God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 289: The word reasonable is not reasonable

Jiang Fan happily delivered the food all the way, and Feng Lang, the more he waited, the greener his face!

Seeing that an hour has passed, he finally couldn't help it, and again, picked up the phone!

"Jiang Fan! Why have you not yet!"

"Traffic jam!"

Jiang Fan said casually and immediately hung up!

After thinking for a while, just go straight to the black!

This kind of idiot, a phone call in a while, too much delay for himself, delivery of meals!

After a busy night, Jiang Fan was about to go home, but suddenly remembered, Yue Jianhan, this cheap apprentice!

That kid is a sword idiot!

The temptation of the evil swordsman spectrum is too great, if this kid wants to practice...

Jiang Fan hurried to the house!

The door opened, and I saw Yue Jianhan, kneeling on the ground, motionless!

I rely on!

This kid, no, really practiced, right?

Jiang Fan walked in to take a look, and suddenly found that Yue Jianhan was looking at the sword book!

Although his eyes were full of excitement, there was no greedy color in his eyes!

It wasn't until Jiang Fan walked around that Yue Jianhan finally reacted!


Yue Jianhan looked excited!

"This sword book is amazing! After just studying for a day, I have found three deficiencies in my swordsmanship!"

"Not bad! Keep working hard, but don't practice!"

"Master, rest assured! Although this sword technique is infinitely powerful, it is not suitable for me!"

Yue Jianhan nodded hard!

"By the way! Master, you left in a hurry in the morning, I'll help you and clear the remaining sword energy!"

"No need, I'm done!"


Yue Jianhan was startled, then, suddenly, a trace of pride was revealed!

"Master! Although the disciple is not talented, this sword aura is my proud method! Its power is divided into three stages!"

"Anyone who doesn't know, even if the sword aura is expelled on the surface, but the remaining two hidden sword auras are there at any time, and there is a possibility of re-eruption!"

"Master, let the disciples come!"

Yue Jianhan said, already, with one hand, Jiang Fan's veins!

It is necessary for Jiang Fan to get rid of Jian Qi!


As he perceives, in Jiang Fan's body, there is not even a trace of sword energy left!

"This, how is this possible?!"

Yue Jianhan's eyes widened in shock! Look at Jiang Fan incredible!

"Master, your internal strength, although you are extremely domineering, but in terms of quantity, it is far inferior to me!"

"Even if someone at the same level as me discovers the hidden sword energy and wants to resolve it, it is definitely not possible to do it in a few days!"

"What's more, you are now full of energy! Obviously, even the lung injury has been healed!"

"This, this is unreasonable!"

Yue Jianhan stammered, his face was totally incredible!

Jiang Fan smiled leisurely!

"For me, the word'reasonable' is inherently unreasonable!"

Bull B!

Worthy of being a master!

This B outfit is reasonable!

Yue Jianhan's face is full of admiration!

Following the master, sure enough, is the wisest choice!

Not to mention anything else, just this kind of magical healing ability, if you can learn it, it will be possible, the world is invincible!

However, he didn't know that Jiang Fan's recovery was due to the system!

"Okay, don't look at that evil swordsmanship! Come here, I'll pass you a good thing!"

Jiang Fan sat on the sofa and waved to Yue Jianhan!

Seeing Han's expression of joy, Yue hurried over!

"Everlasting in the cold, everything is very quiet! The heart is calm, and I hope I am alone!"

"Mind and mind are one, and the spirits are good to follow! If there is more than one, you will not be surprised!"

"No ignorance, no hatred, no desire and no demand! No giving up, no action, no self!"

Jiang Fan directly recited the meditation mantra in the secret method of Maoshan Tianshi!

Yue Jianhan was stunned!

Although these verses are short, but when I recited them silently just now, my mind is clear!

Even, just now, a flaw in the swordsmanship that he had tried to no avail was solved!

Yue Jianhan was shocked!

"Master, this, this seems to be Taoist tactics!"

"Yes! The one I taught you is called "Jingxin Mantra"! It is not martial arts, you can use it as a kind of mental formula!"

"You are too hostile and don't know how to resolve it. If things go on like this, you will inevitably fall into the evil way! From now on, you will recite it silently three times every day!"

"Yes! The disciple would like to follow the teaching!"

Yue Jianhan nodded hard! With eyes full of worship, look at Jiang Fan!

Master is really amazing!

Actually, both martial arts and Taoism!

Taoism has always been mysterious, and I have only heard about it, and have never seen a real Taoist person!

Moreover, Taoist tactics are never passed on. It seems that Master’s background is by no means simple!

Seeing Yue Jianhan remember, Jiang Fan left immediately!

With Yue Jianhan, when taking a bath, I feel too insecure!

Back home, Jiang Fan fell asleep!

By the time I wake up, it is already three poles in the sun!


Jiang Fan took a wash and immediately re-entered the delivery mode!

After a busy morning, Jiang Fan had just had lunch at a roadside stall. At this moment, the phone rang suddenly!

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Director Zhang? Is something wrong?"

It was actually from the great director Zhang Wentao!

"Mr. Jiang, this is the case. The crew has finished! Tonight, the crew will give a celebration banquet, and I hope you will appreciate it!"

Zhang Wentao's voice is full of earnestness!

Due to Jiang Fan's joining, the originally planned goal was actually completed half the time ahead of schedule!

The rest is computer special effects and editing, even the slowest, one month later, it can be released!

However, this is nothing. The most important thing is that because of Jiang Fan's joining, the crew is completely alive!

Not only is there a steady stream of funds, but more importantly, because Jiang Fan, this movie was first hit before it was broadcast!

The major theaters have already started pre-sales in advance. As of just now, the pre-sales at the box office have exceeded 100 million!

This is the first time in film history!

"It's a good thing, all right, choose a good place and call me!"

"You promised? Thank you so much!"

Zhang Wentao's voice is full of excitement!

"However, there is one more thing, I hope you can..."

Zhang Wentao's voice hesitated a little!

"Speak straight!"

"Mr. Jiang, I have no intention of retributing your great kindness. It stands to reason that I should not trouble you anymore! In fact, I have invited some reporters. Before the banquet, I hope that I can hold a small press conference! At that time, please also..."


Jiang Fan agreed without hesitation!

As the saying goes, help people to the end and send Buddha to the west!

Since I have made friends with Zhang Wentao, this is just a small effort, it doesn't matter!

"Thank you so much!"

Zhang Wentao did not expect Jiang Fan to be so simple!

The voice was a little choked up!

"You're welcome, see you tonight!"


Hanging up, Jiang Fan was immediately ready to continue delivering meals!

at this time!

Two Mercedes-Benz C180, suddenly, stopped in front of him!

Six or seven murderous men stepped out of the car!

The leader, the man with a spider tattooed on the back of his hand, looked at Jiang Fan coldly!

"Jiang Fan?"


"Hey! It's really you!"

The man sneered, and suddenly pointed at Jiang Fan!

"Go! Kill him!"

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