God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 291: Don't want to leave the old liar

The door is wide open!

Lu He and Feng Jin, with gloomy faces, strode in!

In the room, everyone was taken aback!

Boss Wang rolled his eyes, calmly, and moved the suitcase to his side!

"Mr. Lu!"

The zodiac's face didn't change, and he smiled and looked at Lu He!

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You still have the face to ask me what's wrong?"

Lu He was furious, and suddenly took out the few safety charms and threw them to the ground!

"You're an old liar who gave birth to a son and didn't fart X! What the **** is this called a peace talisman? Five thousand!"

"I believe in your evil! I almost died inside!"

"Today, if you don't tell Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will demolish your house!"

The zodiac frowned!

"Mr. Xiao Lu! Although the old-fashioned has no abilities, but this method of drawing talisman can be considered! You can say, the old-fashioned talisman paper, how useless!"

"Huh! I went to Zhongmao Building last night. You talisman is not useful at all!"


The zodiac's eyes widened suddenly!

Zhongmao Building?

Boss Wang shivered all over, his eyes full of fear!

"You, you actually went to Zhongmao Building!"


Lu He smiled triumphantly!

Feng Jin is also proud!

After all, for the Los Angeles people, swinging around the gate of Zhongmao Building is definitely a warrior!

What's more, the two of them not only went in, but also witnessed those terrifying monsters with their own eyes!

Everyone looked at the two teenagers incredible!

After a long time!


The zodiac laughed suddenly!

"Mr. Xiao Lu, what is the Zhongmao Building? Even if you enter the old way, you must be careful!"

"You just want the old way to refund the money, so why bother to find such a ridiculous reason?"

"Don't worry! Your money, the old way will refund you a lot!"

Zodiac, with a look of disdain!

Boss Wang on one side rolled his eyes, and suddenly, calmly, he pushed the suitcase toward the zodiac again!

"Hehe! Master Huang is right! These two little kids are definitely trying to deny!"


Lu He was furious!

"I will feel sorry for the tens of thousands of dollars? Just go to the bar and wander around, and it's more than that!"

"Since you don't want money, what do you want?"

"What I want is a statement! If you dare to lie to me, you have to pay the price!"

Lu He has a cruel expression!


The complexion of the zodiac suddenly became gloomy!

"Young man, the old way has given you enough face. I want to find the old way to say something? Well, the old way still wants to ask you! You said you've been to Zhongmao Building, what is it like? If you can't tell, can Don't blame the old way, you're welcome!"

After the zodiacal man said this, there was a sudden, majestic momentum all over his body!

"Huh! Just say it!"

"It's tattered inside! No light! That's it!"


The Zodiac has nothing to say, Boss Wang is already laughing!

"Boy! You made up nonsense, and made up like a little!"

Boss Wang shook his head and looked directly at the Zodiac!

"Master, you collect this money, and you will be pleased in the future, please take care of it!"


Master Huang nodded!

Boss Wang smiled contemptuously at Lu He and Feng Jin, and was leaving with his bodyguard!


"Oh, besides this, there is a Yin Sha in there!"

Lu He said slowly!

This is the way he and Jiang Fan learned to pretend!

Sure enough, Lu He's voice just fell, and everyone's complexion changed abruptly!

"You actually know Yin Sha?"

The Zodiac looked at Lu He incredible!

"What's this? There is more than Yin Sha in there, but there is also an evil spirit!"

Not to be outdone, Feng Jin said loudly!


The zodiac's face is unbelievable!

Many people know about the evil spirits, but there are very few people who know about the evil spirits!

"You guys, you really did go, Zhongmao Building?"

"Of course!"

Lu He smiled proudly!

"Also, tell you, we are not only going! The evil spirits and evil spirits have been, all killed by us!"

"This is impossible!"

The zodiac screamed suddenly!

That Yin Sha is good to deal with, but the evil spirit is an old ghost! Very strong!

If you don't have a powerful magic weapon, let alone extinguish the evil spirits, you will not be able to escape even if you are fleeing for your life!

However, the Zodiac knows it, but Boss Wang doesn't know it!

Moreover, knowing that the ghosts in Zhongmao Building have disappeared, as a businessman, he has keenly smelled business opportunities!

"Hehe, Master Huang, I will talk about that later when I have time!"

As Boss Wang said, he picked up his suitcase and left!

"Boss Wang, wait!"

Zodiac, suddenly anxious!

He never thought of returning the money to Lu He!

What I said just now is nothing more than to win over the business of Boss Wang!

Who knows, Lu He, this kid, actually ran to Zhongmao Building!

At this moment, I can completely settle down the matter of using my own rune paper to be useless!

If this incident spreads out, then my future business will inevitably suffer a huge decline!

The zodiac raises his foot and wants to chase the king boss!


"Stop! Old liar, you **** want to run!"

Lu He yelled and kicked directly at the Zodiac!

The zodiac's eyes flashed with a different color, and suddenly, he pinched a magic trick!


Lu He originally kicked the Zodiac, but he actually kicked Feng Jin!


Feng Jin was kicked and furiously!

"Lu He! What the **** are you doing?"

"I, I, no, I just kicked him!"

Lu He was stunned!

Feng Jin is also blinded!

That's right, just now, Lu He kicked the zodiac, but, why, he kicked himself?

However, after being stopped by Lu He, Boss Wang quickly walked out of the yard, got in the car and left!


The zodiac screamed!

"You're a **** bastard! Old fellow, don't give us a word today, don't you want to leave!"

Lu He and Feng Jin glared at the Zodiac!

"Go? You killed me and lost a business in vain. It's you who can't go!"

The zodiac smiled grimly, and suddenly threw out two pieces of talisman paper!

"Swipe! Brush!"

The talisman was directly pasted to Lu He and Feng Jin!

"what is this?"

"Old guy, what do you want to do?"

Lu and He were startled, they wanted to drag the zodiac!


The Zodiac smiled coldly and suddenly pinched a magic trick!


In an instant, Lu He and Feng Jin could not move anymore!

"Old guy! What's the matter?"

"I warn you! Let us go quickly! Otherwise, Teacher Jiang will come, and you will feel better!"

"That's right! Teacher Jiang killed the evil spirit with one move! It's just one sword if it's you!"

"If you don't want to die, let us go quickly!"

Lu and He yelled loudly!

"Anyone killed the evil spirits in one move?"

The Zodiac was taken aback!

"In the world, there is such an expert? Impossible! Unless there are... magical artifacts?!"

A touch of greed suddenly appeared in the eyes of the Zodiac!

"Hey, that's fine if the business is gone!"

"Boy, talk to the old man, Zhongmao Building, what happened!"

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