Jiang Fan raised his hand and slowly rubbed his chin.

And the rage is the opening of the urn sound:

"My lord, I think it's just that the Liu family knew we were investigating, so this Liu Jianming ran out and deliberately designed a trap to catch Dashuang and Xiaoshuang!"

Renata frowned:

"It would be so simple? Just catch but not kill, what are they going to do?"

"It should be showing strength."

Dust said slowly:

"Big Shuang and Xiao Shuang are already at the 19th level limit. If you want to capture the two of them silently, you must be a powerhouse above the Heaven and Human Realm."

"And if they are caught but not killed, the other party is warning us not to continue the investigation."

"If we don't have other actions, the big and small pairs will naturally survive, but if we continue to investigate, I'm afraid the other party will kill."

Renata nodded:

"Probably so."

Yue Jianhan was as straightforward as always:

"Why do you think so much, go directly to Liu's house, dishonest, kill!"

The rest of the people couldn't help but shiver.

Yue Jianhan was originally aloof and withdrawn, but as his cultivation improved, people became colder and colder. Just sitting there, he felt like an iceberg was about to fall.

Curtis looked left and right, and finally looked at Jiang Fan tentatively:

"Master, what Xiaoyue said makes sense, go to Yezhou?"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Yezhou is a must go. I don't think about how to deal with this matter. I just had a feeling just now. I always feel that the Liu family is very familiar, but I can't tell where it is. ...Uncle Zhong, tell me about the Liu family."


Uncle Zhong nodded:

"The former head of the Liu family was Liu Changhu and Liu Jianming's father."

"But just three days before the battle of the capital, Liu Changhu suddenly abdicated..."

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows:

"Suddenly abdicate?"

Uncle Zhong smiled:

"To be precise, it's not a sudden abdication, but a sudden disappearance."

"It is said that something happened inside the Liu family at that time, and Liu Changhu has not been seen since that day."

"And naturally, the eldest son of the Liu family, that is, Liu Jianming's eldest brother, Liu Jianguang, took over the family rights."

"Including the annexation of the Yezhou Zhou family's industry, it was also planned by Liu Jianguang on the bright side."

"And the current industry of the Liu family, including..."

Jiang Fan did not continue to listen, but instead looked puzzled:


Uncle Zhong was taken aback:

"What's the matter, Master?"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly:

"It's too familiar... What happened to the Liu family, I always seem to have seen it somewhere... Where is it?"

Curtis couldn't help but interject:

"Master, in the family, it is quite normal to fight for power and profit! Not to mention that they robbed themselves, how much have you helped them plan?"

Jiang Fan laughed:

"It's different, the feeling this time... um, forget it, let's do things first!"

As soon as Jiang Fan opened his mouth, the eyes of the Jiang family suddenly lit up, and they all looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

Not even the dust!

Seeing so many people looking at him, Jiang Fan suddenly laughed:

"Renata, come with me. As for you... I'll arrange it later."

"Thank you sir!"

Renata looked surprised.

The rest groaned.

There is only fury, and his face is full of loss.

He, the erudite, and Renata were originally the confidants of the Night Demon, but after being subdued by Jiang Fan, they have been working for the Jiang family.

It's just that because of his body shape, he is so eye-catching that every time he has such an opportunity, he basically doesn't have himself.

Jiang Fan looked at him with a lost face, suddenly smiled, and flipped his wrist.


An extremely ferocious giant axe with blood stains has suddenly appeared from his hand!

This murder weapon was obtained from the world of Resident Evil, the brutal axe!

[Brutal Giant Axe]: Silver level!

Level Requirements: Level 9

Attack power: sharp

Attribute: Evolvable

Current evolution: 1.26℅

Additional skills: brutal cutting!

Brutal Cutting: Activate this skill, the sharpness of the giant axe will be greatly improved, and the user's strength will be increased by 20%!

Remarks: This is a weapon that can be evolved. The more you kill, the higher the degree of evolution. Use it to kill as much as you like!

Jiang Fan threw the weapon violently:

"For you!"

Violently took over the giant axe, his eyes suddenly lit up!

This giant axe is three meters long, the face of the axe is about one meter wide, the blade of the axe is sharp and serrated, and the back of the axe is unusually wide, full of spikes, and the weight is amazing, ordinary people can't use it at all!

However, Fury is inherently talented, and a height of 2.5 meters is not something that anyone can grow if they want to grow!

The point is, with the continuous improvement of the level, this guy can still continue to grow, and now it has almost grown to 2.7 meters, it is a real giant!

His previous weapon was the giant ship anchor, but that thing was too exaggerated, and it was inconvenient to transport, so there was really no suitable weapon for him.

But it's different now. When he saw this giant axe, Fury was about to burst into laughter.

The key is that, with the weapon, he clearly felt the great power and infinite potential of this weapon!

This thing is simply tailor-made for yourself!

"Hahaha, thank you sir!"

Violent loves it, and the laughter-shaking villas are buzzing.

Seeing that the berserk got the baby, the rest of the people immediately looked at Jiang Fan greedily.

Jiang Fan flipped through his backpack and threw another bracelet to Curtis.

[Magic Scorpion Bracelet]: Jewelry!

Grade: Gold Grade!

Level Requirements: Level 3!

Additional Attributes: Undead Summons!

Summoning the Undead: Imbued with magic power, you can continuously summon the undead army of the underworld!

Tip 1: There is no real death for the warriors of the undead army, but the level will not be higher than level 2. You can increase the warrior level by sacrificing to Anubis, or you can transform yourself.

Tip 2: Legionnaires who have been transformed or promoted by sacrifice will be stored in a special space in the bracelet, and the maximum number of transformations is 100!

Current number of renovations: 0/100

Remarks: This is the source of the power of the Scorpion Emperor! Sacrifice to me, and I will give you unimaginable power!

As soon as the bracelet started, Curtis immediately felt the power of the bracelet.

"Ha ha! Praise you! My great master!"

Curtis' smiling facial features were almost all twisted into a ball.

"As for you..."

Jiang Fan smiled at the others:

"I'll give you something good in the future."

The rest of the eyes suddenly lit up.

Jiang Fan, on the other hand, looked at Uncle Zhong:

"Uncle Zhong, arrange the plane."

"Yes! Young master."

Uncle Zhong immediately contacted the airport.

While the rest were startled:

"Master, are you still going by plane? How fast is the teleportation!"

"Do not!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"It's different from before, this time, you go first!"

"Let's go first? Where are we going?"


Killing intent flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes:

"From Luocheng to Yezhou, the flight will take three hours at the latest. During these three hours, I want you to rush to Peicheng and kill all those who robbed the Zhou family's property!"

Curtis' faces changed:

"But master, the situation on Peicheng's side is similar to that of Yezhou, and there may be clues to the forces behind this, if all of them are killed..."


Jiang Fan looked cold:

"No matter who is behind the **** of the Zhou family's property this time, since he wants to court death, then I will fulfill him!"

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