up is over! The hunt begins!

Aphid's feet firmly stepped on a branch swaying in the wind.

This is the tallest giant tree within dozens of miles near the dense forest, and the branch he stepped on is also the tallest branch of this giant tree, so the scenery within the nearby dozens of miles is unobstructed.

As for the forest with stacked branches and leaves, it was enveloped by his breath, and even the smallest scavenger squirming could not escape his induction.

It's just that even though he has achieved this point, he is still a little flustered.

The one to be intercepted this time is that legendary new god, Musa Ling'e!

With Aphid's status, he was not even worthy to carry this woman's shoes back then!

Even now, without permission, he can't enter the prison stone of Musa Ling'e, within a thousand kilometers!

In fact, even if he could go, he would not have the guts at all!

But now, King Hong actually asked himself and the rest to intercept this woman?

Fortunately, it is interception, but in fact, as long as she finds her trace, she only needs to report to the Rainbow King.

At that time, there will naturally be a ghostly white dragon, or even a big man like the Holy Blood God Burial.

Thinking of these two names, Aphid's heart suddenly became hot!

If these two adults can take a fancy to him, his future will definitely be soaring!

Thinking about it this way, it would be nice if you could meet Musa Ling'e and the others?

Aphid hatred's heart gradually warmed up.

And not only is it hot, but there is a feeling that the body is shaking, and even the pores seem to open.

Am I getting too excited?

Aphid hated his heart, this thought just flashed, and his eyes changed suddenly!


He suddenly took a deep breath, and was about to let out a warning scream!

However, just after breathing in, he only felt that his whole body was stiff, and a great terror between life and death had completely enveloped him, making him not dare to do even the slightest superfluous thing!

Even normal breathing has stopped!

And just in front of him, in the rich night, a figure slowly emerged.

It was a man in a cloak.

The outline of the man's face is as perfect as a sculpture, and the corner of his mouth has a warm smile, just like the sunshine in March in the spring, but his eyes are actually bloody, like the fangs of **** demons still dripping blood!

Aphid hated this moment, only felt that his scalp was about to explode!

He had clearly covered his breath for dozens of miles, but he didn't feel the presence of this man!

Even now, at such a close distance, I can't even feel the slightest breath of him!

Even if he didn't see it with his eyes, he couldn't believe that there would be another person in front of him!


Jiang Fan said in a flat tone.

And along with his opening, Ai Hao suddenly felt his body loosen, and finally spit out the air that almost choked his lungs.

Aphid took a few breaths, but facing Jiang Fan's eyes, he didn't dare to warn him, let alone make any misunderstanding.

"My name is Aphid."

"King Hong's subordinates, including you, intercepted us, how many people came?"

As soon as Jiang Fan finished speaking, Ai Hao's pupils shrank, and he finally knew who this man was!

This time, in addition to Musa Ling'e, there is also an outsider whose strength is said to be completely inferior to her!

This man is the alien!

And when he thinks of this, Aphid hates his eyes, and he must warn!

It would be fine if the opponent was another god, but this outsider is a freak who can completely wipe out the existence of gods!

He and the gods of this world are born to be undead enemies!

It's a pity that just as he was about to burst into breath, Jiang Fan had already grabbed his neck, and then he slammed it with a big hand!


With the fracture of the neck bone, Jiang Fan's infuriating energy was even more like a tsunami, and it rushed into Aphid's body in an instant, shattering his skeletal muscles and even his godhead!

At the same time, Jiang Fan's mental power exploded into Aphid's mind, almost instantly scavenging all information about this interception in his mind!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan smeared Aphio's body, and there were two more things on his hand.

One of them was a silver crystal. Just by touching it with his hand, Jiang Fan felt some kind of peculiar fluctuation in it. The function of this thing was similar to that of a telephone, and it was a tool for the gods to communicate with each other.

Another function of it is positioning.

And the other one is Aphid's top.

The material of this thing is very special. It is neither cloth nor leather, but has a metallic touch.

According to what Musa Ling'e said before, this thing should be the "God War Armament" unique to this world.

The armor of the gods is usually the same as the clothes, and it can also change its shape according to the owner's mind, but once it comes to the battle time, it will become a battle armor, which can greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the gods.

Including the long skirt of Musa Ling'e, it is also a weapon of gods.

Putting these two things away, Jiang Fan took off the head of Aphid.

"Ding! Detected the low-level evil **** Aphid in the other world!"

"This evil **** belongs to the foreign evil **** system!"

"Ding! The blood recovery price is 170 karma points per milliliter. Is it for sale?"


"Ding! The sale is successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 850,000 karma points!"

Although the gods in this world are generally of high rank, I don’t know if it is because the world is broken, and they are far less valuable than the equivalent gods on Earth.

Throwing Aihao's body into his backpack, Jiang Fan suddenly showed a grim smile:

"Aphid hatred, butterfly diagram, stinging disorder, sardine bone, mussel li, locust longevity... tsk tsk, seventeen gods, hehe..."

"Then...the warm-up is over! Let's start!"


Jiang Fan's whole person almost turned into a phantom, swiftly heading for dozens of kilometers away, galloping away silently!

As soon as Jiang Fan left, a space door suddenly opened!

Immediately after, the Sacred Blood God Burial with a smile on his face has already stepped out with the Ghostly White Dragon and the Rainbow King!

However, as soon as it appeared, the Sacred Blood God Burial's smile froze on his face!

As soon as Aphid died, the Rainbow King immediately reported it, and immediately after the Sacred Blood God Burial opened the space door, the time during this time was almost less than a second!

And if you want to kill Aphid, that kind of weapon is obviously not good, that is to say, Musa Ling'e and the others must have done it themselves!

But this time is not enough to completely lock the breath after the two of them make a shot!

And even if they can lock their breath, if they only move with their physical bodies, there will be troubles!

However, the Holy Blood God was buried here, but he didn't feel anything!

It was as if the two had disappeared out of thin air!

How could this be?

Ghostly White Dragon also looked surprised, but before he could speak, he suddenly looked towards the north of the forest!

At that position, an astonishing energy fluctuation disappeared in a flash!

Immediately afterwards, the expression of King Hong suddenly changed, and he said almost unbelievably:

"Butterfly is dead!"

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