"Hong Lei! Nice job!"

"You are still talented! This is a great idea!"

"Relax, from now on, we will never mention you peeing on your pants again!"

"Haha! Bastard Jiang Fan, this time you have a lot of fun!"

The students in Class 3 are so excited!

Hong Lei is even more proud!


Jiang Fan, this time, it depends on what you do!



Jiang Fan actually agreed!

This time, even Hong Lei was stunned!

"However, the teacher is afraid that the spirit will be overwhelmed. Therefore, I need to give these photos in my hands to a trusted person for safekeeping!"

"Hong Lei, who do you think is appropriate?"

Jiang Fan smiled, directly, shook the phone!

In one of them, the scene of someone with an orange face and vomiting violently while holding a telephone pole, flashed past!

Hong Lei was stunned!

That photo is so familiar!

It was himself, Wu Chengliang and others, preparing to attack Jiang Fan with Yoneda, but was killed by Jiang Fan!


Why, I forgot that Jiang Fan has such a big killer in his hands!

If this picture is exposed, you will be completely finished!

He even thought of a nickname for himself--

Chrysanthemum man!

Hong Lei trembled all over! Suddenly, put on a righteous color!

"Teacher! I just, just, made a little joke with you!"

"After all, what Fatty Ma said, serious and lively! Haha!"

As soon as Hong Lei spoke, the students in Class 3 suddenly exploded!

"Fuck! Hong Lei, you're a mess!"

"It's the water in your mind that you pee on your pants, isn't it?"

"I really want to see Jiang Fan and Fatty Ma, team CP!"

"Are you a pervert? It's a violation of the two people being together!"

"Thinking about it is exciting! I want to see it too! Hong Lei hurry up and take Jiang Fan!"

"Pee! Hurry up and let Jiang Fan and Fatty Ma wet kiss!"

Oh shit! These bastards!

Hong Lei was so angry, his face was blue!

It is even more regrettable in my heart! Against Jiang Fan, how could it end well? Why are you so impulsive!

However, compared to the name of the pee, I don’t want to be, the chrysanthemum!

Hong Lei turned a deaf ear to the clamor of a group of students!

"Jiang Fan! Actually, what I really want to say is that if we meet the standard this time, you will need to..."

Hong Lei hesitated for a long time, and didn't think of a suitable reason!

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded!

"In the Outskirts of the Wonderland, a new live-action game of Seven Kingdoms Hegemony has been opened. Now in order to gain fame, we are arranging events!"

"I just signed up through the official website, Jiang Fan, this time, let's change the way!"

"We don't care about our results this week, but you must be responsible for our victory!"

"As long as you can do it, next week's results, I promise to directly reach 70 points!"

"However, if you can't do it, don't worry about us in the future!"

Unexpectedly, Murong Cui was the one who spoke!

Everyone in Class 3 was stunned!

This is the first time Murongcui has taken the initiative to stand in front of the stage!

In the past, what he wanted to do, but never took the initiative!

Could it be that he has also been gradually brought into this group by Jiang Fan?


"This condition is too easy, right?"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

In this kind of game, as long as he shoots, he alone is enough to kill those rookies in seconds!

This kid Murongcui, shouldn't he be so naive, right?


"Jiang Fan, don't underestimate this game!"

The corners of Murongcui's mouth slightly cocked!

"In this game, the army's style of play is completely copied. Under the big environment, the seven countries are fighting!"

"Each team must protect both the commander flag and the commander-in-chief. The entire army cannot be destroyed!"

"More importantly, among the seven countries, you can choose the alliance!"

"This kind of game not only tests the individual abilities, but more importantly, the commander's strategy!"

"Jiang Fan, how do you dare to agree?"

As soon as Murong Cui finished speaking, all three classes were shocked!

"Fuck! This game is too abnormal, right?"

"Even though Jiang Fan is strong enough, he has six opponents! I can't be too busy!"

"It's Murong Cui! A shot is a kill!"

"Jiang Fan is in trouble now! If we can't do it, we can be completely liberated!"

"Hehe! Bastard Jiang Fan! What will you do this time?"

A group of students slapped the table excitedly!

"That's right! There is another one, I forgot to say it!"

Murongcui raised the tablet in his hand!

"Champion team, you can get one million!"


"Fuck! One million!"

"The organizer is willing to spend money!"

"I just watched it, and it seems to be broadcast in real time!"

"However, just listening, I feel enthusiastic!"

"Look, one of the teams is actually the security team of the Los Angeles Black Shield!"


A group of students were once again in shock!

Black Shield, but the number one security company in Los Angeles!

Those serving are all top people in Los Angeles!

There are countless masters under its banner!

Especially the instructors, each one is an elite retired member of the special forces! It is said that there is another one, the King of Soldiers!

Almost every security guard of Black Shield can do it alone!

Before the Jiang family's demise, it was Black Shield who was in charge of security!

"Jiang Fan! How is it?"

Murongcui's face is provocative!

This bastard! In the Zhongmao Building, I was terrified by giving myself to it!

Since I was young, I have been like a child prodigy! I have never planted such a big somersault!

Thinking of himself, screaming like a little girl frightened by cockroaches, he can't wait to hit him to death!

So, no matter what, you have to take revenge on Jiang Fan!

Moreover, unlike others, he already understood Jiang Fan's plan, that is, to subdue himself!

Jiang Fan! Since you want to convince me, then, pass my test!

As long as you dare to promise, your skill, with my mind, enter the top three, absolutely, no problem!

"Okay! I promise you!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled heartily!

"And, it's not just that! Next week, if you really get 70 points in the test, I will call the shots and use this million to take you on a trip!"


"Jiang Fan, bastard! What a big hand!"

"So excited!"

"Excited shit! What if you lose?"

"The game! The focus is on participation! It is better if we lose, we can be completely free!"

"That's it! Whether we win or lose, we are all good!"

Today is simply the most exciting day since the establishment of Class 3!

"Murongcui, tell everyone about the rules of the game!"

"Good! The rules of the game are like this..."

Murong Cui is about to speak!

Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

"Hello, I am Jiang Fan!"

"Mr. Jiang, this is Tu Kang! Well, sorry, I came out late, now, do you have time?"

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and then he remembered that today, he is going to find a cemetery for Tu Kang's father!

"Wait at the door! I'll pass right away!"

Hanging up, Jiang Fan immediately went straight to the school gate!

Only at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

The order of the system has come!

"In an unknown era, monsters are rampant. One day, a bald head appeared..."

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