God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 243: Chen Ling's fiance

"It's okay, Mr. Jiang, do you think this will work? Today I asked the crew to hurry up the arrangement, and strive for one day tomorrow to finish your scene!"


Jiang Fan nodded slightly, and got on the bike again!

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly rang!

"Jiang Fan! During class time, you actually ran away again! You are ignoring school rules and regulations! You are..."

"Director Ma, are your hemorrhoids gone?"

Jiang Fan interrupted Ma Desheng directly!

"You! I, I warn you, intimidation is useless to me!"

"Anyway, come back quickly!"

"Okay~~ I'll go back soon!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and hurried back to Lanying!

However, just outside the teaching building, a person, already, waiting here!

Surprisingly, Yue Yang!

"Hey! Jiang Fan!"

"Laugh at your sister! Let go if you have a fart!"


Yue Yang gasped quickly, and finally smiled coldly!

"I'm here to tell you that there are four days left, that is, the day when you and my sixth uncle will fight each other! Cherish your remaining time!"

"Don't be afraid of death, let him come!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Hey? You, didn't you say you are ready to go to Huashan?"

Yue Yang was stunned!

"Fuck your grandma! Get out!"

"you you……"

Yue Yang was furious!

It's a pity that he looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, and he was immediately shocked!

Just now!

"Hello, may I ask, is Teacher Chen Ling here?"

The two looked sideways and saw that a gentle-faced young man was looking at them with a smile!

This person, wearing a black suit with no brand, is well-proportioned and handsome! However, although his eyes were peaceful, it was still hard to conceal a trace of contempt in the eyes of Jiang Fan and Yue Yang!

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows!

Can actually approach oneself silently! This person is definitely a master!

"Who are you?"

When Yue Yang heard that someone was looking for Chen Ling, he asked cautiously!

"Oh, my name is Lin An, it's Chen Ling's, fiance!"


At this moment, Yue Yang, even though Jiang Fan's anger was soaring to the sky, he believed that as long as Liu Shuyue saw the cold, Jiang Fan would definitely die!

Chen Ling, it's her own!

Unexpectedly, now, unexpectedly, another man will come out! Also claimed to be Chen Ling's fiance!

Jiang Fan was also startled!

Chen Ling, there is a fiance?

"Chen Ling's fiance?"

Yue Yang suddenly sneered!

"Boy, don't take a **** and take pictures of yourself! What kind of thing do you dare to claim to be Teacher Chen's fiancé?"

"This gentleman, please pay attention to your tone!"

Lin An's face suddenly sank!

"Hehe, what? Want to do it with me?"

Yue Yang smiled disdainfully and pointed at Lin An!

"Boy, believe it or not, within three seconds, your mother who I can beat will not recognize you?"

"Interesting! Unexpectedly, in a small place like Los Angeles, there are people who dare to talk to me like this!"

Lin An suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and suddenly punched out!


Yue Yang didn't even have time to scream, and his whole person had already been slammed into the wall!


The whole wall shook fiercely! Yue Yang's whole person, directly, embedded in!

The corner of Jiang Fan's eyes twitched!

So fast! What a powerful punch!


Lin An sneered!

Then, look at Jiang Fan!

"This gentleman, trouble you, will you take me to see Chen Ling?"

"Chen Ling is not here!"

Jiang Fan tells the truth!

Lin An's face sank!

"If you don't want to be like that idiot, you better, don't perfuse me!"

"I'm telling the truth!"


Lin An snorted coldly, and went straight upstairs over Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan frowned and followed him!

The two of them just walked to the third floor, but one person came to face each other. It was Ma Desheng!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Ma Desheng was happy!

"Haha! Jiang Fan! You are finally back! You **** who ignores school rules and regulations! I—"

Ma Desheng shut up suddenly, then frowned!

"Jiang Fan! Who is he? You unexpectedly brought people into the campus at will! You are, the more you sin!"

"I do not know him!"

"do not know?"

Ma Desheng was taken aback, and suddenly looked at Lin An!

"Who are you? Who let you in?"


Lin An's eyes were cold!

Ma Desheng suddenly became furious!

"Asshole! How dare to talk to me like this! Do you know who I am? I am the director of the Blue Eagle!"

"As long as I say a word, whether you are a teacher or a parent of a student, you have to get out of here!"

"Now, immediately, apologize to me!"

Lin An's face was gloomy, and he slapped it directly!


Ma Desheng let out a scream, and his two hundred jin body rose into the air!

After landing, even more, spit out two big teeth!

"You dare to hit someone! Jiang Fan! Get me catch him!"

Jiang Fan showed a very innocent expression!

"Director Ma, this, as a teacher, I don't think violence can solve the problem. Or should you try to persuade you?"

Ma Desheng was stunned!

Jiang Fan, a violent maniac, actually said that violence can't solve the problem?

Could it be that Jiang Fan is not this person's opponent?

At this moment, Lin An smiled at Jiang Fan disdainfully!

"Yes! You are very sensible! Know the gap between you and me!"

Jiang Fan smiled casually!

Lin An pointed at Ma Desheng!

"Take me to Chen Ling's office!"

"Huh? Good! Good!"

Ma Desheng hurriedly got up, trot all the way, and brought Lin An to the office!

Even, sincerely, helped Lin An open the door!

Lin An suddenly sneered at Jiang Fan when he saw the inside of the office clearly!

"Boy, you dare to lie to me!"

Jiang Fan was taken aback, walked over to see, in the office, Chen Ling, unexpectedly came back!

Hearing the movement, Chen Ling turned around immediately!

"Ms. Jiang!"

Chen Ling's smile just turned halfway, and then, her pupils suddenly shrank!

"Lin An?!"

"I'll settle accounts with you later!"

Lin An gave Jiang Fan a fierce look, and then looked at Chen Ling with a smile!

"Lingling, you really are here!"

"You, how did you find me?"

Chen Ling was shocked!

She went out for so long before, spared most of China, and showed up everywhere just to make the Lin Family and Chen Family find themselves!

Unexpectedly, after working hard for so long, Lin An actually found it!

"When you returned to Los Angeles, it happened to be seen by a friend of mine! Probably, this is fate!"

"Lingling, there is still one month left. It is our wedding period. You have been playing for so long, so you should have had enough!"

"This time, go back with me!"

Lin An, a refined state!

"Don't think about it!"

Chen Ling's eyes were cold!

"I didn't agree to the so-called wedding date at all! Please leave here immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Lingling, what you said hurts my heart too much!"

Lin An's face is full of sadness!

"Sad? Lin An, you didn't feel sad when you killed your own brother!"

"In front of me, you should put away the cover-up!"

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