God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 282: The woman in red in Zhongmao Building

"Asshole! Don't run!"

"Damn! I dare to fool us!"

"If you dare to run, you will blow up your house tomorrow!"

"Order your takeaway and give you a bad review!"

"Let you go to the toilet and never find toilet paper!"

A group of students in Class 3, simply furious!

Jiang Fan was not moved at all, but looked at the phone in confusion!

The other side didn't know which idiot it was, so he had to invite himself to dinner!

"Invite me to dinner? Well, did you call the wrong number?"

"Are you Mr. Jiang Fan?"


"Then there is nothing wrong! Our boss invites you, come to Huayang Hotel in an hour!"

"Who is your boss?"

"You come, naturally you will know!"

Opposite Feng Lang's subordinates are full of confidence that Jiang Fan will definitely come!


"You guys, are you recruiting male publicists?"

"Puff! Cough cough cough~~"

"Mr. Jiang, please don't be joking, our boss really invites you very sincerely!"

"No time!"

Jiang Fan hung up directly!

The subordinates are dumbfounded!

Looking at the phone blankly!


Jiang Fan murmured, and then waved at a group of students with a smirk!

"Don't worry, the teacher counts! Absolutely, won't run!"

A group of students were all stunned!

Jiang Fan unexpectedly, didn't he want to run?

Or, what kind of routine is this **** playing?

Seeing him smiling so wretched, there must be a problem!

Especially Lu He, who was laughed at by Jiang Fan, felt hairy in his heart!

I always feel that there is a kind of ominous premonition!


Jiang Fan's smile became more and more weird!

A group of students in Class 3, at the same time, swallowed and spit!


This bastard, sure enough, has an impure motive!

At this moment!


A minicooper suddenly drove over!

As soon as the car stopped, Bai Xiaoyu looked anxious, and suddenly got out of the car!

"Ms. Jiang! Can't go in!"

All students are shocked!


Moreover, it seems that he still knows Jiang Fan!

"Miss Bai? Why are you here?"

Jiang Fan was also slightly startled!

"Teacher Jiang, you must not go in! It's too dangerous here!"

"Before, there were more than ten college students who went in for expeditions, but now, even the dead body has not been found!"

"It's not clean inside!"

As soon as Bai Xiaoyu's voice fell, everyone was taken aback!

"Hey! Auntie! What do you mean by that?"

Su He looked at Bai Xiaoyu with a smile on his face!

Humph! Vixen!

At first glance, it is a misconduct towards Teacher Jiang!


Bai Xiaoyu's eyes widened, and he looked at Su He dumbfounded!

"Yes, Auntie! Tell me what's going on!"

Miao Yu also smiled!


Bai Xiaoyu's eyes twitched, gritted his teeth! He even couldn't even take care of stopping Jiang Fan!

She is about to take off her high heels and teach these two bear children a lesson!

"Miss Bai, what is going on here?"

Jiang Fan suddenly asked!

Bai Xiaoyu's anger suddenly disappeared, completely clean!

correct! I'm here to save Teacher Jiang, so why bother to have a general knowledge of these children?

When the time comes, they will become their sister-in-law, and there will be opportunities for revenge!


Bai Xiaoyu let out a clear cough and immediately began to tell!

"About 14 years ago, the Zhongmao Building at that time was one of the best malls in Los Angeles at that time..."

Fourteen years ago!

A dark Zhongmao Building!

At one o'clock in the night, two security guards are patrolling!

Unlike the non-stop entertainment hall above the eighth floor, the shopping mall at this moment is already completely silent!

Except for the walking and breathing of the two security guards, there were no more noises!

"Xiao Wang, have you heard?"

Old security guard Li Er, with a mysterious face, looked at the new little security guard, Wang Fuping!

"What did you hear?"

While patrolling cautiously, Wang Fuping answered casually!

"Our building has killed people!"


Wang Fuping was taken aback!

"Second brother, I, I am timid, don't scare me!"

"Really! There was a woman who took her child to buy things in this mall, but the child was lost!"

"At that time, all the security guards in our mall were activated. In the end, they were still not found!"

"When the woman was in a hurry, she lost her heart and cried in the mansion every day, but one day, the crying suddenly disappeared!"

When Li Er talked about this, suddenly he shut his mouth!

Wang Fuping was scared and wanted to listen, and finally couldn't help but ask: "What happened later?"


Li Er flashed a flashlight at himself and smiled strangely!

"Later, everyone discovered that this woman is not missing! But, dead!"

Wang Fuping shivered in shock!

"What, what, dead?"

Li Er smiled and pointed at the big chandelier hanging high upstairs!

"It's there, hanged!"


Wang Fuping looked at the large chandelier hanging high on the top floor of the fifth floor, and couldn't help but trembled all over!

"Then, so tall, she, how did she get up?"

"Hehe, I don't know, but do you know what she was like when she died?"

"What, what?"

"When the woman died, she was dressed in red! Red dress, red skirt, red shoes! Her tongue was half a meter long!"

Li Er's voice was elongated, matching his pale face illuminated by the flashlight, which was indescribably weird and terrifying!

"It is said that the woman dressed like this just wants to become a ghost, go find someone who steals her child, and kill her~~"


Li Erzheng said, but Wang Fuping screamed suddenly!

Desperately leave Li Er's side!

Li Er laughed loudly!

"Stupid boy! I lied to you!"

"No, it's not..."

Wang Fuping tremblingly pointed behind Li Er, his teeth rattled!

And at this moment! In Li Er's ear, a tragic voice sounded!


Li Er's body became stiff, his neck seemed to be rusty, gurgling, and turned his head!

Suddenly I saw a woman with a pale face, lying on his shoulder, smiling strangely, staring at herself!


Li Er screamed and fell directly to the ground!


This time, the "female ghost" and Wang Fuping were taken aback!

The two hurriedly shook Li Er, only to find that Li Er's mouth was wide open and his eyes were white. They were actually scared to death!

"Female Ghost" and Wang Fuping are all dumbfounded!

"Female Ghost" is another security guard Li Dahai pretending to be. Because Li Er always likes to use this ghost story to scare people, the two decided to scare Li Er in turn. Unexpectedly, they actually scared Li Er to death. !

Afterwards, Li Dahai and Wang Fuping were sentenced to manslaughter for several years, and the mall also lost a pension!

I thought that this incident would end here, but I didn't expect that there would be a follow-up!

From this day on, in the building, every midnight, all the security guards will meet a man who is chanting the words "woman in red" and laughing weirdly at the same time!

It didn't take long for the security of the building to resign one after another!

And the shopping mall was also inexplicably down!

After hearing what Bai Xiaoyu said, a group of students suddenly showed disapproval!

"Cut! I thought it was horrible! It turned out to be like this for a long time!"

"It's not!"

Bai Xiaoyu's face was suddenly hard to look!

"If things are really that simple, that's good!"

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