God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 341: Believe in China and get eternal life

"You, what do you want?"

Sparrow was stunned!

"I said, I want you, the compass!"

In the original book, the reason why the plot can unfold is entirely based on this thing!

Regardless of any treasure, as long as Jack Sparrow is staring at it, this compass will give the direction of that thing!

It can be said that in the entire Pirates of the Caribbean world, this thing is a well-deserved artifact!

Jiang Fan has received so many system orders, he understands some rules!

According to the value of this item, Jack Sparrow will never give himself such a valuable item this time!

So, I had to rip off!

"Your sister! You, you, you might as well have killed me!"

"Hero! Let's change the conditions! This is my heart!"

Sparrow was crying and pleading!

"I only want this!"

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Alright, Jiang Fan, I always don't like what is difficult for strong people, goodbye!"

Jiang Fan turned around and left!

At this moment, the group of pirates rushed up with a wild laugh!

"Hahaha! Sparrow! It really is you!"

"Brothers! Go! Catch Sparrow alive!"

"As long as you catch him, Captain Barbosa will definitely have a reward!"

A group of vicious pirates quickly rushed to the vicinity of Sparrow!

One of them even raised his axe high! Facing Sparrow, he chopped it down!

Just listen to the whistling of the wind, the power of this axe can definitely split him in half!

What the **** is going to be captured alive, this is simply mincing meat!

That's it!

Sparrow's heart is chilled!

At this moment!


A crisp sound!

That axe was broken by a fist!

It's Jiang Fan!


Sparrow was stunned!

"You kid, you really want money and don't die!"

Jiang Fan squeezed such a word from his teeth!

Forget it!

Can't really watch him die!

After all, I kind of like this shameless guy!

However, Sparrow was shocked!

He obviously didn't promise him, but he still came to save himself!

In the world of pirates, everyone is for profit!

There is no such thing as a righteous person!

However, Jiang Fan's appearance completely broke his worldview!

At this moment, he only felt that Jiang Fan was shining all over!

This, is this the chivalrous spirit of China?

That's great!

"Shuite! How dare to be nosy!"

"First kill this Chinese, and then catch Sparrow!"

The pirates are angry!

Directly, rush towards Jiang Fan!

"Hero! Be careful! They are not normal people!"

"Don't worry, it's just a bunch of trash fish!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

Punch and kick!


Almost for an instant, seven or eight pirates flew out directly!


"Is this Chinese Kungfu? It's so handsome!"

"It turns out that he is not only handsome! He is even more handsome!"

The crowd is excited!

but! At the next moment, everyone suddenly showed a look of horror!

As the cannonball that Jiang Fan blasted into the sky exploded, the surrounding dark clouds were gradually blown away, and a large swath of bright moonlight shone directly on the earth!

Those pirates who had just been sent flying by Jiang Fan, were shone by the moonlight, and turned into extremely scary skeletons!

"This, what is this?"

"Monster! It's a monster!"

"Oumai! It's terrible!"

"Run! Oh, these monsters must eat people!"

The crowd was like headless flies in a split second!

"Hero! What I just said was not a normal person, I was referring to this!"

"They are under the curse of Aztec gold coins, tireless and powerful, they are a group of immortal monsters!"

Seeing the strange laughter of a few skeletons, Sparrow's forehead was suddenly full of cold sweat!

"Hehehe! Sparrow is right!"

"Boy, your fists and kicks are indeed great! But we are immortal!"

"No matter how you fight, even if you burn us to ashes, we will never die!"

"This time, we have to chop you into minced meat!"

A group of pirates laughed ferociously, raised their weapons, and rushed directly to Jiang Fan!

"Not dead?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

These ghosts, ghosts, and weird things, no one else can do it, but for him, it's a piece of cake!


A wooden sword with a strange blood rune appeared directly in Jiang Fan's hand!

Blood Rune Peach Wood Sword!

"Meeting Lao Tzu, you are unlucky!"

Jiang Fan's face directly showed an expression that was even more hideous than the pirates!

Facing a pirate who rushed forward, straight and draw out with a sword!


A flash of red light!

The pirate suddenly let out a scream!

In the next moment, in the eyes of everyone's unbelievable, this pirate, directly turned into a handful of smoke and dust!

"Mom, damn!"

"He, he actually killed Cruise!"

"How is this possible? We are immortal!"

"It's horrible! What is the origin of this Chinese kid?"

"Could it be, the Chinese Taoist priest?"

The remaining pirates were scared and silly!

Looking at Jiang Fan with horror!

The crowd was even more shocked!

"It's too strong!"

"Scared the shells, beat the pirates, and killed the monsters! This, this is an all-rounder!"

"What else, is he not capable of it?"

"Stop talking! He now, even if he says he is God, I believe it!"

"Yes! Trust Huaxia, you will live forever!"

Facing Jiang Fan's back, the crowd bowed their heads and bowed!

It's almost like New Year's greetings!

Sparrow was even more shocked!

He is no longer a pure worship of Jiang Fan, he is simply admiration!

"If I can get the Black Pearl back, I must make a statue of the hero on the ship!"

Sparrow made up his mind directly!

At this moment, Jiang Fan also showed a weird expression!

Just because the system actually gave a hint!

"Ding! You killed a pirate and got a ‘cursed ancient Aztec gold coin’!"

This reward is okay!

Jiang Fan looked at the eyes of several pirates, for an instant, full of greed!

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Spare, spare your life!"

"Don't kill us! We are willing to serve you as the captain!"

"Yes, yes, yes! We know where Barbosa’s treasure is hidden! Just leave us, those things are all yours!"

A few pirates almost freaked out! Begging!


"In the next life, be a good person!"

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and the blood talisman peach wood sword burst out suddenly, a dazzling red glow!

"Swipe it!"

The sword light flashed by, and the remaining pirates howled miserably and exploded into pieces in an instant!

"Ding! You killed a pirate and got a ‘cursed ancient Aztec gold coin’!"

"Ding! You killed a pirate and got a ‘cursed ancient Aztec gold coin’!"

"Ding! You killed a pirate and got a ‘cursed ancient Aztec gold coin’!"

"Ding! You killed a pirate and got..."

The prompt sound of the system is like swiping the screen!


Jiang Fan laughed wildly and looked directly at another group of pirates not far away!

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