God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 273: Three strong siege Jedi counter-kill

"Resign? How could you resign?"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

"On Wednesday, an old man came to see Teacher Chen, and the two said a few words. Teacher Chen looked very angry, but in the end, he still followed the old man away!"

"By the way, Teacher Chen gave you the key to her own house!"

Yang Jianye said, took out a key from the drawer and handed it to Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Several teachers, I'm sorry, I will ask you all the other day!"

Jiang Fan apologized and left with the key!

Is Chen Ling being intimidated by others?

You know, if the person who took her away was from the Lin family, then she would be in danger!


Jiang Fan galloped all the way, and soon came to Chen Ling's address!

Here is a village in the city, surrounded by low-rise bungalows, and probably because it is to be demolished, not many people live in it!

Jiang Fan unlocked the door and walked into the living room, suddenly startled!

I saw that although Chen Ling's room was quite spacious, it was very simple!

Except for the necessary furniture, there is almost no extra decoration!

On the coffee table, there is a letter, and under the letter, there is a box!

Jiang Fan walked over, picked up the envelope and opened it gently!

A letter with beautiful handwriting but with a little bit of heroism came into view!

"Jiang Fan, when you read this letter, I should have left Los Angeles."

"Actually, if you think about it carefully, we are not very familiar. I don't know anything about you. You probably do the same with me!"

"Except for your name, I don't know your preferences, the past, everything. Sometimes facing you, I feel like looking at a stranger."

"It feels really bad! It's like you know the moon is there, but you never touch it."

"But what then?"

"I just can't help it, I like you!"

Like two characters, handwriting, trembling obviously!

"This is not a confession, so don't get too excited!"

"One more thing, I have to confess, in fact, you are really weak! Hehe!"

"It's a pity that I can't do anything casually, otherwise, those idiots who dare to offend you, I will definitely kill them!"

"After I leave, if anyone wants to disadvantage you, you just open this box! This is the Chen Family's'Extermination Order', I stole it from the family secretly! And, it has been carved on it with a unique technique. Got your name!"

"As long as you have this thing, the Chen family must do one thing for you! If you are killed by someone, then no matter who the other party is, the Chen family will devote the entire family's strength to the other side, endlessly dying!"

"Hey! So, do you know the importance of this thing?"

"Jiang Fan, there is only so much I can do for you."

"From now on, I wish you peace and happiness..."

At the end of the letter, vaguely, with two drops of dried water stains!

Jiang Fan looked at the letter quietly, for a long time before finally letting out a long sigh!

He had never expected that Chen Ling would be so attentive to herself!

It's just that the beauty is kind, can this love be paid back by myself?

Carefully put the letter away, put it in the space backpack, Jiang Fan picked up the box that was full of age at first glance!

"Ding! The system detects a high-value item, sell the wooden box, you can get 200 causality points!"


Jiang Fan snorted, without looking, he put the box directly into the backpack!

He wants to personally deliver this thing to Chen Ling!

With a strong sigh, Jiang Fan strode towards the door!

At this moment!


The entire door, as if bombed by explosives, suddenly shattered!

"Jiang Fan!"

A majestic white man walked in with a big laugh!

Exactly, Beastmaster!

"Boy! Look at you this time, where are you going!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"Run? Just because of your kind of stuff, it's also worthy, let me run?"

He is now in agitated mood, Beastmaster, just enough to let him vent!

"Asshole! How dare to be so mad!"

The Beastmaster was furious, and he was ready to take action!

Just now!


There is another loud noise!

The two windows in the living room suddenly exploded!

A young man already came in from the outside with an arrogant expression on his face!

"Mr. Jiang, good evening!"

Jiang Fan frowned!


Lin An, actually came too!

"Hahaha! Boy, it seems that I want to kill you, I'm not the only one!"

The Beastmaster laughed wildly!

However, this is not over yet!


There was a sudden tremor above the house! Half of the roof was blasted out!

A man, with his toes on the beam, looked at Jiang Fan condescendingly!

The aura of sharpness as a knife makes everyone's complexion changed!

Surprisingly, Yue Jianhan!

"Jiang Fan?"


"I am Yue Jianhan, today, try your sword!"

Lin An and the Beastmaster suddenly felt relieved!

It turned out that Jiang Fan was in trouble!

The three masters gather, and everyone will die of Jiang Fan!

This is definitely the most dangerous moment in Jiang Fan's history!

However, the corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

The whole face was filled with a hideous color!

"Use me to try the sword? Do you have that **** skill?"


In Yue Jianhan's eyes, suddenly, a cold light flashed!


Jiang Fan laughed wildly!

"Don't you all want to kill me?"

"I just want to fight a big kill today! If there is a kind, let's go together!"

Suddenly, Jiang Fan's aura opened up!


For a moment!

The powerful Nine Sun Qi, like a tsunami, burst out suddenly!

At the same time, Jiang Fan's muscles almost squirmed!

It's almost like wearing a layer of muscle armor!

As Jiang Fan's momentum rose steadily, the entire face of the Beastmaster turned green!

In his eyes, it was all panic!

too frightening!

The strength of this kid is actually so terrifying?

Although he had hidden his strength, his level 7 grudge compared to him, it was like a small sampan in the tsunami!

Absolutely, vulnerable!

And Lin An also twitched at the corner of his eyes!

Oh shit! This kid is so tough!

No way! Before the injury recovers, absolutely, can't make a move!

Otherwise, even if Jiang Fan was killed, he would definitely have to pay an extremely terrifying price!

Only Yue Jianhan had his eyes brighter and brighter!

"Jiang Fan! You did not disappoint me! Your strength is stronger than the limit I imagined!"

"As long as I kill you, I can absolutely, really, step into the tenth level!"

In the excitement, Yue Jianhan's hand has been slowly pressed on the wooden box!

At this moment!


The Beastmaster turned around and ran away!


Jiang Fan gave a strange laugh, and slammed his feet!


A deep footprint was stamped on the entire ground by Jiang Fan!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan had suddenly appeared behind the Beastmaster, punched fiercely, and suddenly blasted out!


A loud noise!

The Beastmaster wailed, and Jiang Fan was punched through his back! The entire chest almost disappeared!

Shaking all over, he reluctantly pressed it on his belt!

"You...Holy Light Judgment, never..."


Before the Beastmaster had finished speaking, the whole person rushed directly!

Level seven!

One punch!

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