"Asshole! What are you talking about?"

The old Emil's eyes were fierce! Like a vulture, staring at Jiang Fan!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan's eyes were more ruthless than him!

It looks like a bloodthirsty prehistoric shark!

"Old guy! Don't share the honor of my player clan!"

"The Emir family is like a pile of **** compared to Lao Tzu back then!"

"I give you a chance, and also you, the only chance!"

"Or, forget about it completely!"

"Or, follow your family and disappear together!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone's eyes widened in shock!

"Too crazy!"

"Such words, even the Fernan family would never dare to say it!"

"The key is, where is his confidence?"

"Listen to him, before him, there was also a strong family?"

"No matter what, this kid is really kind!"

"As expected of Huaxia! Really strong!"

A group of people were shocked by Jiang Fan's words!

Even Dick showed a look of surprise!

Directly, without a trace, pointed at a subordinate and made a gesture!

The plan seems to have to be changed!

There is still too little understanding of Jiang Fan. Before investigating Jiang Fan's details, he must not take action!

"You bastard!"

Old Amy trembled all over!

He was not only caught by Jiang Fan's arrogance! It's even more because Jiang Fan's momentum is too terrifying!

The old Emil gritted his teeth suddenly and waved his hand!


A pale young man suddenly appeared behind him!

This man has very handsome features, but his face is tattooed with half of the bat wings, making him look very hideous!

As soon as this person appeared, everyone's eyes widened in horror!

"Night Bat!"

"Old Emil's bodyguard!"

"He is a strong man with a grudge of level 7!"

"Oh my God! Is the old Emil crazy? If the night bat makes a move, everyone will be unlucky!"

A group of people are scared and chaotic!

"Boy! You are the most arrogant person I have ever met!"

"Today, if you can leave here alive, I will let you go!"

The old Emil didn't care about other people's life or death, pointing at Jiang Fan and yelling!

"Yebat, kill him!"

Yebat's pale face suddenly showed a strange smile!

next moment!

He was really like a bat, suddenly rushing towards Jiang Fan!

So fast!

Jiang Fan raised his brows and threw Albert who was beside him, and then blasted out a punch!


The two fists intersected, suddenly bursting into a wave of air!

Jiang Fan was blown out!

Severely hit the lamp post behind him!


There is another loud noise!

The lamppost made of cement was smashed by Jiang Fan!

Everyone was stunned!

Too tough!

As expected to be level 7, Jiang Fan, who can kill Pandas in seconds, has no power to fight back!

"Huh! So crazy, I thought you had many skills, it turned out that it was just a rubbish!"

"The so-called Chinese Kungfu, after all, is just embroidering the legs!"

Ye Bat, look contemptuous!

"Jiang Fan!"

Xia Fanxing screamed anxiously, and prepared and ran over!


"Hey! Enough!"

Jiang Fan, who was originally lying on the ground and motionless, actually laughed!

Then, with an excited smile, he slowly stood up!

Everyone looked shocked!

Except for a little more dust on his body, Jiang Fan was unscathed!

Ye Bat also showed a surprised look!

An ordinary level six, even if it can hold one's own punch, it will be a little bit hurt!

This person, why, nothing happened?

How did he know, Jiang Fan, but two sets of talents!

One set of system level enhancements, one set is true energy!

Compared with him, the usual level six is ​​rubbish!

"Very well, it seems that you are not ready to accept my opportunity!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled grinningly at the old Emil!

For a moment, the old Emil did not know why, suddenly, a deep regret, and fear!


Ye Bat gave a low cry, and again, rushed towards Jiang Fan!

However, this time, Jiang Fan smiled coldly, and suddenly kicked out!


Ye Bat snorted and was kicked out by Jiang Fan!


Yebat's face was shocked!

"Level 6, how can you keep up with my movements?!"

"Sorry! My biggest shortcoming is to turn all the impossible into, possible!"


The night bat roared, and a wave of air like a white flame suddenly rose from all over his body!

Then, again, rush to Jiang Fan!


The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth was raised, and unexpectedly, it was also a low drink!


Although no air waves blasted out, Jiang Fan's momentum was rising steadily!

It's almost like a tsunami!

Ye Bat's eyes suddenly shrunk to the size of a pinpoint, and the whole body's grudge, even more, took another step!

In a blink of an eye, the two of them were again, punching them!


A loud noise! The whole rooftop trembled fiercely!

next moment!


The night bat suddenly spewed a bit of blood, and the whole right arm burst out with a series of crisp noises of fried beans!


In front of everyone, Ye Bat's right arm suddenly burst!

And Jiang Fan, already extremely fast, grabbed Ye Bat's neck! Lift him up!

"God! It's horrible!"

"Yebat can't even hold a punch!"

"Is this guy a demon king? This kind of combat power is simply dangling!"

"It's so handsome! This is absolutely my Julian's, my destiny!"

"Crazy to explode! Handsome to scumbag! This is simply the lover of my dreams!"

Everyone was shocked! A group of women screamed in excitement!

Xia Fanxing was even more excited!

Jiang Fan, really domineering!

This kind of man is absolutely unique!

And; the old Emil, but his face was ashen!

"Yebat? Hey, do you like flying? Come on, let's fly one more and show him!"

Jiang Fan looked jokingly!

And in the eyes of the night bat, there is already, only fear!

Blast one of his arms with a punch!

Even at level 8, it is absolutely impossible!

Moreover, even so, Jiang Fan's strength has not yet bottomed out!

so horrible! Who the **** is this kid?

"Little Bat, I am in a good mood today, so, yes, spare your life!"

"go away!"

Jiang Fan slammed it, the dignified seventh-level powerhouse, like a bag of garbage, was directly thrown away by Jiang Fan!

And Jiang Fan, already, strode to the old Emil!

"Old guy! Tell me now, you, what are you! Your Emir family, what are you again!"

The old Emil was pale and trembling. He couldn't even say a word!

Jiang Fan smiled contemptuously, raised his index finger, and lightly tapped the old Emil's forehead!

"Opportunity, I can still give you, but remember, this is my kindness!"

"You, you, you abolished Markel and turned Hodgson into an idiot! Now, you are so insulting my family, you, you are still unreasonable!"

Old Emil, can't help it anymore! Reluctantly mustered up the courage to question Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

"Reason? Haha!"

"Remember! I don't want to reason with you, nor do I need to reason with you!"

"Because I am, reason!"

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