God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 312: You can't even hold my punch

The crowd was stunned, their eyes widened, incredible, looking at Jiang Fan!

"Fuck~~ trough!"

"Master, please take it, my knees!"

"Go! Little brother! Take my underwear! At midnight tonight, let's see or leave!"

"Master! Please accept me as a disciple! I must take the elimination of weird people as my responsibility, and carry forward your spirit!"

"Young man! As long as you are willing to be my bodyguard! My thirty-bedroom mistress, give it to you!"

The eyes of the crowd looking at Jiang Fan are full of worship!

Even Saitama looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

Too domineering!

One punch!

I have never seen such a powerful human being!

"You, who are you?"

Saitama gritted his teeth and asked Jiang Fan!

"Me? My name is Jiang Fan, I'm an ordinary, takeaway!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


The crowd was stunned!

"Such a powerful human being, is actually just a takeaway?"


"How is this possible? If the delivery staff can be so strong, I also want to deliver the food!"

Saitama looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"Takeaway, it's impossible, so strong!"

"In this world, nothing is impossible!"

Jiang Fan said, directly, take out the spicy crab from the backpack!

"Here! Your takeaway!"

"It smells good!"

Saitama took it involuntarily, couldn't help but took a bite!


"Oh my God! This thing is so enjoyable!"

"This taste! I have never eaten it before, such a delicious thing!"

"Moreover, it's not just that! Why, my emotions, there will be such a big fluctuation?"

"Why do I think of my childhood dream?"

"I want to live! I want to become stronger!"

Saitama took a big bite and even chewed up the crab shells!

Everyone looked at Saitama in surprise!

I don't understand at all, why there is such a big magical power for a takeaway!

Soon, a portion of spicy crab was eaten by Saitama, and it was completely clean!

"Jiang Fan, I, I want to be like you too!"

"I want to be, too, a takeaway!"


Jiang Fan was dumbfounded!


Isn’t your dream to be a hero?

You are a takeaway, what do I do?

"The dream is good! But, what was your original intention of being a takeaway?"

"I, want to be as strong as you! I want to defeat the weirdo!"

"To defeat the weirdo, you don't have to be a takeaway! If you really want to become stronger, I will teach you!"


Saitama, looked at Jiang Fan with surprise!

Even, excited, trembling all over!

"You, do you want to accept me as a disciple?"


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The crowd is boiling!

"Oh my God! This stinky kid is really lucky!"

"Being able to be taught by such a master, the future achievements are bound to be limitless!"

"I envy him too much!"

"Master! You accept me as a disciple! Give you all my property!"

"Little brother, as long as you accept me as a disciple, I will warm your bed every day!"

The crowd shouted endlessly, so prepare and surround yourself!

At this moment!


The ground trembled suddenly!

Immediately afterwards, numerous cracks suddenly appeared!

In the next moment, in the shocking eyes of everyone, the ground with a radius of more than 100 meters suddenly exploded like a volcanic eruption!

A dark pit was revealed!

"what happened?"

"Is it an earthquake?"

"Hurry up!"

The crowd screamed in fright and avoided!

Jiang Fan frowned!

There are so many weird things in the world of One Punch Superman. Could it be that what happened?


At the next moment, two black pliers, large enough to have door panels, suddenly protruded from the black hole in the ground!

Then, in the shock of everyone's eyes, it hit the ground fiercely!


The ground trembled again!

Immediately afterwards, two large tongs pressed hard, and a terrifying monster with a height of more than five meters suddenly jumped out of the pit!

It fell, in front of Jiang Fan!

"Jiejie! Just now, who was it that killed my offspring?"

The monster suddenly roared towards Jiang Fan!

And its appearance was finally exposed to everyone!

This thing is almost exactly the same as the Crabman just now!

However, the whole body is almost black, full of metallic luster!

"Oh my God! What is this?"

"It's a weirdo!"

"Not only that, it seems to be the ancestor of the crabman just now!"

"very scary!"

"This power is too strong!"

The crowd turned pale in horror, looking at the giant crab man in horror!

"Teacher! Get away!"

When Saitama saw the Cancer appear, he would push Jiang Fan away!

However, Jiang Fan remained motionless!

"Mask, scan!"

"Ding! The scanning is over, the opponent's combat power is-level six!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

In the same level, I am not afraid of anyone!

In the world, there is only Jiang Fan, possessing this invincible ability of the same rank!

"Teacher! Why don't you hide! You will die!"

Saitama is in a hurry, sweating profusely!

"Relax! To me, it's just rubbish!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

Saitama was shocked!

Such an appearance destroyed the weird person in the range of 100 meters. In the eyes of the teacher, it is actually just rubbish?

Worthy of being a teacher! so cool!

Just this kind of light-lifting momentum is worthy of oneself, trying to figure it out for a lifetime!

"You bastard! How dare you say that I am rubbish?"

Suddenly, a fierce light appeared in the eyes of the Cancer man!


Jiang Fan nodded hard! Then, stretch out a finger!

"One punch! You are such a thing, even I can't hold it with a punch!"


"Master, too arrogant, right?"

"This guy is not the little weirdo just now!"

"However, he is really handsome!"

"Yeah! This kind of momentum makes people excited!"

"I really want to give him a boost!"

A group of women, looking at Jiang Fan, looked like wild wolves!

Saitama even looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

The teacher is so handsome that he has no friends!


Isn't this the ultimate idol that I have been pursuing?

The Cancer was so angry that he laughed!

"Boy! I'll let you punch! If you can't beat me, I will kill everyone!"

Everyone's faces have changed!

However, no one left!

Anyway, as long as the Cancer people do not die, they will not survive!

Rather than run away, it is better to watch a miraculous birth!

"Saitama, don't you want to become stronger? I will tell you how to do it now!"

Jiang Fan moved his arm casually, and suddenly smiled at Saitama!


Saitama is surprised!

"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 km run a day! No interruption is allowed within three years!"

"that's it?"

Saitama looked dumbfounded!


"This, how is this possible! Teacher, is this too simple?"

Saitama looks unbelievable!

"Hahaha! Really ridiculous human beings! If we could become stronger like this, we weird people would have been killed long ago!"

The Cancer man laughed even more, his jaw was crooked!

Jiang Fan slowly squeezed his fists and looked at the Cancer man mockingly!

"System! Blessing the power of the bull!"

"Wing Chun Jin Jin!"

"Nine Suns True Scripture!"

In an instant, Jiang Fan's momentum soared!

The ground under the feet hummed and trembled!

"Saitama, you can see clearly! This punch is your future!"


Jiang Fan's fist, with the endless sound of wind and thunder, suddenly hit the Cancer man!


A loud thunderous noise suddenly resounded through the world!

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