The Burial of the Holy Blood God looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Look at the man in the cloak that looks like a ghost.

He could never have imagined that at this time, Jiang Fan would dare to take action!

No matter how tyrannical he is, in such a short period of time, killing the ghostly white dragon and the rainbow king is doomed to five hardships and seven injuries!

It is even more likely that it has been seriously injured to the limit!

How could he still make a move?

How dare he make a move!

The rest of the people also stared at Jiang Fan blankly. At this moment, they only felt cold, a kind of cold that soaked into the bone marrow, and even their souls were frozen!

There are more than a dozen gods here!

There are more than a dozen clones!

There is also the deity buried by the Holy Blood God!

This Jiang Fan, this foreigner, this lunatic!

Why would he dare to take action!


Jiang Fan took out a long knife and put Locusshou's body into his backpack.

And until this time, the Holy Blood God Burial and others suddenly reacted!

"Jiang Fan!"

Holy Blood God Burial growled, and he was about to take action!

But right now!

"The Holy Blood God Burial!"

Jiang Fan let out a roar, holding a tiger's soul, and charged towards the funeral of the Holy Blood God with unparalleled momentum!

Everyone was surprised!

Is this kid really crazy?

How dare you take the initiative to take the initiative to bury the Holy Blood God? !

Sacred Blood Divine Burial was also stunned for a moment, but he was immediately happy!

Jiang Fan, this idiot, was obviously overwhelmed by the repeated victories, yet he dared to attack himself!

A sly smile suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the right hand of the Sacred Blood God Burial suddenly lifted up, and there was a strange and incomparable silver and blood luster in his hand!

Since Jiang Fan was so stupid that he dared to attack him, he would kill Jiang Fan with one blow!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's aura has reached its peak, and the tiger's soul suddenly burst out, with a deafening violent roar!

"Sacred Blood God Burial, today is your day of death!"

Jiang Fan let out a roar, and the sword's power reached its limit like the sky!

Then, hit hard!


A head suddenly flew up!

However, when they saw the flying head, everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan's knife was not aimed at the Sacred Blood God's Burial at all. Instead, he changed his face and cut off the neck of one of Hongwang's subordinates!

This change was so sudden that the clones around that person didn't react!

Sacred Blood God's Burial's eyes widened, until Jiang Fan put away the man's body, and then he suddenly woke up!

I was fooled!

"Jiang Fan!!"

Devoured by endless humiliation, the Sacred Blood Divine Burial burst into anger, and suddenly burst out with a mad roar!

Immediately after that, he made a sudden movement, and the whole person was like a maddening thunder, with a punch that was enough to shatter the space, and slammed into Jiang Fan frantically!

However, just as he was about to rush, Jiang Fan's mouth suddenly evoked a mocking smile!

The meaning of that smile, the Sacred Blood God Burial is too clear. In his long life, he has seen such a smile countless times, and this smile has only one meaning—

You got Fooled!

This kid is deliberately leading his own shot!

Is this a trap? !

Sacred Blood God's Burial was startled at this moment, his movements were stagnant, and his eyes were fixed on Jiang Fan!

If it was in the past, the Burial of the Holy Blood God wouldn't care about Jiang Fan's trap!

But now it's different!

Jiang Fan carried the power to kill the ghostly white dragon and the rainbow king, even if it was the burial of the Holy Blood God, he would not dare to underestimate it at all!

However, just as his eyes were wide open and he was trying to find clues from Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan opened his lips slightly and spit out three words.

The Holy Blood God's Burial read those three words in an instant—

Sun Punch?

what is that?

Just came up with this idea!


A dazzling flash, almost brighter than the sun, erupted from Jiang Fan, almost blinding the eyes of the Holy Blood God Burial!


The Sacred Blood Divine Burial suddenly burst out with a roar full of anger and anger, and the whole person quickly retreated subconsciously!

But just as he stepped back, a shrill scream suddenly sounded in his ears!

Next up!


He was so familiar with that voice!

That's the sound of cutting off people's heads!

At this moment, he suddenly understood!

Jiang Fan's mocking smile was a trap!

He just deliberately wanted to slow down his offensive, focus all his attention on him, and then kill another god!

"Jiang Fan!!"

The Burial of the Holy Blood is almost insane!

Those people in the past, even the ghostly white dragon and the rainbow king, didn't care, but now, Jiang Fan killed three gods in front of him!

This is no longer a slap in the face, it is simply throwing your own face on the ground and stepping on it!

"You bastard! You bastard!!"

Holy Blood God Burial suddenly roared!

Although he can't see, he still has the kingdom of God!

As long as Jiang Fan dared to stay for a moment, this time he was doomed to escape!

However, before the Holy Blood God's Burial of the Divine Kingdom unfolded, Jiang Fan's laughter suddenly sounded from all directions at the same time:

"The Burial of the Holy Blood God, thank you for the reward! Hahahaha..."

Jiang Fan had obviously run away.

Obviously as long as he kills one more person, or even stays for another moment, he can keep him forever!

But he, he actually ran like this!

The anger at the moment of the Holy Blood God's burial suddenly dissipated completely.

Like the rest, he only felt a chill.

Jiang Fan was too scary.

What is scary is not his strength, not his madness, nor his courage to walk to the brink of death, but his cunning and extremely cunning calculation!

Such an opponent, in the long life of the Holy Blood God Burial, has never encountered a second one!

Even an inexplicable thought suddenly appeared in his mind: Wouldn't it be better if he didn't escape the seal?

As soon as this thought appeared, his heart suddenly twitched!

You... are you afraid of Jiang Fan?

Are you afraid of this human being whose strength is far less than your own?

The endless humiliation rose like a fire in an instant, and the burning Holy Blood God Buried the whole person almost crazy!

I am the Burial of the Holy Blood God! I am one of the most powerful ancient evil gods!

How could I fear a human being!


A burst of wind suddenly sounded!

As soon as the Holy Blood God Burial raised his hand, he immediately grabbed something.

The touch of his hand made him understand what it was almost instantly—

Locate the crystal!

Before Jiang Fan left, he actually left a piece of this thing behind!

After a while, the effect of Sun Fist finally weakened.

"Father, me, what should we do next...?"

An Evil God looked at the Holy Blood God Burial with a pale face and asked cautiously.

The Sacred Blood God Burial slowly turned his head and looked at a group of evil gods.

The faces of these people were full of panic and fear. Although they looked at themselves as respectfully as before, this time, there was something else in them.

The Burial of the Holy Blood God took a deep breath:


He smiled softly, and spoke slowly in a tone that saw through everything:

"Jiang Fan seems to have the upper hand this time, but in fact he is at the end of the road. You must know that this method can only be used once!"

"And the reason why he did this is nothing more than to show his strength!"

"Jiang Fan is a wise man. He knows very well that there is no other way than to submit to me. That's why he has to show his strength and use it as a bargaining chip for him to join me."

"This is also the reason why he left this crystal. Once the time is right, he will definitely contact me to discuss matters."

The Sacred Blood Divine Burial obviously knew that the military's morale was unstable at this moment, so he made a fool of himself to stabilize the military's morale.

A group of Evil Gods were afraid of the prestige of the Sacred Blood God Burial, and they felt that these words were quite credible, and no one could argue for a while.

However, a haze flashed in the depths of Sacred Blood God Burial's eyes, Jiang Fan, a lunatic, what did he do with this crystal?

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