God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 336: His house seems to be destroyed

At this moment, all the killers bent their straight waists and lowered their noble heads!

In my heart, there is even more panic!

In their minds, Jiang Fan at this moment is the **** of death who is in charge of their life and death!


Jiang Fan nodded in satisfaction, and then, without seeing a group of assassins, turned around and left!

Until Jiang Fan's figure disappeared, everyone dared to raise their heads!

A group of killers looked at each other, only to find that each other's bodies had been soaked in cold sweat!

"Crewe, what do you do next?"

"Nonsense! Of course it is to leave China!"

Crewe's eyes twitched!

too frightening!

This kid's breath is obviously at level 6, how can his strength be so terrifying to this level?

"Back to Europe! Book a flight! Let's go tonight!"

"Yes, yes! I'm leaving tonight!"

A group of killers nodded again and again!

Immediately afterwards, it was almost like fleeing, and they dispersed in a rush!

The night became more intense, and there was no more voice in the entire Yang family!

for a long time!

On the ground, a corpse suddenly moved!

Then, he turned over!

Then, just under the corpse, a man covered in blood slowly got up from the ground!

After wiping the blood off his face vigorously, the man finally revealed his original appearance!

This is surprisingly, Yang Qi!

Jiang Fan's finger was clearly enough to shatter his brain, but he didn't die!

Looking around silently, Yang Qi's expression became more and more ruthless!

Then, suddenly clenched his fist, suddenly let out a howl like a beast!

"Jiang Fan! Holy Light Ruling!"

Yang Qi clenched his fists tightly, and in his eyes, the strange black light flashed by again!


A loud noise!

The **** water of the whole land unexpectedly rose into the sky!

For a time, the whole world seemed to be raining blood!


Jiang Fan left Yang's house, took out the bicycle directly, and ran all the way!

Although Jiang Fan has only seen Qiuyuan Mountain a few times, he was extremely impressed!

This person feels like a lion that is half asleep and half awake!

And since the collapse of the Jiang family, until now, he has never seen his face!

As the Patriarch of the second largest family in Los Angeles, if there is no problem in it, ghosts don't believe it!

And there are too many doubts about the demise of the Jiang family!

I took advantage of this opportunity to try this old fox!


The bike is fast!

Soon, I came to a teahouse in the city!

This is the place where Qiuyuanshan met with him!

"Jiang Fan!"

Seeing Jiang Fan appear, Qiu Mingyue, who has been waiting at the door, suddenly smiled!


Jiang Fan also raised the corners of his mouth!

When he saw Qiu Mingyue, he just felt relaxed for no reason!

"Huh? Is there blood on your clothes?"

As Jiang Fan approached and the lights shone, Qiu Mingyue immediately saw the blood on Jiang Fan's jacket!

"Oh, I accidentally caught it while delivering the meal!"

"By the way, why is your dad looking for me so late?"

Jiang Fan hurriedly changed the subject!

"I don't know, he just came back today, the first thing is to let me contact you!"


Jiang Fan frowned!

Soon, the two came to the private room upstairs!

As soon as he opened the door, an excited voice suddenly sounded!

"Xiaofan! Is that you?"

Jiang Fan looked up and saw that an imposing middle-aged man was looking at himself with excitement!

This man has a thin body, elegant temperament, and his face profile is seven to eight points similar to Qiu Mingyue.

"Uncle Qiu!"

Jiang Fan was also excited!

Directly, threw into Qiuyuanshan's arms, and hugged him tightly!

"Oh! Uncle Qiu! Nephew, I finally see you!"

Jiang Fan was howling!

Qiu Yuanshan is dumbfounded!

Is Jiang Fan's relationship with himself so good?

"Uncle Qiu! My Jiang family is over! If you want, let me call the shots!"


Qiuyuanshan's eyes twitched, he coughed, and patted Jiang Fan lightly!

"Well, Xiaofan, don't get excited, sit down and speak slowly!"


Jiang Fan sat down obediently and looked at Qiu Yuanshan with excitement!

"Uncle Qiu, you are looking for me today, do you want to avenge my Jiang family?"


Qiu Yuanshan almost spewed a mouthful of old blood!

"Haha, Xiaofan, do you know who the Jiang family's enemy is?"

"I know, it's Zhou's family!"

"Then you should know that the Zhou family is one of the four largest families in the capital! Even if Uncle Qiu wants to help you get revenge, he doesn't have that ability!"


Jiang Fan was stunned!

Then he looked sad!

"Unfortunately, my Jiang family's big industry! Originally, it should belong to me and Mingyue!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Qiu Mingyue's face turned red!

But Qiu Yuanshan's eyes jumped!

"Xiaofan, what do you mean?"

"Uncle Qiu, Mingyue and I have been married since I was a child! I am the heir of the Jiang family, and my things are naturally Mingyue's!"

Jiang Fan took it for granted!

"Ha ha!"

Qiu Yuanshan's expression moved slightly, and suddenly he laughed twice!

"Xiaofan, your marriage contract is actually just a joke between me and your father. I can't take it seriously! I have already clarified this matter in the newspaper!"

"Furthermore, long before your Jiang family had an accident, I and Yang family had already decided to kiss each other!"


Jiang Fan was stunned!

Qiu Mingyue's face sank even more!

"Father! I never promised this matter!"

"Uncle Qiu, this, this..."

Jiang Fan looked at a loss!

But there was a chill in my heart!

damn it!

Finally set it out!

Qiu Yuanshan, this bastard! It must have something to do with the destruction of the Jiang family!

Otherwise, there is no reason to be married to the Yang family before the Jiang family's accident!

"Xiaofan! You are a good boy. Don't worry. Although you have no marriage contract with my Qiu family, I will take good care of you in Los Angeles in the future!"

Qiu Yuanshan laughs meaningfully!

"By the way! Mingyue and Yang Qi's marriage, I plan to have it next month, so, in order to avoid suspicion, you should keep a distance from Mingyue in the future!"

Ha ha! Kid!

Do you think I really know nothing about what you did in Los Angeles?

But compared to me, you are still too tender!

Do you think that if I didn't get more benefits than the Jiang family, I would be married to the Yang family?

The Yang family, their family, has a secret that no one of them knows!

Otherwise, you thought, why did I ask Qiu Mingyue to contact you just now?

At the thought of this, Qiu Yuanshan suddenly became even more proud!

However, as soon as Qiu Yuanshan spoke out, Qiu Mingyue could no longer restrain himself, and directly squeezed his fists!

"Qiuyuanshan! You--"

Before Qiu Mingyue finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly patted the table!

"Uncle Qiu! How can you let Mingyue be a widow!"

"what did you say?"

Qiu Yuanshan suspected that there was a problem with his ears!

Jiang Fan's words, how do you say this without thinking?

Qiu Mingyue is even more stunned!

"It's like this, when I came just now, I happened to pass by the Yang family!"

"It looks like their house has been destroyed!"

Jiang Fan smiled very happily!

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