God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 276: You swear you want to learn

"Hey! Jiang Fan, didn't you expect it? I didn't go far at all!"

"In the past two days, I checked your past deeds, and as I expected, you really have a hole card!"

"Huh! It's ridiculous that Yue Jianhan, the so-called genius of swordsmanship, thought he could easily kill you!"

"However, this is fine, after all, it is cheaper, Lin An!"

Lin An looked smug, but still cautiously hid away from the attack distance of the two!

Yue Jianhan's face was gloomy! Looking at Lin An with cold eyes!

What he despised most in his life was such a sinister villain!

Jiang Fan's expression is also a bit ugly!

He was fighting with Yue Jianhan here, and finally, he was picked up by a **** like Lin An!

However, afterwards, Jiang Fan showed a joking smile!

This idiot, unexpectedly, wants to ward off evil swordsmanship?

Strong! It's really strong!

"Haha! Do you want to learn, evil swordsmanship?"

"Yes! Give me the evil swordsmanship, I can, forgive you for not dying!"

"Well, actually, I can teach you this thing, but I'm afraid you won't learn it!"

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! Are you telling a joke? Why don't I learn this unique sword technique?"

"Then, you swear!"


Lin An was stunned!

Yue Jianhan was also dumbfounded!

How could it seem that Lin An was not intimidating Jiang Fan to surrender his swordsmanship, but Jiang Fan couldn't wait to teach Lin An!

"Jiang Fan! Don't try to deceive!"

"I've been like this. What swindle with you? As long as you are willing to swear to learn, I will teach you verbatim! And, after you practice, you will be better than me!"

After studying, Jiang Fan has a healthy body, and his evil swordsmanship has undergone a little variation. From evil to domineering, his power is greater than before, but he is slightly worse!

And when it was running, it was a little suffocating! Therefore, just now Yue Jianhan made such a comment!

Lin An looked suspicious!

However, the temptation of this swordsmanship is too great!

That kind of power just now is simply terrifying!

Especially, Jiang Fan is only at level 6, but can rely on this swordsmanship to defeat Yue Jianhan, who is at level 9, without the slightest force to fight back!

Even more terrifying is that this sword technique can actually cut off sword energy! Simply unheard of!

"Okay! I swear!"

"You treat me as an idiot? Think about the oath! It's deep and deep, from the bottom of your heart!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Emperor and Queen of the Land! I swear by Lin An! If Jiang Fan is willing to teach me the real swordsmanship of warding off evil spirits, I Lin An will study hard and practice hard! If I break this oath, let me lose the most important thing about a man!"

Lin An, her face was ruthless!

This oath is poisonous enough for any man!

Even Yue Jianhan couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth!

However, Jiang Fan couldn't help laughing out loud!

Nima! You are really a way out of nothing!

Lin An was startled!

"Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, listen carefully, the first sentence of this swordsmanship is--"

"If you want to practice this skill, swing your sword from the palace!"

Lin An was stunned!

Yue Jianhan was also stunned!

"You, what did you say?"

Lin An looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"If you want to practice this skill, swing your sword from the palace!"

"You, you bullshit!"

Lin An was furious!

"Jiang Fan! You dare to fool me!"

"I, Jiang Fan, swear that if I deceive Lin An, my whole family will not die!"

Jiang Fan looked serious!

Lin An was completely stunned!

What Jiang Fan actually said is true?

So what's the oath that I just made?

Lin An looked down at the crotch, her face was clouded!

Nima! This is so no matter whether you practice or not, you have to take it and discard it?

"Jiang Fan!"

Lin An stared at Jiang Fan, suddenly, let out a roar!

"Give it to me, go to hell!"


Lin An's innocence suddenly broke out!

With a fierce punch, he blasted Jiang Fan!

At the moment of life and death, Jiang Fan did not panic at all!

His hole cards are far more than Lin An imagined!

But at this moment!


A scream that pierced the air suddenly rose!

Suddenly appeared behind Lin An!

Surprisingly, Yue Jianhan burst out again, a sword aura!

Lin An was frightened for a while!

Try to hide sideways!

The next moment, a sharp silver-white sword aura suddenly pierced his lower abdomen!


Blood is flying all over the sky!


Lin An screamed desperately, suddenly flew up, and left without looking back!

From a distance, the two could only hear Lin An's horrible howls of hatred!

"Jiang Fan! Yue Jianhan! Me and you are endlessly dying!"

Seeing Lin An left, Yue Jianhan, who was half kneeling on the ground, softened and fell directly on the ground!

The silver light in Jiang Fan's hand disappeared instantly, and then he looked at Yue Jianhan in surprise!

"Why do you want to save me?"

"You, only worthy, die in my hands!"

Seeing Han, Yue barely groaned!

"You are not afraid. I will clear the sword qi from the inner body in a while and kill you?"

That sword energy just now was Yue Jianhan's last means of saving his life!

Now, he is completely without any power to fight back!

And Jiang Fan, it only takes another three minutes to temporarily suppress his sword energy!

If you want to kill Yue Jianhan at that time, it will be easy!

"You will not!"

Yue Jianhan actually smiled!

"I Yue Jianhan's life, the most proud thing is swordsmanship! The form of that swordsmanship must be sinister and vicious!"

"But! You use it, but it's magnificent and domineering!"

"People can lie, sword, no!"

Jiang Fan was stunned!

What a Yue Jianhan!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan actually slowly stood up!

Yue Jianhan was shocked!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly recovered faster than he expected!

As soon as he took away the ancient pine pattern sword, Jiang Fan directly picked up Yue Jianhan's Qingsteel Longsword!

Then, with a dark smile on his face, he walked towards Yue Jianhan!

Yue Jianhan was expressionless, just looking at Jiang Fan with a smile!

Until Jiang Fan put the tip of the sword on his throat, he didn't change in color!

"Your uncle! You can scream twice for both meaning and meaning!"

Jiang Fan felt boring and couldn't help cursing angrily!

"Okay! I'm so scared, I'm so scared!"

Yue Jianhan groaned weakly!

"roll roll roll!"

Jiang Fan casually threw the long sword into the wooden box, carried the wooden box, carried Yue Jianhan on his back, and began to walk out weakly!

"Um, that set of swordsmanship, do you really want to be from the palace?"

Yue Jianhan couldn't help asking!

"of course!"

"Then you still practice?"

"Isn't the **** you the one who killed it?"

"Then are you now..."

"Fuck your sister! I'm normal!"

"But you said that this sword technique must be from the palace!"

"If you BB believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

"Do not believe!"

In the house assigned to Jiang Fan by the school!

This is the first time Jiang Fan has come here!

This room is huge, and all the furniture and appliances are readily available!

At this moment, Jiang Fan and Yue Jianhan were lying on the bed one by one!

Both of them have extremely powerful internal strengths. Although the injuries are terrible, they can recover a lot from a one-night rest!

"Jiang Fan!"


"Teach me swordsmanship!"

"You come from the palace first!"

"There must be a method that does not need to be from the palace, otherwise, you have no reason to practice!"

"Fart! You **** dare to mention it!"

"Teach me!"


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