God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 2403: Earth core collection spacecraft!

With Jiang Fan's strength today, it is almost easy to wipe a city off the map, and even giving him a little more time to smash the entire continent to pieces is not a problem!

In fact, reaching the realm of heaven and man, destroying a country can be said to be a basic operation.

But in the real world, it is rare to see two heaven and human realms fighting each other to cause too much damage. On the one hand, because reaching this realm, the use of energy has been freely retracted, which can ensure that each attack will not have too much Energy spills.

On the other hand, the reason is very simple, fear that the damage will spread too far.

Especially Tianding Shiji, if they fight like crazy, it will be a disaster for the entire planet.

And once irreversible damage to the environment is really caused, the first to be unlucky is the two sides who do it.

It's like Baili Changfeng and Yaksha fought against each other before. When the two made a move, they made a big move, but the aftermath was all restrained by the two.


Because there is only one earth, no one can survive if something goes wrong!

And even if you don't think about yourself, there will always be relatives and friends. To be more extreme, they are really the kind of people who are crazy. Just relying on their state of mind, they can't reach that kind of exaggerated realm.

Jiang Fan is also the same. He has always been cautious and cautious in his shots in the real world, but once he reaches the Myriad Realms, hehe!

The point is, among the worlds, related to the earth, the one he went to the most was the unfortunate Citiland—

Anyway, it's not at the door of my own house, of course it's so cool!

Therefore, Jiang Fan, who did not control the overflow of energy at all, superimposed these two fictitious flashes, and the energy that burst out can be described as destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

More importantly, the two phantom flashes smashed into the airtight spaceship, and this broke out completely!

It's like putting a second kick in a mineral water bottle!

Accompanied by a dazzling black light, it can be seen to the naked eye that the entire spaceship swells abruptly!

Next up!

The spaceship that was tens of miles in length and width was like a dry and cracked riverbed, and it was covered with countless cracks in an instant!

And from the cracks, countless shining black lights accompanied by white flames, just like the opening of a dam, frantically spewing out!

And at the moment when the flames spewed to the extreme!


A deafening explosion suddenly erupted!

The incomparably huge spaceship was torn apart in an instant, and a flower suddenly rose up in place, like a dazzling mushroom cloud that ignited a star!

The mushroom cloud spread almost a hundred miles away in an instant, and the endless light and heat completely burned the ruins of New York City into a piece of white ground!

And even from the space station, you can clearly see this dazzling mushroom cloud!

The spaceship blew up.

There is no hair left.

Amid the heat, Jiang Fan, who was at the center of the explosion, was heartbroken.

your sister!

How can this thing be so weak!

How did it blow up?

Even if it is scrapped!

Is it worth a lot of money to sell scrap iron for such a big thing?

Jiang Fan was heartbroken.

But right now!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for destroying a Reaper Civilization 'Earth Core Collection Spaceship'! Successfully obtained 500,000 karma points!"

Half a million? !


Jiang Fan's nostrils spewed out two white smoke!

If I remember correctly, there are a total of thirty-six ships of this kind of core collection!

In other words, the value of these things together is—

Eighteen million!

The point is, in outer space, there is another ship with a diameter of an exaggerated 550 kilometers and a mass equal to about a quarter of the moon, a real mother ship!

How much is that thing worth?


Completely posted!

At this moment, Jiang Fan completely forgot about the high-tech and other things that he brought back to Skynet!

It's all mine!

The mushroom cloud finally slowly dissipated.

And Jiang Fan couldn't hold back his excitement, he took Steve to the sky, went straight to the nearest spaceship, and rushed over!

Steve was extraordinarily calm at the moment, or he was shocked to the limit, and everyone was numb.

"Brother! Where are you going?"

"Fuck these aliens!"

"Ah? Don't you go to District 51?"


Jiang Fan suddenly realized that his own takeout has not been delivered yet!

"Which direction?"


Steve had just hoped that Jiang Fan had suddenly activated the teleportation technique!


The two appeared again, and they have come to the sky above a hidden military base!


Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appear, the faces of the soldiers outside the checkpoint changed drastically!

However, Jiang Fan only sensed it a little, and rushed into the center of the base, and then the whole person jumped slightly, and a fierce man slammed into the ground!

A few soldiers looked dumbfounded!

What the fuck?

What is this operation?

Big brother, this is the Gobi Desert!

Are you here to practice diving?

But at the moment when Jiang Fan's head touched the ground!


A blast!

The whole ground trembled suddenly, and then in the dust, the ground was smashed through by Jiang Fan!

A big hole with a diameter of more than three meters appeared directly on the spot!


Several soldiers opened their mouths, and the guns in their hands fell to the ground!

Jiang Fan blasted through the ground dozens of meters deep, and finally came to a huge underground base!

The space here is extremely wide, and there are busy staff everywhere, and at the forefront, there is actually a Reaper's single-soldier flying saucer!

At this moment, it is Citi President Whitemore and his party who are looking around the UFO!

Since the arrival of the alien spaceship, Whitemore has been in a daze, especially when the alien spaceship began to attack, and he was completely relieved!

Originally, he had already prepared for the complete destruction of the earth, but he did not expect that at this moment, someone mentioned Area 51.

He originally thought that this incident was a joke, what's so special about District 51?

I'm the president, what else is there that I don't know?

However, the reality gave him a big mouth!

Let him know that the president of Citigroup is such a decoration!

FBI Director Albert actually told him at this time that Area 51 really exists!

Hearing this news, Whitemore was stunned!

A group of people rushed here, and after seeing this spaceship, Whitemore was even more angry!

He suddenly grabbed Albert's collar:

"You've discovered this spaceship for decades, why the **** are you telling me now!"

Albert has a good time:

"Mr. President, this is top secret..."

"I'm going to kill your grandma! Do you know how many people we have died? If we had known about the existence of aliens earlier, would we have been so passive?"

Whitemore roars wildly!

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