God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 315: Stupid see in a hundred years

Good day, is it over?


Jiang Fan looked at Yang Qi with sympathy! In his eyes, he was full of doubts!

"I didn't hit your brain last time! Why did this IQ drop instead of rising?"


Yang Qi gritted his teeth!

"You, don't think that I'm joking! This time, you are absolutely dead!"

"The third presiding judge of the holy light ruling will arrive tomorrow!"

Holy Light Ruling?

Jiang Fan was startled!

Seeing Jiang Fan stunned, Yang Qi was overjoyed!

Before, the Beastmaster was killed, plus, in a muddle, offended the Zhou family, and Yang Qi, father and son, felt that they were dead!

In the past few days, it's almost like a frightened bird!

The two father and son squatted at home every day, not even daring to go out of the door!

But just now!

An unfamiliar call suddenly called!

The other party claimed to be the third presiding judge! Let the Yang family give Jiang Fan a letter of war!

Arranged to fight in the Yang family tomorrow night!

Father and son of the Yang family, I heard from the Beastmaster before that the presiding judge of the Holy Light Judgment, but a powerful existence over ten levels!

This kind of character shot, Jiang Fan is absolutely dead, there is no life!


"Come on!"

Jiang Fan's tone is more relaxed than eating a bowl of fried rice on the street!

Yang Qi was stunned!

"You, you, you don't know yet, what is the strength of the presiding judge of the Holy Light?"

That's right! This bastard's expression is so relaxed, it must be, I don't know the strength of the other party!

The ignorant is fearless!

It must be so!

"Tenth level!"


Yang Qi was stunned!

The other three, from the Ma family, were shocked!

Damn it!

What the **** is this kid?

That's level ten!

Yes, really true, super master!

How did it come out of his mouth like drinking cold water?

Could it be that, in his eyes, the tenth level does not matter at all?

When I thought of this, the Ma family shivered even more!

Feng Lang that beast!

He actually provoked such a terrible enemy to the Ma family!

"You, you don't pretend to be less! Actually, you're already scared, right?"

Yang Qi suddenly yelled!

The excitement of unraveling the trick is all over his face!

That's right!

It must be so!

Several members of the Ma family were also refreshed!

If Jiang Fan really had a tenth level, how could he be willing to deliver food?

However, his strength is indeed not something that a few of his own can handle!

It seems that we have to withdraw one step first and ask the family for help!

"Jiang Fan! Don't be proud of you! We just came here to test you!"

"Yes! Kill you, but Lord Lang meant it!"

"Master Lang has a great favor to the Ma family! Master Lang speaks, our Ma family will never let you go!"

The Ma family smiled coldly at Jiang Fan and were about to leave!


"I let you guys go?"

In Jiang Fan's eyes, a sudden flash, a murderous opportunity!

Yang Qi's heart trembled when he saw it!

He was so familiar with this look!

Even, only seeing Jiang Fan's eyes, his whole body was sore!

This is a lesson of blood!

"Don't let us go? What can you do to us?"

"Yes! Our Ma family wants you to die, you can't hide it at all!"

"But if you hurt us, you will only die faster!"

"I advise you, or..."

The Ma family were not afraid at all. Instead, they looked arrogant and full of disdain, looking at Jiang Fan!

It's a pity that the few people haven't finished speaking, Jiang Fan has already moved!


A few people just felt like a breeze blowing from their ears, the next moment!


"Me, my ears!"

"My nose!"


The screams, in an instant, resounded through the sky!

Jiang Fan actually cut off the facial features of the three people in the same way!

The three of them were full of blood, holding their heads, howling desperately!

In such a terrible state, Yang Qi was frightened, shaking like chaff!

"Tell the people of Ma's family, I want to come, I'm always welcome!"


The three of them were so scared that they ran away with their companions!

Seeing a few idiots leave, Jiang Fan immediately smiled and looked at Yang Qi!

"Jiang Fan! I, I, I came here to write the war! Those things have nothing to do with me!"

Yang Qi swallowed desperately, trembling, looking at Jiang Fan!

"I understand!"

Jiang Fan nodded again and again, without stopping, and came directly in front of Yang Qi!

Yang Qi's tears came down!

I just wanted to see Jiang Fan's panicked expression!

Own, too wronged!


Why are you so cheap?

Obviously it is something that can be done just by making a phone call, so you have to come and find it!

"Jiang, Shao Jiang! I, I..."

"Xiao Yang! We, we weren't dead enemies!"

With Jiang Fan's words, Yang Qi suddenly gave birth to hope!

He only felt that Jiang Fan's entire body was glowing!

"Right, right, right! Shao Jiang is right! This is exactly what the Holy Light ruled that the **** are doing things! It has nothing to do with me!"

Yang Qi's head is almost the same as a sewing machine!

"That's right! But!"

Jiang Fan's face sank!

"You bastard! Holy Light Judgment, who got it?"

"Huh? Me, I..."

"Fuck you code!"

Jiang Fan directly raised his leg and kicked Yang Qi from the right door to the left door!


The car door flew upside down, and Yang Qi even screamed and fell out of the car!

"Uuuuu...no, don't fight, I, I'm so miserable!"

Yang Qi was first broken by Jiang Fan's leg, then his hand was interrupted, and he was wearing a bandage. At this moment, he was lying on the ground, just like a fleshy bug!

Jiang Fan mentioned Yang Qi!


The backhand is a slap in the face!

"Your uncle! I really want to open your head to see if it's empty inside!"

"You can be as stupid as you are. It's so **** good to see you in a hundred years!"

Jiang Fan said, another slap in the face!

"Do you think you are cheap? I have lived for more than 20 years, and I have never seen you owe you so much!"

Jiang Fan kept holding his hands, swelling Yang Qi's entire face into a pig's head!


Shaking it at will, throwing Yang Qi into the car, Jiang Fan looked at the dumbfounded driver!


The driver did not dare to breathe in the air, and when he stepped on the accelerator, he immediately disappeared without a trace!


On the back seat, Yang Qi groaned in pain!

"Young master, you, are you okay?"

"I lost you old wood! Does I look okay?"

In Yang Qi's eyes, the cold light flickered!

"You trash! Actually, seeing Laozi get beaten!"

"Son, master! Don't blame me! I'm just, the driver! If I also give up, how can I send you home?"


Yang Qi is furious!

However, he changed into a sneer in a blink of an eye!

"Forget it! It's boring to care about with you! Turn around and go to Chengyu Building!"

"Master, go there, what are you doing?"

"Hehehe! Jiang Fan is about to die! Now, it is a good time for me to approach Qiu Mingyue!"

"Furthermore, if you don't say well, you can still use Jiang Fan's life to persecute this little bitch, follow me...hehehe!"

"Young Master Wise!"

"Nonsense! Qiu Mingyue! You little bastard! I really look forward to it, you kneel down and begged me, you look pitiful! Hehehehe!"

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