God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 257: Chinese people are all living Lei Feng

And a group of onlookers, already, stunned!

"This kid, are you crazy?"

"Master Pierce is one of the top designers in Europe! Even the clothes for the president's inauguration speech were designed by him!"

"What is this kid's background? Even Master Pierce dared to fight!"

"I don't know, it looks like there are nuclear weapons at home, right?"

"Too cruel!"

At this moment, Pierce only felt angry!

"You beat the old man, do you still have a conscience!"

"What happened to the old man?"

Jiang Fan looked disdainful!

"You have to learn from a young man in society when you are quite old, do you think you owe it?"

"Before being beaten up, I will use my age as an excuse to get my privileges!"

"What about your shame? Don't you feel guilty?"

Pierce was shocked!

What this Chinese person said makes sense!

In my heart, it was ashamed!

"But, but, you hit me after all!"

Pierce wiped a nosebleed vigorously, and said a little aggrieved!

"I am sorry!"

Jiang Fan apologized very sincerely!

The old man was stunned again!

This kid is so scary!

Do not play cards according to the routine at all, this kind of person, must not provoke!

"No, it's okay!"

The old man replied involuntarily!

The crowd suddenly looked dumbfounded!

This Huaxia person, knows magic, right?

Fighting Pierce so badly, it was over in one sentence?

However, it seems to make sense!

Huaxia's routine is really, too deep!

"Okay, you understand the truth, I also apologize, then goodbye!"

"Good, good!"

Pierce didn't even want to understand what was going on now!

Still in a daze!

Until Jiang Fan dragged Xia Fanxing to the door, the old man finally exclaimed!

"Wait! Can't go!"


Jiang Fan frowned!

"Don't get me wrong! I am looking for you, there is business!"

In the small living room upstairs!

Pierce handed Jiang Fan a cup of coffee very enthusiastically!

"Haha, what do you call this gentleman?"

"Jiang Fan!"

"Aha! Dear Jiang! Your wife is so beautiful!"

The old man immediately complimented Xia Fanxing!

Chinese men are afraid of blowing pillow wind, as long as they take down his wife, he will be taken down!

Xia Fanxing's face turned red!

However, he accepted it calmly!

That's right! The old lady is Jiang Fan's wife! Future!

"Don't talk nonsense, what are you doing?"

Jiang Fan looked at Pierce impatiently!

"Hey, that's it, I want to invite you to be my exclusive model!"

Pierce, with an arrogant look!

In the entire mold world, there are only a handful of people who can enter the eyes of Pierce's law!

To be his model, that is, the supreme glory!

Even, just yesterday, a young model of a giant bee waist climbed onto his bed voluntarily in order to wear his tailor-made clothes once!

Haha, I was shocked when I heard this news?

Pierce, triumphant!


"Not interested in!"

Jiang Fan refused!


Pierce was stunned!

"You, don't you understand the meaning of being my exclusive model?"

"You can follow me, participate in various fashion shows, go to top clubs, money and reputation, at your fingertips!"

"The most important thing is! Through me, you can meet countless high-ranking figures in politics and business circles!"

"Through them, no matter what you do, you will only earn but not lose!"

"Even, you can build your own family!"

Pierce explained in a hurry!

Jiang Fan laughed!

"Have you established a family?"

"This does not!"

Pierce was so obsessed with design and never married for life!

"Then you say Jb!"

Jiang Fan stood up, turned and walked downstairs!

"Don't go! Please!"

Pierce suddenly hugged Jiang Fan and begged!

"I, I'm telling the truth!"

"I made a bet with that **** Edward that we will have a design duel in the city of Niu Yao Nai in a month. If we lose, we will quit the design stage!

"This is a matter of life and death for me!"

"If I lose, I will be completely finished in the future!"

"In fact, I used this suit to choose a model. Fortunately, I met you!"

"Strong man! Save me! With your body, your temperament, even if I design it like **** and wear it on you, it will definitely be a hit!"

"If you don't help me, I'll be finished!"

The old man cried hoarse! Heartbreaking!

I almost didn't take my breath away!

"It's all right! Let me arrange it!"

"No! Give me a true letter! I don't want to die!"

"Where is there so much nonsense? Believe it or not, I'll give you another meal?"

The old man was startled, his eyes rolled, and he immediately looked at Xia Fanxing!

"Honorable Madam! As long as you let Jiang promise me, I will cover all your clothes in the future! I am, your most loyal fashion designer! Your, exclusive servant!"

As soon as he said this, Xia Fanxing's eyes turned red!

Pierce’s exclusive design! This is an irresistible temptation for any woman!

Xia Fanxing suddenly slapped the table!

"Jiang Fan! Promise him!"

"Then I go to work..."

"If you agree, the contract I give you will be reduced by ten years! No! Five years! No, no, no! One year off!"

Xia Fanxing said with a tangled face, gritted his teeth!

One year!

Isn't it true that the reduction is a bit too much?

It doesn't matter, I will find a chance to make it up later!

In short, Jiang Fan must not be allowed to run away!

Jiang Fan looked dumbfounded!

Fifty years minus one year, what is the difference between this special and no reduction?

However, looking at Xia Fanxing's look of expectation——

"Okay! I promise you!"

"Ah! You are really the kindest person I have ever met!"

"Huaxia people are all living Leifeng!"

"Thank you so much! Tonight, I must treat you well!"

Pierce immediately smiled with joy! It's just like, the old tree is blooming!


In a scenic outdoor restaurant by the river, Pierce is talking about it!

"When I was eight years old, I showed amazing design talent!"

"My teacher said that he has never had such an outstanding design!"

"This also laid my first step into costume design!"

"Looking back then..."

Pierce was so heartily that he couldn't even take care of his meal!

If Jiang Fan hadn't listened to this greasy taste, if it weren't for Xia Fanxing's relish, he would have kicked the old man into the river!

at this time!

Jiang Fan suddenly changed his expression!

Not far from him, two men were whispering, and from time to time they gave sneaky glances at their side!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

After a while, three Mercedes-Benz GLE500s suddenly stopped near the restaurant!

Immediately afterwards, the car door opened, and a dozen brawny men, with a gloomy expression, went straight to Jiang Fan!

"Jiang Fan?"

"it's me!"

A group of strong guys suddenly grinned!

"Kill him, besides, don't forget to take this woman back!"

"The master said, since it was because of her, Master Markel was abolished, then let this woman give him another son!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Xia Fanxing's face was pale!

The revenge of the Emir family, unexpectedly, came so quickly!

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