God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 249: Little bear, I'm so relieved

I saw that a middle-aged man wearing an official uniform, with a pair of guards, separated the crowd, and came directly in front of Jiang Fan!

This man was a close minister of the Chu King, his name was Zheng Ji, he was very good at slacking his beard and horses, and he was very popular in front of the Chu King!

"What? The king wants to see me?"

Yang Yuki was stunned!

Jiang Fan frowned too!

"Yes! Let's go!"

Zheng Ji said, waving lazily!

Suddenly, a group of guards surrounded them directly!

Yang Yuki's expression changed and couldn't help but press his hand on the bow and arrow!

"I will go with you!"

As Jiang Fan said, he raised Yang Youji!

The order hasn't been completed yet, so he can't worry about Yang Yuji going to the palace by himself!


"Asshole! What are you? You are worthy to go to the palace without the king's order?"

Zheng Ji looked contemptuous and pointed at Jiang Fan and smiled disdainfully!

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evokes!

Suddenly raised his hand!

Shot in one shot!


Zheng Ji's hat was smashed! My hair is bald!


Zheng Ji let out a scream, and a piece of it got wet directly under his robe!

I was scared to pee by Jiang Fan!

A group of soldiers, even more so, their eyes widened in horror!

"What baby is that?"

"I don't know! With the flash of fire, Master Zheng's hair went bald!"

"And that thunder, what's the matter?"

"It's so scary!"

"This person, is it possible that he is not a god?"

Soldiers, lost!

"Huh! A mere mortal, dare to be so rude to this immortal! If there is another time, I will not forgive!"

Jiang Fan screamed, his momentum skyrocketed!


In an instant, everyone knelt down!

"Mom! It's really a god!"

"Quick! One more kowtow, maybe you can live an extra year!"

"That's right! Inhale two more breaths around the fairy, maybe you will become a fairy!"

Zheng Ji was crying even more!

"Shang Xian! Xian Xian forgive me! The little one is blind! The little one knows his mistake!"

"Okay! Stop howling!"

Jiang Fan frowned in disgust!

"Go to the palace!"

"Yes Yes!"

Soon, a group of people came to the Chu King Hall!

The main hall, covering a very wide area, is made of bluestone! Although not as exquisite and magnificent as the Forbidden City, it is full of vigor! Full of majesty!

In the main hall, there is a person sitting, full of domineering, it is, King Chu!

"Great King! Great King! Yang Yuji is here!"

Zheng Ji sprinted to the side of King Chu, and then whispered: "Great King, not only Yang Yuji, but also a man who claims to be a **** is here!"

During the time he returned to the palace, Zheng Ji always felt that he was fooled!

However, afraid of Jiang Fan's methods, he did not dare to question it at all!

Now, when he returned to the palace, he was not afraid of anything!

The three thousand iron armors of the King of Chu are not decorations!

"Huh? God?"

King Chu frowned!

Suddenly, look at Jiang Fan!


"Shang Xian! Actually, it was you! You, really came back!"

King Chu's eyes suddenly widened!

Then, a tiger pounced, directly, hugged Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan was dumbfounded!

Zheng Ji is stunned!

Yang Yuki is also dumbfounded!

All the civil and military ministers are even more confused!

"Damn! Let go of Laozi!"

Jiang Fan kicked the King of Chu out!


Several generals were furious, drew their swords and pointed at Jiang Fan!

"Asshole! Put away your weapons! You dare to be rude to the gods, you can't die?"

Before Jiang Fan could move, King Chu was directly angry! The big hand was raised, and he snapped at a group of generals who were drawing swords!

Everyone was beaten up!

"Shang Xian, don't you remember Xiao Wang? I am, bear travel!"

Bear brigade? This name is a bit familiar!


Damn it!

Jiang Fan suddenly called out who this name is!

If you don't fly, you can fly into the sky! If you don't call it, it's a big block!

This king of Chu is exactly the five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, the famous king of Chuzhuang!

"It turned out to be you!"

Nima! Lao Tzu, when did you have an intersection with him?

"Yes, yes! It's me!"

Xionglu is overjoyed!

Shangxian, finally remembered himself!

"Shangxian! If it weren't for you, there wouldn't be my bear journey today! Shangxian, now, the state of Chu is prosperous. Two days ago, it was even scared that Emperor Zhou wanted to meditate!"

Xiong Lv has written on his face and praise my expression!

However, a group of ministers were all shocked!

How domineering the king is on weekdays! How majestic!

Even the former overlord Jin Guo was rubbed on the ground! The emperor Zhou is even more pressing, almost in Zen position!

Why did you meet this god, just like a kid?

Moreover, listening to the meaning of the king, the reason why there is today is actually the credit of the gods?

This immortal is so awesome!

Simply super god!

In an instant, everyone looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Yang Yuki almost urinated in shock!

This person is indeed a god! Just now, I dared to pretend to be B with the fairy, so I was looking for death!


Jiang Fan is a little embarrassed!

Pretending to be forced by something that hasn't happened, this is a bit, not in line with his temperament!

However, if there is a B, don't pretend, heaven is intolerable!

"Yeah! Little Bear! Well done, I'm very pleased!"

As Jiang Fan said, tentatively, he touched the head of the bear brigade!

"Oh my God! The fairy touches the top, my lord, it's developed!"

"With the blessing of immortals, the king will become the overlord of the generation!"

"This is the blessing of the king, the blessing of Chu!"

"Congratulations King! Congratulations King!"

A group of ministers kneeled directly!


The bear brigade is even more triumphant, almost as if it has become the overlord!

"Great King! With the immortal here, the fighting will become more and more hot, inevitable, and vulnerable!"

A minister suddenly said!

"Yes! That's right!"

The bear brigade suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"Shang Xian, there are courtiers in our country who have rebelled, so please ask Shang Xian to help me and punish me!"

Jiang Fan frowned, Dou Yuejiao was actually one of the five scums! The bear trip allowed himself to take action, but just to let people see that he has a fairy to help him, using his own name to bluff and deceive!

In history, Dou Yuejiao was shot to death by Yang Yuji! And because of this, Yang Yuji got the title of "Yang Yi Shi"!

History can be tricky, but it must never be changed!

"Huh! That kind of rubbish, how do you deserve to let Benxian take it? It just so happens that Yang Yuji is the best shot in the world, little bear, just let him take it!"

"This, all right!"

Xionglu looked unhappy!

Finally, look to Yang Yuji! However, he looked suspicious!

"Ah! I heard that you are a famous marksman, but I don’t know what your skills are, so let’s take a look at your arrow skills!"

As the bear traveler spoke, he looked around, and finally, pointed at a pillar not far away!

"There is a dragonfly on it, shoot down the wings of the dragonfly and take a look!"

Yang Yuki was shocked at this time!

Shangxian is so powerful! At that moment, won't you kill yourself with a thunder?

He was restless, holding a bow and arrow trembling, how could he dare to make a move?

"Quick shot!"

The bear brigade is upset!

Yang Yuki hurriedly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, bending his bow and shooting arrows!


Don't even talk about dragonflies, they didn't even shoot the pillars!

"Hahaha! What a **** marksman!"

"This **** arrow method deceives the villagers!"

"I said earlier that rumors in the downtown area are simply not credible!"

"Bah! Even with this kind of ability, you dare to call yourself a super shot?"

A group of ministers sneered!

Yang Yuki was even more ashamed, his face flushed!

"Forget it! Come, drive him out of the palace!"

As the bear traveler said, he waved his hand impatiently!

"and so on!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

I took out the two bottles again, Rock Sugar Sydney!

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